Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 136:08:10
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Beyond Well With Sheila Hamilton is a podcast for people who just want to feel better. Each week, we dive into a different aspect of emotional health with our co-hosts, Dr. Jenna LeJeune and Dr. Brian Goff, along with authors, artists, and people with lived experience.


  • Ep. 35/ Ken Cervera, A Brush With Death Informed My Life

    09/09/2019 Duração: 23min

    Ken Cervera's openness, his honesty and his path to wellness have all been informed by an immensely isolating period in his late twenties when he attempted to end his life. Ken drove his motorcycle through a Los Angeles intersection straight into an oncoming vehicle. Miraculously, both drivers escaped harm.  It is Suicide Prevention Week and we believe suicide attempt survivors can be extremely helpful in understanding the suicide epidemic, the mindset of suicidal ideation, and why relationship-centered and evidence-based treatment is essential to recovery.  Ken Cervera is the host of Own Your Truth Podcast, a personal coach, and the Director of Wellness for Mind Health Institute, Pasadena.

  • Ep. 34/ Edan Armas: The Emotional Survival Kit for College

    02/09/2019 Duração: 16min

    Edan Armas is an award-winning Spoken Word Artist and Poet and graduate of Stanford University. Armas was the 2019 Baccalaureate student speaker, and an outspoken voice on the topic of student mental Health. Edan’s undergraduate career focused on how emotion manifests in the body, mind and the  collective consciousness.  Edan encourages students to embrace both the tribulations and triumphs of the college experience, noting that the process of adulting is difficult—even painful, and how vulnerability became his superpower.

  • Ep. 33/ Musician, Artist, Activist Logan Lynn: It's Not What's Wrong With You.

    26/08/2019 Duração: 31min

    Logan Lynn is a musician, writer, producer, filmmaker, TV personality and LGBT activist. Since 1998, Logan has released nine studio albums and is the former host of Logo's "NewNowNextMusic." But, in the midst of his success, Lynn relied on self-medicating with drugs and alcohol as a response to years of childhood sexual abuse at the hands of a trusted family friend. It wasn't until a therapist asked Lynn, "What happened to you?" that Logan was able to deconstruct his own history of trauma. In this intimate interview, Lynn talks about his own unique path to recovery, why medical marijuana is part of his treatment plan, and how he consciously chooses life every day.

  • Ep. 32/ Talk With The Doctors: Do I Need Therapy?

    19/08/2019 Duração: 22min

    We hire personal trainers to help us get in shape, tutors for difficult subjects, and music instructors to learn to master musical instruments.  So, why are people reluctant to hire a therapist, a person trained to help people better manage their minds? In this episode, Jenna, Sheila and Brian talk about how therapy works and what really goes on in therapeutic sessions.

  • Ep. 31/ Sharma Shields: Embracing your Darkest Story

    12/08/2019 Duração: 35min

    Sharma Shields wants us all to get real about the things we've done, the mistakes we've made, and the people we are hoping to become. Her writing, including her highly acclaimed novels, The Sasquatch Hunter's Almanac, and the Cassandra, along with her award-winning short story collection, challenges readers to confront the most awful aspects of our society--sexual abuse, poverty, crimes against children, bullying, and environmental injustice.  But, Sharma is equally as open with her own life story, including alcoholism and living with multiple sclerosis. Sitting down with her was sheer joy, complete honesty, and a loving openness. How can we be both things? Both dark and light? Listen in:

  • Ep. 30/ Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!

    05/08/2019 Duração: 24min

    Is it the sex itself, or something about sexual activity that is so good for our happiness? You might argue that people who are happier are more likely to have sex more often because they’re in a good relationship and are satisfied with it.  But, why do so many couples get hung up on frequency and type of sex? And how do we begin to communicate our needs honestly, without hurting our partners? Dr. Jenna LeJeune and Dr. Brian Goff talk about the positive emotional aspects of sex, disagree on porn, and get real on what good sex is all about. 

  • Ep. 29/ Chat with Dr. Jenna Lejeune and Dr. Brian Goff About Anxiety

    29/07/2019 Duração: 27min

    In this episode, Dr. Jenna LeJeune and Dr Brian Goff go deeper into some of the strategies they use with clients in recognizing, accepting and working with anxiety in order to continue to lead productive lives. Dr. LeJeune and Dr. Goff both practice Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), a unique empirically based psychological intervention that uses acceptance and mindfulness strategies, together with commitment and behavior change strategies, to increase psychological flexibility. Psychological flexibility means contacting the present moment fully as a conscious human being, and based on what the situation affords, changing or persisting in behavior in the service of chosen values.

