Natural Homeschooling | Gentle Parenting | Simple Living | Family Adventure I Rachel Rainbolt hosts the Sage Family podcast to inspire and inform radical mamas and papas striving to embrace unschooling, attachment parenting, minimalism, and travel. Are you ready to live the family life of your dreams?
61: Allowance with Chelsea Brennan
01/06/2021 Duração: 52minToday I’m here with Chelsea Brennan talking about giving kids an allowance. Chelsea is an ex-hedge fund manager turned financial educator and founder of Smart Money Mamas. We go over unpacking your baggage, when to start, cash or card, earned or not, how much, teaching the importance of saving, and letting them make mistakes. Get the full show notes here:
60: Unschooling Q+A 2 with Sue Patterson
20/04/2021 Duração: 01h04minToday I’m here with Sue Patterson answering more of your unschooling questions. Sue is a homeschooling mom, author, and unschooling coach. We go over responding to the concerns of extended family, unschooling different ages and temperaments, and how to support interest-led learning even if you don’t much about the interest. Get the full show notes here:
59: Social Media with Cassidy Freitas
06/04/2021 Duração: 01h24minToday I’m here with Dr. Cassidy Freitas talking about social media. Cassidy is a mama to 3, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and host of the Holding Space podcast. We go over the benefits, downsides, perfectionism, boundaries, simplicity, and parenting in the age of social media. Get the full show notes here:
58: Unschooling Q+A
23/03/2021 Duração: 01h04minToday I’m here with Sue Patterson answering your unschooling questions. Sue is a homeschooling mom, author, and unschooling coach. We go over getting your co-parent on board with unschooling, what to do if your child says they want to go to school, and how to respond if all your kid wants to do is stare at a screen. Get the full show notes here:
57: Mindful Parenting with Hunter Clarke-Fields
09/03/2021 Duração: 01h24minToday I’m here with Hunter Clarke-Fields talking about Mindful Parenting. Hunter is the creator of the Mindful Parenting course, host of the Mindful Mama podcast, and author of Raising Good Humans. We go over the stress response, mindfulness, beginner’s mind, acknowledgment, kindness and empathy, resistance, children’s emotions, I-Messages, and collaboration. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
56: Untigering with Iris Chen
23/02/2021 Duração: 01h10minToday I’m here with Iris Chen talking about Untigering. Iris is an author, unschooling mom, deconstructing tiger parent, and founder of the Untigering movement. We go over her book title, narrative, the nature of children, our role as parents, behaviors, feelings, success, adultism, acceptance, gender norms, bodily autonomy, permissiveness, and community. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
55: Sensitive Kids with Sarah Moore
09/02/2021 Duração: 01h11minToday I’m here with Sarah Moore talking about sensitive kids. Sarah is the founder of Dandelion Seeds Positive Parenting and a certified gentle parenting coach. We go over how sensitivity comes with both challenges and strengths, the importance of reading their cues, what style of discipline works well, how playfulness is extra helpful, and why type of language resonates with sensitive children. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
54: Money Healing with Bari Tessler
01/12/2020 Duração: 01h29minToday I’m here with Bari Tessler talking about money healing. Bari is a financial therapist, mentor coach, mamapreneur, and writer and founder of The Art of Money. We go over healing money shame, the body check-in, money stories, money practices, money maps, being a mampreneur, and helping our children develop a healthy relationship with money. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
53: Self-Driven Child with William Stixrud and Ned Johnson
17/11/2020 Duração: 01h27minToday I’m here with Dr. William Stixrud and Ned Johnson talking about the self-driven child. Bill is a clinical neuropsychologist and Ned is a tutor geek and they are both speakers and authors of The Self-Driven Child. We go over stress, a child’s ownership of their own life, parent as consultant instead of enforcer, anxiety, motivation, adolescence, neurodiversity, testing, and college. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
52: Free-Range Kids with Lenore Skenazy
03/11/2020 Duração: 01h10minToday I’m here with Lenore Skenazy talking about free-range kids. Lenore is co-founder and president of Let Grow and author or Free-Range Kids. We go over common unfounded fears, how protecting our kids makes them less safe, overcoming fear of mother blame, how to find the yes when you feel unsure, and times when having faith in our kids has paid off. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
