Angie Corbett-kuiper

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Angie Corbett-Kuiper is described as a pioneer in the field of transforming the way in which we view death. She incorporates science, medicine, metaphysics, and spirituality to talk about a subject that until now has been taboo. She shares from a place of significant loss that death is a part of life and not separate from it. It's here where peace and gratitude can be found. Present moment awareness and the stillness from within will create the proof needed that our loved ones have never left and that our bodies are merely shells of our soul.


  • From Solitary Confinement to Enlightenment...One Man's Journey


    Please join Angie and her guest, Devon Loomis as they delve into Devon's life as a drug dealer selling drugs on the streets, ending up in solitary confinement to having the most amazing Near Death Experience (NDE) which changed his life, passion, and purpose. Listen in as Devon shares how he became truly fearless to the process of death as it became a normal aspect of everyday life. Fortunately, this later helped him to process his near-death experience and explore out-of-body episodes that would randomly present themselves. Devon shares from the depths of his being that after a conscious shift while in the solitary confinement cell of a correctional facility, he turned towards a path of spirituality and awakening. This led him to explore the deeper levels of life, including past life regressions, inducing out-of-body experiences and psychic or intuitive training. Devon, now known as The Relationship Coach, uses what he has learned and applies it to helping people find and navigate the highest romantic re

  • Intuition 101


    Join Angie and her guest, Candice Thomas as they delve into intuition. What is it? How do we use it? Is it reserved for certain people?

  • The power of a broken heart...Finding strength and joy through loss.


    "My loved ones knew they were dying, and all three of them told me. When Heather said, "Mommy, I'm going to die this year," I heard, but I didnt' listen. when Holly jotted her note on the way toward her transplant surgery, when she told us she'd be fine with her sister, her granmother, and God, I heard. But I didn't listen. And when Tim, her husband said, "I'm getting ready to blow my brains," I heard yet didn't believe it. I am so honored and humbled to have my guest, Terry Jones-Brady on my show. Terry is the Nautilus Book Award Winner for her book, "A Mosaic Heart...Reshaping the Shards of a Shattered Life." She is a wife, a mother, an educator, an actess, and a strong and deeply spiritual person. Terryis real, authentic, and as heart breaking as her story is, she shares that through her experiences she found transformation and the opportunities that suffering offers for newfound wisdom and spritiual growth if we allow. Listen in as she shares the signs and symbols as to why she chose to embellish her

  • Acupuncture 101...What it is and how it works.


    Have you heard of acupuncture but not sure what it is and how it works? Do you find yourself living in the emotions of hatred? Jealousy? Anger? Resentments? Grief? Judgment? All of these emotions wreak havoc on our minds and bodies, a playground for diseases to fester, grow, and kill. Love is light; fear is dark. In love, we thrive. In despair, we die marinating in the deepest and darkest of emotional bondage. Acupuncture begins to clear these dark energies, allowing us to create a more balanced and more rewarding and uplifting life if we choose. Join Angie and her guest, and personal Acupuncturist of more than ten years, Dr. Ray Mazon. Dr. Ray is a certified Doctor of Oriental Medicine (DOM). Listen in to this educational program as they delve into the healing properties of Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medicine that has been in practice for thousands of years. Do you have frequent headaches, lower back pain, depression, or anxiety? Usually, when a physical ailment presents on or in our body, it is

  • Ordinary People having Extraordinary Experiences.


    Join me today as I share the experiences of people from all over the world who have had unexplainable and extraordinary experiences as they pertain to their loved ones who have died. It's up to us to decide whether we want to believe these people or just label it all wishful thinking and sheer coincidence. I've chosen to believe these people when they share their stories, and most will preface their story with, "Shhhhhhh, Angie. Please don't tell anyone. "People are going to think I'm weird. People won't believe me." Most of us have had unexplainable and extraordinary messages from our loved ones, whether through signs, symbols, numbers, coins, etc. yet because we are afraid of what others will think of us, or say to us, we keep our experiences silent. Candice Thomas, a renowned Medium, says it perfectly, "Do not listen to people who try and talk you out of your blessings." Do we close our minds to the possibility of something else going on here? Could it be an awakening to something much more significant



    Have you had a profound mediumistic experience and not sure if it is real or imagined? And do you wonder whether you are receiving a real sign from your loved one or that it might just be a mere coincidence? During this show, pulled from the vaults, Candice will share why she doesn't believe in coincidences and says, "Do not listen to people who try and talk you out of your blessings." Join Angie and Candice as they delve into the magical and mystical world of Mediumship. Candice defines the different communication styles our loved ones use to get our attention and how our loved ones want to communicate with us and not because they're stuck but because they want to remind us every day how much they love us and have our backs. Candice will share that everyone possesses the ability to connect with their loved ones if they choose and she shares why most won't. This show promises to answer your deep questions surrounding a somewhat taboo subject and hopes to dispell some of the myths of Mediumship, and it's

  • April showers bring May flowers...What death teaches us about life.


