Jason Rohn

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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Living Lighter is a program based on the idea that the power is in the practical We begin by immediately changing the energy of your situation. Itrsquos not about long discussions or trying to understand the issue. The Living Lighter program gets to the core issues with laser like precision We have tools to start making change immediately. We start with the basic parts of life happiness, weight loss and fitness.Once yoursquore on the path and using our tools to be happy, have normal weight and be fit, you can use all our energy techniques to make other life challenges easier. We teach energy processes for happiness, weight loss and fitness because it is a foundation in todayrsquos world and it affects most people. Then we move to other areas of life like parenting, relationships, health, money, and work. In addition, we apply this practical approach to lifersquos difficulties, like grief, purpose, bad luck, trauma, catastrophic happenings, addictions, sex and learning difficulties and all those intangibles that donrsquot have precise cause and effects. Our focus has always been to do something about those things that many just talk about and lament about the difficulties.


  • Self-Insight – unique backwards perspective!


    One of the most important aspects of life is to know yourself. We ve always started with removing negative energy, knowing your Enneagram type and then focusing on your Natal Chart in Astrology. But what if we were to do it backwards by seeing who you are via your Natal Chart and then look for the negative energies that are keeping you from that person. This is an innovative way of having self-knowledge. Very important show! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/C2z8JsRrFFM

  • Channeling Pluto – so much power something so little


    Pluto is one of the most distant planets but can be one of the most powerful and intriguing planets. It is very useful for intuition and transformation. This energy must be used sparingly but can be very effective in the right circumstances! We ll talk about how to use this very special energy in very empowering ways! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/Bsfg0qhu-Wo

  • Family Loyalty – what to do?


    Today we re going to talk about Family loyalty! Over the years some of the most difficult issues have been the result of family loyalty that is toxic and based on rules and expectations that can hurt the most innocent family members. Negative energy often uses the most vulnerable in a family, as a human shield that feels like a terrorist approach. Often it seems like a damned if you do and damned if you don t situation! No formulas or quick fixes today, but you ll have a perspective that can really help you get to a better emotional place. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/sEj0kMJYlew

  • Channeling Uranus – the root for the Age of Aquarius?


    I love talking about the Age of Aquarius which is ruled by Uranus! This planet has many is the energy source for truly thinking outside the box and being very creative! This energy helps you with electronic devices, technology, and individual empowerment. Very important energy for your life.

  • Trauma – using The Ecosystem Approach


    There have been two recent Eclipses, and this is a perfect time to talk about working with trauma. For you personally and for those close to you! Trauma is a strong word but we all have little traumas and big traumas all the time. What to do and how do you turn these around to your advantage? Important show don t miss it! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/SU8Yuik_QWs

  • Channeling the Sun – handling big energy!


    The Sun rules Leo but is also one of the most powerful energies in the Universe. We re going to take a deep dive into this energy and talk to it to see what it has to say. The Sun is in a different class of energy because of the power and intensity. That can be a both a challenge and an opportunity and we ll discuss how to use this energy in the best possible way. Understanding the Sun is an important tool in your emotional toolbox! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/6nC9D71y3cc

  • Practicality versus Perfection – which wins??


    One of the most common arguments is doing something the right way versus being practical and expedient. What is the right way? What is the right way for you? What if being right and being practical are BOTH right? This show is about this very important issue and needs to be discussed! Don t miss it! Watch Here:https://youtu.be/gkgWZI-7O7M

  • Foraging for subtle energies – you never heard this before!


    We have all heard about foraging for food in the wild but what about foraging for the best energies? Everyone wants to feel better every day but to do that people do non-energy things (eating snacks) and we see they are foraging unconsciously and picking up really bad energies and creating toxic responses in their bodies and in their environment. The Pandemic illustrated that we are unconsciously foraging for energies from other people and when that is cut off many had mental health issues! Now is the time to learn how to forage consciously for good energies to maintain your emotional balance. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/h-xxMnOsDrI

  • Channeling Mercury – energy for greater objectivity!


    The planet Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and is a very valuable planet for using planetary energies! When people are struggling, they are usually too emotional and need to create balance so they can problem solve! Mercury is excellent for this purpose. It is also good for those who tend toward too much emotionality and need more balance. We ve found that emotionality has great benefit but has been discredited because it lacks the balance that Mercury can provide. Great show, don t miss it! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/e1r0rGsV4LA

  • Who started the argument - an energy perspective!