  • Ep. 28/ Executive Chef/Restauranteur John Gorham on Building A Culture of Wellness

    26/07/2019 Duração: 26min

      Long before the death of Anthony Bourdain, Restauranteur John Gorham was addressing the issue of mental health in the kitchen. Restaurant workers have the highest rate of illicit drug use and the second-highest rate of suicide. In this episode, John talks with the Beyond Well team about the structural changes he's made to address anxiety, depression and drug use in restaurant workers. "Anthony's suicide was brutal on our industry," John says, "Because he had it all. He had the dream. He had it all. So if life wasn't good enough for him, how could it possibly be good enough for others who don't have his skills?"  John Gorham is Executive Chef/Owner of iconic Portland restaurants Toro Bravo, Tasty n Daughters, Tasty n Alder, PLAZA DEL TORO and co-owner of Mediterranean Exploration Company, Shalom Y'all, and Bless Your Heart Burgers. Gorham believes that a chef’s cuisine and style is influenced by a trade route composed of travels, past work and cities lived in. 

  • Ep.26-Haley Johnsen, Singer-Songwriter

    22/07/2019 Duração: 34min

    Haley Johnsen is a singer-songwriter best characterized by her powerhouse vocals and unique lyrical perspective. Drawing inspiration from acts like Bonnie Raitt, Grace Potter, and Brandi Carlile, Haley sings with a soulful determination. Her songwriting speaks to common themes of loneliness, self-doubt and self-criticism. We talk to Haley about how she copes as a performer despite battling anxiety.  During 2017 and 2018, Haley toured as an opener for Sawyer Fredericks and as lead support for The Wind and The Wave all across the United States. She recently released her first full studio album and LP Golden Days now available everywhere. Haley talks with the Beyond Well Team about doing what she loves despite anxiety and self-doubt. 

  • Ep.25- Ari Mathae and their dad, Paul.

    15/07/2019 Duração: 30min

    From Ari Mathae: "As I've come out, first as pansexual a couple of years ago and recently as nonbinary, I've had a lot of conversations with my friends and family and coworkers about gender and identity. For me, being nonbinary allows me to make my own rules for how I move within the world and form my own idea of feminine and masculine. But I still struggle frequently with redirecting my mind when I worry about fitting in or not fitting in enough with our culture's binary expectations." This episode is with Ari and their dad, Paul, talking about gender expectations, masculinity, and the role of the evangelical church in shaping gender expectations. 

  • Ep. 24-Drew Holguin, Open School: Dealing in Hope

    08/07/2019 Duração: 27min

    Drew Holguin was born in a predominantly black neighborhood to mixed-race family. "I was too white in my neighborhood, but not white enough at the white dominant schools I attended. Regardless of where I was, I wasn't accepted." Holguin began delivering drugs as a way of getting attention and friends.   Holguin is one of 3.45 million kids in this country who are suspended or expelled from public school, with few options for what comes next. Open School is an innovative education program for students like Drew, who needed something different than a traditional school. Open School knows which kids are most likely to drop out. Educators interested in the whole person find those students and surround them with what they need to graduate and get ahead; rigorous academics, teachers who believe in them, and a whole lot of relentless love and support.  In this conversation, Drew talks about how emotional skill-building helped him create a healthy relationship, earn his Master's degree in Social Work, and return as a

  • Ep. 23-Liz Scott, Emotional and Narcissistic Abuse

    01/07/2019 Duração: 26min

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder or NPD is a condition characterized by an overwhelming need for attention and admiration, a heightened sense of self-importance, and a lack of empathy toward others. It is difficult enough to encounter a partner or business associate with NPD, but Liz Scott grew up with narcissists as parents. Like an archaeological dig, Liz Scott’s memoir This Never Happened goes in search of the answers to the mysteries of her family. In her relentless quest to uncover the truth, she mines photographs and letters, leaving no one, including herself, unexamined.  In the end, Liz's struggle clears decades of familial pain to make room for compassion.

  • Ep.22-Storm Large, Follow the Yes

    24/06/2019 Duração: 54min

    Storm Large: musician, actor, playwright, author, awesome. She shot to national prominence in 2006 as a finalist on the CBS show Rock Star: Supernova, where despite having been eliminated in the week before the finale, Storm built a fan base that follows her around the world to this day. Storm joins us to talk about growing up with a severely mentally disturbed mother and the message she received from her mother's doctor, "Oh yeah, you will absolutely end up like your Mother. It's hereditary." But, this conversation is not about Storm's efforts to outrun a diagnosis, it's an artist's journey back to herself. Storm's autobiographical musical memoir, Crazy Enough, played to packed houses in 2009 during its unprecedented 21-week sold-out run in Portland. She's back for the ten-year reunion stronger, wiser, and larger in spirit than ever before. (Don't miss the after the show conversation about cancel culture and what really goes on in therapy.)

  • Ep.21-Skye Fitgerald, Avoiding Compassion Fatigue

    17/06/2019 Duração: 27min

    Skye Fitzgerald is an Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker whose work on issues of social justice takes him to the epicenters of suffering. We talk with Skye about how he maintains his sense of self while covering brutally difficult topics.  Skye's most recent film, Lifeboat, forced this choice: "When you see someone drowning after falling or being pushed from a boat filled with refugees, do you get the shot or do you pull someone to safety? I put down the camera and grabbed people from the water. It was the decision I made so that I could live with myself." 