    I hope you will join me as I share how the month of April can just plain suck if allowed and how I chooseto navigate these significant dates when they creep up. This show promises to be a very raw and real episode as I take you with me on an intimateroller coaster ride as I share how I continue to navigate death and more importantly, what death has taught me about life and living. April 1, 2015, the news was made public that my 20-year-old son, Nicholas, took his life at the base of the Sandia Mountains in Albuquerque, NM. April 11th, 2015 the "Celebration of Life" service in honor of Nick. April 16th, 2016wedding day to my fiance of 5 years to Johannes Jacob Kuiper. April 18th, 2106Johanne's 50th Birthday April 25th, 2016 the day I received the phone call telling me my husband of only one week took his life in our Dallas Apt. Have you lost someone significant? How are you choosing to navigate each of these days and dates when they approach each year? Is it possible to bow in love, compassion, and to b

  • Learning Their language: New ways to communicate with our loved ones.


    After the deaths of my son and husband, I found a new way to communicate with both Nick and Jan. In this episode I will share from my personal experience the first time I realized that both Nick and Jan were speaking to me, and how I recognized it was them. I almost missed it. I will provide evidencethat has worked for me, that has proven to me that my loved ones are never gone they're just hidden from view. Our loved ones try to connect with us in so many different ways, and we miss these opportunities, these sometimes little moments when we are either lamenting the past or worrying about the future. This show is for those who have lost loved ones and wish for any sign or a symbol that may offer comfort and hope. When we label our experiences, we lose its meaning. Is it possible to allow ourselves to appreciate the sentiments and memories that sometimes just present to us? Those moments we can smile through the tears of a life remembered instead of the moment of death mourned? Can we be grateful for what we

  • When a child dies, a parent looks everywhere... until they're found.


    Only when one loses a child does one do anything and everything to turn the world upside down to make sure they are safe and sound. When Joe and Angie lost their sons, they found a new world, one which not only includes their lost loved ones but their new normal has lead down a path of self-discovery and significant healing. We all have this ability if we allow, but more importantly if we choose. Join Joe McQuillen, Author of "My Search for Christopher...On the other side," and me as we discuss our son's, Christopher and Nicholas's life and death, and how we, as parents have found comfort in places that we both never knew existed until their death. On this episode, Joe will take us on an emotional roller coaster ride sharing messages from his son, Chris who died too young or according to Chris, at just the right time. Listen to his beautiful and touching story filled with grief and heartache, with just a touch of humor in all the right places. His story will illuminate your path to healing after a tragic l

  • Murder to Miracles: 2 Brothers. A Pearson Project


    Listen in as Kena and Kodi, twin sisters, found a way to turn their hurt and pain into healing. These sister's lives took a turn for the worst when their Father and Uncle both were brutally murdered. Kena and Kodi share stories of their Father and Uncle, what happened and the steps they have taken to move forward from the devastating loss due to murder to creating miracles and bringing awareness and healing to others. They open up about their non-profit organization 2 Brothers: A Pearson Project

  • Murder to Miracles: 2 Brothers. A Pearson Project


    Listen in as Kena and Kodi, twin sisters, found a way to turn their hurt and pain into healing. These sister's lives took a turn for the worst when their Father and Uncle both were brutally murdered. Kena and Kodi share stories of their Father and Uncle, what happened and the steps they have taken to move forward from the devastating loss due to murder to creating miracles and bringing awareness and healing to others. They open up about their non-profit organization 2 Brothers: A Pearson Project

  • From Grief to Grateful. Choosing to follow the breadcrumbs


    I invite you to join me as I discuss the personal steps I took to move from the debilitating and paralyzing pain of loss to one which includes joy and hope. It has not been easy. There are days I still find myself curled up in the fetal position unable to move missing the physical presence of my loved ones. These days, however, are far and few betweennow. Creating a new way in which I include both Nicholas and Jan in my life has been so much more rewarding than keeping them buried in pain, grief, sorrow, and heartache when it is unnecessary, but like everything in this a choice. I will share with you my journey hoping to offer guidance on what I have done to create more days of laughter than tears. Death forces us to sit still. Death forces us to feel. Death forces us to be uncomfortable. Up until now, we have been able to avoid "feeling" with a magic pill, liquid, or potion. Those who wish for a magic pill or magic answer will be disappointed because there is none. I hope you join me as I share

  • Miracles in Meditation with Jason Stephenson


    Join my guest, Jason Stephenson and me for a delightful, positive and fun show as we discuss meditation, hypnosis, and its healing powers. This one single man, all the way from Australia, discusses his passion and purpose which has lead to profound healing and growth for so many. Tune in as Jason takes us on a magical journey of light and healing through the power ofsound and will lead us in a visualization exercise. Join us as we dispell the myths of hypnosis and meditation. If you are fearful of hypnosis and meditation because you've been taught that they are wrong, voodoo, woo-woo, or against your religious beliefs, you may be limiting yourself to the one thing that may provide radical healing. We will delve into the auditory magic of sound with this beautiful man who continues to give back to the world by releasing over 150 meditation and relaxation music albums on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify to help children, teens and adults believe in themselves and live more fully in the moment. I will sh

  • A magical evening with evidenced-based Medium James Van Praagh


    Happy New Year to you all! Join Angie today as she shares her new brand Beyond Proof, Beyond Proof Radio, and She is living by example; it is possible to redefine death and loss into something much more positive, rewarding and uplifting. During this episode, Angie will share her magical evening with James Van Praagh, who is recognized as the most accurate evidenced-based Medium in the world today and who has been practicing Mediumship for almost 30 years. Listen in to Angie'spersonalexperience of the signs, symbols, and messages from beyond which continue to provide such healing and comfort after the suicide deaths of her son Nicholas (Nick) and husband Johannes (Jan). James provides messages from beyond proving not only to her but all of us that our loved ones are doing fine, still very much right here and wish to be a part of our lives. We invite you to join us for this special and magical episode where Both Nick and Jan presented in ways Angie would have never imagined. This one evening re

  • Connecting Two Worlds


    Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you all! Holidays can be difficult when we've lost loved ones, but they don't have to be! During this very special show, I share with my Listener's my introduction to Mediumship, a glimpse of the other side, and the proof needed to believe in a life after death. My wish is to offer hope by sharing this part of my journey. This one phone call from my dear friend Tracy Small and my willingness to keep an open mind have lead me to the greatest peace and joy I've experienced to date. A knowingness that there is no death and living a more joyful life both because as well as in spite of it. Please join me and my guests, Tracy Small, my son, Nick, in spirit, and Candice Thomas, renowned Medium for our show, "Connecting Two Worlds," which proves that love can pierce any veil if we allow and not everything that is real can be seen.

  • Still Right Here with Suzanne Giesemann


    One of the greatest balms for grief is hope and Suzanne takes us further beyond hope to knowing that our loved ones who have passed, live on. Suzannes gift of communication with the spirit realms brings stunning evidence of life after death. Her messages bring love and healing to all.

  • A Soul's Journey After Suicide with Dr. Joe Gallenberger - Part II


    Part II - Continued from November 21st. When his beloved brother Peter committed suicide, psychotherapist Joe Gallenberger met his grief with courage, and open-minded curiosity. Using tools learned at The Monroe Institute (TMI), and affirming that love can pierce any veil, he was soon able to contact Peter on the other side.

  • Left behind...When a loved one takes their life. Part I


    Join Dr. Joseph Gallenberger and me in Part I of a two-part series as we explore the taboo subject of suicide and the overwhelming grief, anger, and guilt our loved ones leave in the wake of their choice not only for those left behind but the despair for the individual as well. Meet Peter, Joe's brother, and his best friend. Joe discusses in intimate detail their relationship. Their love, their struggles.Peter's suicide. We will discuss the stigmas associated with suicide. Lovingly, Joe offers a complete antidote to the belief that suicide (or anyone) is punished for eternity. Listen in as Joe, and I take our listeners on a journeymost are afraid to explore. Author of Heaven is for Healing; Joe is a clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience as a therapist. Joespecializes in psychokinesis(PK), the ability to influence matter - using the energy of directed consciousness. We will delve into all of the tools and resources in Part II of our series which will showcase his work which has allowed him to move

  • Near Death Experience Research: Evidence to support that our spirits survive physical death.


    Join me and my guests, Dr. Raymond Moody, and Lisa Smartt. Dr. Moody coined the term Near Death Experience and The New York Times calls him, "The Father of the Near Death Experience (NDE)". Dr. Moody is THE leading expert into researching NDE. Dr. Moody is the best-selling author of Life after life with over 13 million copies sold, and Glimpses of Eternity.Dr. Moody discusses his search for the ageless question of whether death is an annihilation of consciousness or the passage of the soulor mind into another dimension of reality. After 75 years he is CONVINCED...of what? Find out! Lisa Smartt, author of Words at the threshold and founder of The Final Words Project shares her investigation into the language of those who are preparing to transition into their next life where there are no earthly words to describe. her father, a skeptical and rational man described seeing angels, spoke in poetic and metaphoric language. Through years of research and interviews of thousands of people, worldwide, there is proof

  • Past Life Regression: Sometimes in order to move forward it is necessary to acknowledge and heal our past life.


    Listen in as Barbara Snowden shares how Past Life Regression Therapy can heal anything from present-day fears, phobias, relationship issues and medical conditions that are affecting our lives today. Listen in as Barbara Snowden, Past Life Regression Therapist shares true stories of the miracles this type of therapy can offer. An expert in her field, Barbara Snowden shares stories of mended relationships, both in this life, and the afterlife, modifying negative behaviors which may have their roots embedded from thousands of years ago yet affecting our lives today.

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