Anna Hughes Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 162:50:21
  • Mais informações



Herzlich willkommen zu meinem Podcast, wo sich alles darum dreht, wie du zu einem zufriedeneren und selbstbestimmtem Leben findest. Du bekommst Tipps und Ressourcen an die Hand, die dir helfen, deine Laufziele spielend zu erreichen und dabei jede Menge Mut, Selbstvertrauen und Leichtigkeit für dein Leben zu gewinnen. Dabei schöpfe ich aus den Ressourcen, den Erfahrungen und dem tiefen Wissen als Ultramarathon-Läuferin und Weiterentwicklungs-Enthusiastin.


  • Anna Hughes - 3 Techniken, mit denen du dein Ziel erreichen kannst

    12/12/2017 Duração: 38min

    Viele Jahre, nachdem ich mit dem Laufen begonnen hatte, entdeckte ich im Fernsehen eine Reportage über einen bekannten Wüstenlauf. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich sofort Feuer und Flamme war und wusste: Eines Tages bin ich einer dieser Läufer, die sich wie an einer Perlenschnur in den Dünen fortbewegen. Doch zwischen dem Erlebnis in der Wüste und den Jahren davor liegen viele Momente, in denen ich immer wieder an mir scheiterte. Dachte, da geht noch mehr. Das Gefühl, nicht ganz zeigen zu können, von dem ich wusste, dass es in mir steckt. Ich nutzte die Vorbereitung auf den Marathon des Sables als Chance, endlich meine mentale Stärke anzuzapfen und die Wand aus Zweifeln, Ängsten und Unsicherheiten zu durchbrechen. In dieser Folge erzähle ich dir ausführlich, welche 3 Techniken aus dem Mentaltraining ich genutzt habe, um den Lauf erfolgreich zu beenden. Du erfährst, warum Meditation so viel mehr kann als nur still zu sitzenWie du Visualisierung nutzen kannst, um deine Realität neu zu erscha

  • Anna Hughes - So kommst du entspannt durch den Winter

    05/12/2017 Duração: 15min

    Heute nehme ich dich mit auf eine kurze Reise. Nachdem ich mit meinem Podcast etwas untergetaucht war und mir lange überlegt habe, wohin ich damit gehen will, habe ich dann Klarheit gehabt.  Du kannst die Übung, über die ich in dieser Folge spreche, auf alle möglichen Bereiche im Leben anwenden.  Du lernst, wie du entspannter und lockerer durch den Winter kommst, vor allem durch den oft eher stressigen Dezember. Wie du dich fürs neue Jahr ausrichten und wie du wieder mit mehr Spass anstatt dem Gefühl des Müssens laufen kannst.  Ausserdem erzähle ich dir, wie du dir wirklich ohne schlechtes Gewissen eine kleine Auszeit nehmen kannst, um dein Leben mehr zu geniessen.  Überhaupt wird sich ab jetzt alles mehr darum drehen, wie du das Laufen als Kanal nutzen kannst, um auch andere Ziele zu erreichen. Wo´s auch um Performance geht, aber eben nicht nur.  Ich gebe dir allein und auch mit Gästen Inspiration, wie du dir ein besseres, zufriedeneres Leben gestalten kannst. Denn du verdiens

  • Anna Hughes - 3 Tips to help you stay on your track

    19/10/2017 Duração: 20min

    A different no-guest podcast today. I´m developing my own style step by step. Sometimes I think of a great guest to have on the show and then I go back to following through an idea I have about a topic and the value it hopefully provides for you.  In this episode, I focus on...focus. And what it means to create it and what you can do to stay in your track. Because honestly, I struggle with it often. I can be super focused and not let anything distract myself. But then, one thought that makes me think that other thing is now more important than what I´m working on in that moment, takes over.  Since I´m working from home, this is a serious daily challenge and I know many people go through similar scenarios even when working in an office. So much can distract us these days. But if we can find the strength and gain more control over our habits again, question them and change them for the better, our lives do improve.  The three tips focus on practical steps you can take to feel a little happier and

  • Anna Hughes - Unser Erfahrungsbericht des Transalpine Runs und wie der Traum verpuffte

    11/09/2017 Duração: 01h10min

    7 Tage. 4 Länder. 260 km. Ein Team. Über 15.000 Höhenmeter im Auf- und Abstieg. Ein Traum. Wir haben ausgeträumt. Der Traum verpuffte im Nirwana aus Schmerzen, Qualen und der ewigen Sinnfrage: Wozu, wofür das Ganze? Schon länger hatten wir mit der Idee geliebäugelt, den TAR zusammen zu laufen. Seit Jahren stand dieser auf meiner Liste und immer wieder wiegelte ich Angebote von Läufern ab, die ihn mit mir laufen wollten.  Immer wieder kam etwas dazwischen.  Und dieses Mal sollte es wahr werden, die Alpen gemeinsam zu überqueren, alle Höhen und Tiefen im wahrsten Sinn des Wortes gemeinsam zu erleben, erfahren und meistern.  Ausserdem sollte der Lauf den krönenden Abschluss eines bereichernden Sabbatjahres bilden, bevor Peter wieder zurück in seinen "alten", neuen Job kehren müsste.  Das Training lief gut, zumal wir auf unseren Trails in den Garmischer Bergen die nötige Trittsicherheit und vor allem das Downhill laufen mehr als genug in den Beinen hatten.  Was zuerst gut begann,