  • Ep.20-Nyna Giles, Psychological Suffering Doesn't Discriminate

    09/06/2019 Duração: 28min

         Today’s show with Nyna Giles exposes the good and bad news about psychological suffering. Let’s start with the bad news first… Psychological suffering doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t care who you are, how wealthy your friends are, how beautiful you are, or what circles you run it. Psychological suffering can and will affect us all. Of course, privileges give certain people access to resources that may help those people cope more effectively with the suffering life deals them, but the suffering will happen all the same.   Nyna’s mother had all the trappings of the “perfect” life: she transcended her humble beginnings to become one of the “beautiful people,” hobnobbing with the rich and famous, including Grace Kelly, who she counted as her closest friend. And yet, psychological suffering, this time in the form of psychosis, came crashing down on that beautiful picture. As her mother’s world shrank, Nyna did what any child would do; she tried her very best to “save” her mom. But, of course, even our best a

  • Ep.19 -Robyn Cruze, Making Peace With Your Plate

    03/06/2019 Duração: 31min

    Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness. Without proper treatment, binge-eating disorder and bulimia can also bring misery and death. Robyn Cruz struggled with food throughout much of her adolescent and adult life, most notably, an eating disorder that crippled her spirit. Now, Robyn is traveling the country with her husband and two daughters, determined to raise awareness about the deadly nature of eating disorders and the long journey she traveled to make peace with her body, her food, and herself.  A well-known published author, public speaker and coach, Robyn Cruze, MA, is Eating Recovery Center’s National Recovery Advocate. Robyn participates in national media events and conferences exclusively for Eating Recovery Center and its Partner Programs. She also serves as a crucial source of support and knowledge to alumni, families and professionals on behalf of Eating Recovery Center and the Eating Recovery Center Foundation. 

  • Ep.18-Sophia Shalmiyev, The Making of An American Feminist

    26/05/2019 Duração: 33min

    Sophia Shalmiyev was eleven when she immigrated to New York City from Leningrad, motherless, displaced, and terrified. Shalmiyev is clear-eyed and unsentimental about the trauma and poverty she endured as a child and how it shaped the woman she is today as a feminist, artist, and mother. Shalmiyev is fiery and unapologetic in her views of what it takes to raise a feminist son. Her opinion of her newly adopted country is equally as compelling.  "I love America," she says, "It's broken, like me."  Shalmiyev is the author of Mother Winter, an MFA graduate of Portland State University, and a visual artist. She lives with her two children in Portland, Oregon. 

  • Ep.17-Anna Debenham, You are Not Broken

    19/05/2019 Duração: 39min

      Anna Debenham is the founder of the Insight Alliance, an organization that works with men and women in prison and in the community sharing two simple, but profoundly life-changing ideas: We have everything we need inside ourselves to lead a good life Our experience of life is being created moment to moment from the insight out by our thoughts. At the heart of much of our suffering is our experience of life as something that is happening to us, rather than moving through us. As Anna puts it “We are feeling our thinking, not feeling the world around us.” Our minds create a virtual reality of the world that is so convincing that we usually can’t tell the difference between the world and the world as experienced through our thoughts. And it’s that world as experienced through thoughts that we become beholden to and, in that, lose the freedom to choose our path.  

  • Ep. 16- Laurel Braitman/Learning Empathy Through Writing

    13/05/2019 Duração: 28min

    For the last few years, Laurel Braitman, has been teaching writing and communications skills to medical students and doctors at Stanford University, helping healthcare professionals connect more meaningfully with their patients, their peers, and themselves. Nearly 30% of American medical students are depressed and one in ten have thoughts about suicide. Practicing physicians are even worse off with some of the highest suicide rates in the nation. It's how we learn to communicate with one another that matters most. The most important thing we can do in the time we have here is connect with other people  and ideally, make them feel less alone. Laurel also studies we can learn from the emotional lives of non-human animals, including her New York Times bestselling book, Animal Madness: How Anxious Dogs, Compulsive Parrots, and Elephants in Recovery Help Us Understand Ourselves helped us see how we can learn a lot from our non-human animal counterparts.  

  • EP.15-Singer-Songwriter Nate Botsford: Music as Therapy

    06/05/2019 Duração: 27min

    Nate Botsford says he grew up with mental illness in his home, unable to comprehend until much later who much it shaped who he is as a singer/songwriter. Nate began writing music at the age of thirteen and recognized how much of his songwriting was influenced by the dysfunction of growing up in a household where depression, sadness, and malaise was part of the norm. Today, Nate writes directly to the source of the negative voices he hears in his head. Listen in to the extraordinary sound and artistry of Nate Botsford.  

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