Dr Nick Hawkes has two degrees in science and two in theology. He is is the author of a number of books including "The Bible on the Key Issues of Life" and "Evidence of God."Nick is also a broadcaster, writing and recording 'Thoughts for the Day" for radio (Life FM 107.9; Inspire Digital; and Vision Radio). He blogs at
Political correctness and politics
02/07/2018 Duração: 18minNot giving offence by our language is an inherently good and godly thing. But when cries for political correctness go hand in hand with identity politics, political correctness can stop being a mark of politeness... and become a tool of oppression. How are ideologues using language today to re-engineer society and pull it away from God's principles?
Truth and heritage
18/06/2018 Duração: 07minNo civil civilisation can thrive without being grounded in truth. Today, Western civilisation risks losing its confidence in truth -- a truth grounded in its Christian heritage -- and so risks losing its civility and hope.
05/06/2018 Duração: 06minFulfilment, a the world popularly defines it, is not all that it is cracked up to be. To reach the top and still have no idea about who you are, how sacred you are, and what you purpose is means you have not succeeded at all. You are simply a temporary user of the world's resources. But to fulfil your purpose in God... that is entirely different.