    In most arguments people rely on the rule of whoever starts the argument is in the wrong ! When you look at arguments from an energy perspective, the start of arguments looks much different. We ll discuss the true source of the beginning of arguments (it s not what you think!) and a much different perspective that what is normally accepted! Most people are so stuck in the fight of who started it , they can t see it from another perspective! Are you open to another perspective?? Don t miss this show! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/D3lBLdXuElc

  • Channeling Neptune – other uses for astrology


    The planet Neptune, which rules Pisces, can be a valuable addition to your knowledge about planetary energies. Neptune has a reputation about being airy-fairy but is it really? How can Neptune energies be used in a positive way? We ll also talk about using planetary energies for groups and working with the energy of groups, audiences as an important tool in your energy tool bag. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/ItxwWbdDm6Q

  • Energy approach to small business – misconceptions practical applications


    Many people have come to us over the years for help with their businesses. Their expectations come from misconceptions and seeing energy work as a form of magic or crystal ball prediction. What can you expect from an energy approach to business using The Ecosystem Approach, that is practical and realistic? We ll talk about how an energy approach to business is extremely useful and essential to many businesses today. Don t miss it! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/USPF5XDJ7lY

  • Working other people’s energy - how to and what’s ethical!


    This was requested by a listener! How do you remove negative energy from someone else and should you even try? What is ethical and what isn t? We ll discuss some of the beliefs that don t make sense to us and how to approach the whole topic. We ll tell you how to work with other people s energy in the best way and how to be the most successful. Very interesting show! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/tE9QdAg1sSM

  • Emotional Ticker – do you have one?


    We re all familiar with the headline news ticker that scrolls on the bottom of news programs. These Tickers provide other information in addition to the topic at hand. Ironically, humans have those tickers also. Those messages are usually negative self-talk or what we call dark energy. In this show we ll describe how these emotional tickers work and what to do about them. Watch Here: https://youtu.be/Bu-AcD9NGjc

  • Channeling Saturn – practical uses of astrology


    We re going to channel Saturn explain some of the little known characteristics that you will find interesting! Saturn rules Capricorn and has a bad rap because it seems boring and parental. We ll explain in a new way and also talk about how to use astrology in practical ways. This month there are a lot of astrology aspects going that will affect you how can you make those aspects work for you?? Great show don t miss it! Watch Here: https://youtu.be/lw0jkQru6wE

  • Intangibles – work with them directly!


    The most valuable uses of The Ecosystem Approach is where we see intangibles and work with them as energies! The negative can be removed, and you can activate true positive energy in very specific ways that are useful for everyday life! We ll address intangibles like success, luck good and bad, charisma, flexibility, goodwill, and using human capital for yourself. Fascinating show! Watch: https://youtu.be/f2GQLcqiIa4

  • Clearing Moves – is it the best way?


    We ve shown examples of moves that are a physical expression that removes negative energy! Traditionally, we remove negative energy with clearing statements, but many people have shown a connection and love for movement combined with clearings! We going to give you some simple examples and talk about how this works and why it can work really well. Watch: https://youtu.be/kp5j8AIhzj4

  • Energy self-sufficiency – is true self-sufficiency!


    We live in an area where being self-sufficient is a highly prized trait and condition that most people strive for and aspire to for their lives! But what is REAL self-sufficiency?? Having your own food? Backup generator? Living off the grid? Those are all illusions! Real self-sufficiency is an inward process that few humans possess! We ll talk about what it is and how to get it! Could this be the most important show you ever see?? https://youtu.be/1LsKtJ8pU08

  • Channeling Mars – understanding dynamic energy and desire!


    We are continuing our process of channeling the planets and this show we will look at Mars. Mars rules Aries but even if you don t have Aries in your Natal Chart you can use Mars energy get started on a project or a task that you re resisting. It s important energy to have at your disposal all the time! Everyone needs to understand this energy! https://youtu.be/fCbKU0GWgeM

  • Emotional Stories – here are some examples


    Central to using The Ecosystem Approach is understanding your personal emotional story. We ve been asked to give examples so everyone can be working on their story and uncovering more and more layers. Many people have no idea where to start or how to understand their emotional story! We ll discuss this topic in an unscripted format, don t miss it!

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