51: Homeschool Leap with Kaleena Amuchastegui
20/10/2020 Duração: 59minToday I’m here with Kaleena Amuchastegui talking about taking the Homeschooling Leap. Kaleena is a mama of 4 and author of The 5-Hour School Week. We go over where she started, what prompted her leap, what lessons she learned along the way, why self-directed is important, what homeschooling looks like for her family now, her homeschooling parallel with The 5-Hour Work Week, and how the values we center in homeschooling are reflected in other areas of life. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
50: Conscious Adulting with Jenny Taylor
06/10/2020 Duração: 01h24minToday I’m here with Jenny Taylor talking about Conscious Adulting. Jenny is a parenting journalist and fierce advocate for children. We go over the stories we hold about ourselves and the world and how valuable it is to unpack them, confirmation bias and what it’s like to get out of your own echo chamber, how the media influences us, digesting news and media yourself and with your children with intention, being in connection with people who think and believe differently, and how to navigate friendships as adults. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
49: Simplicity Parenting with Kim John Payne
22/09/2020 Duração: 01h01minToday I’m here with Kim John Payne talking about Simplicity Parenting. Kim is a counselor, speaker, researcher, adult educator, and the author of the book Simplicity Parenting. We go over cumulative stress reaction, environment, rhythm, and schedule. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
48: Teens with Blake Boles
02/06/2020 Duração: 01h12minToday I’m here with Blake Boles talking about teens. Blake is a writer, speaker, and adventurer who founded Unschool Adventures and wrote Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids to School?. We go over self-directed learning, video games, peers, college, and experiences. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
47: Unschooling with Kerry McDonald
19/05/2020 Duração: 01h10minToday I’m here with Kerry McDonald talking about unschooling. Kerry is an unschooling mother of 4 with a master’s degree in education policy from Harvard University and the author of the book Unschooled. We go over origins of schools, threats to a family’s legal right to choose homeschooling, how children learn, what unschooling is, how literacy and numeracy develop naturally, society level replacements for school, teens, and launching. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
46: Grief with Claire Bidwell Smith
05/05/2020 Duração: 01h03minToday I’m here with Claire Bidwell Smith talking about grief. Claire is a therapist specializing in grief and the author of 3 books: The Rules of Inheritance, After This, and Anxiety. We go over culture, anxiety, self-care, story, afterlife, kids, and estate. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
45: Sentimentality with Diane Boden
21/04/2020 Duração: 01h32sToday I’m here with Diane Boden talking about sentimentality. Diane is a wife, mother, and the voice behind the top-rated Minimalist Moms podcast. We go over why it’s so hard to let go of keepsakes, how your keepsakes can tell the story of your life, criteria for keeping or letting go, use of precious objects, photos, and digital keepsakes. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
44: Habits with Desirae Endres
07/04/2020 Duração: 01h21minToday I’m here with Desirae Endres talking about Habits. Desirae is a mom, wife, host of the minimal-ish podcast and former classroom teacher turned work at home mom. We go over struggles and intentions that can be supported by habits, unbusying, language, getting started, lowering the bar and setting up the environment for success, reflections between morning and evening, and moving in one direction. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
43: Organization with Shira Gill
24/03/2020 Duração: 01h28minToday I’m here with Shira Gill talking about Organization. Shira Gill is the founder of Shira Gill Home, a lifestyle brand focusing on clutter-free living, that merges minimalism, organization, and style. We go over clutter, minimalism, blocks, focus, lists, process, zero waste, and style. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here:
42: Playschool with Teacher Tom
21/01/2020 Duração: 01h33minToday I’m here with Teacher Tom talking about Playschool. Teacher Tom is a preschool teacher, writer, speaker, artist, and author. We go over assumptions/expectations/beliefs about children that schools and parents get wrong, components of school that are not serving children, how children learn and socialize, why it’s important to support a child’s emotions in schools, how to respond to the pressure for early reading, and what playgrounds should have and why. Get the full show notes here: Support the Sage Family Podcast here: