Higher Aim With Dr. Curt Dodd
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 115:51:34
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Biblical teaching by Dr. Curt Dodd
The 10 B's of Godly Living - Part 1
18/06/2023 Duração: 31minIn 1 Peter chapter 4, Simon Peter lists what I could call the ten b’s of godly living. So over the next few weeks, we are going to be breaking down these ten b’s and looking at how we can live a godly life according to Peter’s words in his first epistle. Let’s dive in!
When Is It Right To Resist
11/06/2023 Duração: 42minToday, we’re going to be answering the question, “When is it right to resist?” Because we are men and women who love the Lord and love His Word, we are to design our lives and our behavior to align with the Word of God. And sometimes that might require that we resist the world and what it says for the sake of our faith and our beliefs. In order for us to understand resistance, we need to understand what the Bible describes. Let me give you several biblical examples of civil disobedience. I am not sharing this with you to get a crowd together to resist the government or to resist some individual. I want to give you some principles that you can use to guide your life.
A Call to Submission
04/06/2023 Duração: 40minWhen it comes to the issue of submission, we have battled with that since the Garden, and we still battle with it today. It is not a topic that is easy to preach about or teach about, but it’s one worth teaching and preaching about because we are commanded to submit in God’s Word. In this message, we are going to look at several principles regarding submission in order to gain a better understanding of what is required of us when we are told to submit, and as we do, we’ll see how living a life of submission to Christ is always in our best interest.
A Call To Jesus and His Church - Part 2
28/05/2023 Duração: 38minAs we are in the study of 1 Peter, we are answering the call, and that call is to Jesus and His church. We all need Jesus. And we need Him more and more every single day. Additionally, we also need the body of Christ. We need people in our lives who invest in us. We need the body of Christ to use their spiritual gifts to encourage us, help us, pray for us, and be there for us. So with this in mind, we’re going to continue our conversation from last week on the way we answer the call to Jesus and His church.
A Call To Jesus and the Church - Part 1
21/05/2023 Duração: 38minI don't know when you first felt the tug of the Spirit of God in your heart that drew you to Christ. I don't know how old you were when the light went on in your mind and in your soul that you were a sinner, and you desperately needed Jesus. If you have answered the call, and you have turned from your sin and placed your faith in Jesus, you are to continue answering that call. It is not just a one-time experience; salvation is a one-time experience that continues on. The lifestyle of continuing in the process of listening to Jesus, responding to Him, and allowing your life to be totally entwined with Him is an ongoing experience. So as we look at today’s key passage, Peter is going to give us guidelines on how we can continue to answer the call.
A Call To the Bible
14/05/2023 Duração: 42minWe need to come to an understanding as to why we are called to the Bible. As we look at today’s key passage, we are going to see that Simon Peter and God's Spirit are calling us to the Bible. Therefore, we need to know why we stand on the Bible. After all, without the Bible, we are just a social gathering. We are just here to encourage one another, rather than grow closer to the Lord. His Word is very powerful, and therefore we can confidently stand on it and root our faith in what it says.
A Call To Holiness
07/05/2023 Duração: 39minEven though Peter might be one of the most “famous” people in the Bible, he was the furthest thing from a goody-two-shoes. In fact, he was probably considered to be a pretty unlikely choice to be one of Jesus’ disciples. Nevertheless, Jesus chose him. After Peter began to follow Christ, he learned what it meant to be a disciple. He wasn't perfect. In fact, God chose a very imperfect man to lead the first megachurch that ever existed on this planet. After all, Peter was the very man who denied Jesus three times. He even used profanity to deny him the last time! After he repented, God used him to bring thousands of people to faith in Christ. Slowly but surely, this man moved toward purity and holiness. The man who was once full of himself learned to be humble. He could take a rebuke and still keep on following Christ. Years later, this very same man is calling (through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit) for us to live differently from the evil culture in which we exist. So right now, we’re going to take a look
The Birth Of An Awakening
30/04/2023 Duração: 39minWe have been spiritually bankrupt for decades in this country. Instead of the work and movement of the Spirit of God, we have installed organizational strategies and packed our calendars to substitute for the hunger and longing for a fresh movement of God. I want to see an awakening happen. I don't want to end my ministry without seeing the Spirit of God move across our generation once more. I was fortunate to experience that in my student years. I saw just a sprinkling of the power and movement of the Spirit of God. It ignited a passion in my heart to want to be part of that. With this in mind, I want to give you some key characteristics about how great awakenings of God happen. This will help you to discern and understand how the Spirit of God moves.
A Call To Hope
23/04/2023 Duração: 31minHope is the belief that circumstances will get better. It's not a wish for things to get better -- it's the actual belief, the knowledge that things will get better, no matter how big or small. Today’s key passage from 1 Peter 1 is a call to experience that kind of hope. God wants all of His children to live in hope. He does not want you to live hopelessly in this world. The poorest person is not he or she without a dollar; it is the person who is living without hope. I pray that as we go through this content together, you would get engaged with the hope that God has for you and live a rich, hope- filled life.
A Call From Peter
16/04/2023 Duração: 41minThe book of 1 Peter was written to believers who were facing persecution. And it’s important for us to understand this particular book of the Bible because as time goes on, we as Christians will face more and more persecution and opposition for what we believe. The Scripture that we will be studying will shake your heart, and help you understand what God has for you in the days to come. As believers, we could experience more and more persecution, as the Second Coming of Jesus approaches. Therefore it is absolutely vital that we take this Scripture and use it to prepare our hearts for what could be coming down the road.
The Gifts of Easter
09/04/2023 Duração: 34minAs we celebrate Easter, I want to take the time to point out the many gifts that are available to us as Jesus-followers because of Easter. There are five gifts of Easter that we’re going to look at specifically, and I pray that you’ll be able to receive each of these this Easter season.
The Path To Powerful Prayer - Part 2
02/04/2023 Duração: 35minDo you believe God answers prayer? Maybe that’s an easy question. Of course He answers them. However, the difficult part about answering that question is that, sometimes, the answer we get is not the answer we want. Sometimes, the answer is “No.” By the way, “No” is an answer. Just because God doesn't give you what you want in the time that you want, it doesn't mean that He doesn't answer prayer. He does! Sometimes, the answer is “Wait, not yet.” Either the situation is not right, you are not right, or the timing is out of line with His perfect will. Therefore, “Wait” is an answer. And then, of course, “Yes” is an answer! When everything lines up – you, the situation, God's will, and the request – and the answer is “Yes,” then go. We need to remember that God answers prayer. With this in mind, there are several principles in play to help us find the path toward powerful praying. We began looking at that concept last week. Today, we will continue this same study in James chapter five.
The Path to Powerful Prayer - Part 1
26/03/2023 Duração: 40minOver the next couple of weeks, we are going to look at the path to powerful prayer. Specifically, we’re going to hone in on one specific phrase from our key Scripture passage in James that says, “the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Maybe you’re wondering what that statement means or how that applies to your own walk with Jesus. Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to look at in this mini-series.
How To Defeat Depression In Your Life
19/03/2023 Duração: 44minAs we read about Elijah in today’s key passage, we see a man of God who was used by God in an unbelievable manner. He did miracles, but now he is going through depression. He was a man of God who was used by God, yet he was suffering from depression. If God can use a depressed man, don’t you think He can also use you? Don't discount anyone just because they may struggle with emotional or mental problems. Those are the kinds of people God uses. In this message, we are going to learn from Elijah’s example and see exactly how we can defeat depression in our lives and fulfill the calling God has given us despite our struggles.
Can You Really Sense The Holy Spirit?
12/03/2023 Duração: 45minAs believers, it is important for us to know what the Word of God says. And in addition to our knowledge, we must be very sensitive to the work of the Holy Spirit inside of our hearts and lives. When we do this, we will know how to respond to Him when He speaks. As a believer, if you are just living your Christian life based on what you know, that's a good place to start, but it is not a good place to stop! God wants you to be in the flow of His Spirit. God wants to speak to you. In this message, we are going to look at several different Scripture verses that will give you a good handle on sensing the Holy Spirit. You will realize that the words speak of Him as a person. He is not an “it!” He is not a “thing!” He is the third person of the Trinity!
The Great Confrontation
05/03/2023 Duração: 47minThere are some questions you get asked that are watershed moments in every relationship. You always want to be a truth teller, but sometimes that confrontation puts you in a vicarious position. Today, we will look at a question that Jesus asked His disciples. This question placed Simon Peter right in the crosshairs of confrontation. And as we examine this passage, we will learn several things.
Bearing Burdens
26/02/2023 Duração: 35minIn today’s key passage of Scripture in Galatians 6, Paul talks about carrying our own load, but at the same time, carrying the burdens of other people. God has not called us to just live for ourselves; we are to be engaged in the lives of other people. That is why living in community with other believers is so important. As we live in this way, there are several things we learn about carrying other people’s burdens, and that is exactly what we are going to look at in this message.
The ABC's of Handling Anxiety
19/02/2023 Duração: 41minToday’s key Scripture passage is such a great passage! If we could just do what this passage tells us, we could defeat any anxious thoughts that we will ever have. God has a plan for your life, and He is in control! But regardless of where you are physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and financially, anxiety is always a temptation. You will be very anxious about those things which you cannot resolve. Our minds can wreak havoc on who we are. Sometimes, the silence inside of us doesn't calm us because we are full of anxious thoughts. Paul writes very clearly to the Philippians, just like he would write to us today, on how to deal with our anxieties. With this in mind, there are several things we need to understand if we want to handle anxiety in a God- honoring way.
Heading Disaster Off At The Pass
12/02/2023 Duração: 38minWhat kind of decision-maker are you? Would you say you regularly make wise decisions? Do you make strategic decisions? Do you make delayed decisions? Or do you often find yourself making poor decisions? These are important questions to ask yourself because the decisions you make determine the direction you go in life. And if you’re making disastrous decisions, you’re going to be heading for disaster! But how do we know if you’re heading for disaster? Well, that’s what we’ll learn today as we dive into God’s Word.
How To Find What You're Looking For
05/02/2023 Duração: 37minIn Luke chapter 15, we read three different parables Jesus told His disciples. There are many similar themes and common pieces within this trilogy of parables, and that is what we are going to dive into in today’s message. I firmly believe as we study these Scriptures, we will be given a guide as to how to find what we are looking for, using the words of Jesus as our North Star.