  • Anna Hughes - So wirst du in der Ebene fit am Berg

    21/07/2017 Duração: 25min

    Eine Frage, die immer wieder berechtigterweise auftaucht, ist: Wie mache ich mich fit für den Berg, wenn ich im Flachland wohne? Immer beliebter werden und sind bereits die Trail-Läufe, die es mit vielen Höhenmetern in sich haben. Gerade diese Läufe üben einen besonderen Reiz aus, denn die Herausforderung zu bewältigen, erfordert nicht nur körperliche Fitness, sondern auch die mentale Bereitschaft, einige Hürden auf dem Weg zu überwinden. Nun musst du keinesfalls in den Bergen leben oder jedes Wochenende dorthin fahren, wo du entsprechendes Gelände vorfindest. In der heutigen Episode erfährst du 5 Tipps, wie du dich fit für den Berg machst, und zwar wenn du überwiegend in flachem Gelände unterwegs bist.  Unkompliziert, in die Praxis, also in den Leben umsetzbar und für dich geeignet, egal ob du Laufanfänger oder bereits ein alter Hase bist und es noch mal wissen willst. Teile mir gern mit, wie du den ein oder anderen Tipp umsetzt und welche Ergebnisse zu erzielst. Ob im Training oder im Wettkampf spielt

  • Anna Hughes - On race nutrition and how to prevent stomach issues

    05/07/2017 Duração: 18min

    Eating and drinking in training and in races can be a real science. If you decide to make it one.  Today, I´m shining the light on a topic that is on the one side, very individual and on the other, something where some guidelines can indeed work for most endurance athletes.  I share my personal experience from last week´s ultra marathon where I ran for 11 hours and put another experience in the books.  Where no stomach issues played a role.  Where I could perfectly sustain my energy levels.  Where I suffered from no headaches or swollen fingers.  Where I felt well -hydrated throughout. Where I didn´t need solid foods and got my calories from using  one product only.  It works for you if you´re sensitive and often suffer from an upset stomach and energy lows. Enjoy this episode.  Folge direkt herunterladen

  • Anna Hughes - On balancing training and how to sustain excellent health

    25/06/2017 Duração: 30min

    Time to shake things up a bit in the best sense. After carefully observing the endurance running scene, talking to athletes and in my work as a coach it´s more than obvious that many people struggle to juggle their running training, recovery, relationships, health and careers. It is a huge undertaking if you´re an ambitious runner that wants to take performance to the next level.  Having been caught in the spiral of going through the motions myself in the past, I´m sharing the lessons I´ve learned and how essential it is for our health to create balance in life. The flood of information, wins and successes seemingly cursing the net 24/7, doesn´t help to stop and relax for a moment.  Often, there is pressure building up to do more, to train harder, to do better. And that´s human nature. But if the price is so high that you´re paying with your health, suffering from chronic niggles, pain or even injuries, the time is now to stop and learn to reconnect with the roots. That´s where I take you today as I

  • Anna Hughes - 3 easy ways to more confidence and mastering challenges with more ease

    04/05/2017 Duração: 17min

    Just tell yourself a different story and you´ll feel confident? Rings a bell in your head? So often we´re told to just be strong, good, showing up as the best when can be.  But what if you feel the opposite and all you want is hide? All those techniques just  don´t seem to work? You doubt yourself, your abilities. And everyone else around you seems to be doing so much better than you.  You´re not the problem. And there is nothing wrong with you.  It´s our idea of what we think others think and expect of us that screws us up in our minds.  The key to true confidence is inside you.  I´m showing you ways to unlock your confidence and how you can master little challenges on a daily basis. Folge direkt herunterladen

  • Anna Hughes - Your questions answered

    09/04/2017 Duração: 25min

    This is a different episode where I answer your most pressing questions on training, nutrition and mindset. All that concerns improving your life as an athlete.  I frequently get asked questions so I decided to answer them in a podcast instead in order to serve you better. I could have gone on for much longer but decided to keep it with a couple of very specific questions. Whether you´re new to running or already experienced, these tips on how to step up to the distance are going to help you build confidence, avoid burning out and staying committed.  Folge direkt herunterladen

  • Walt Hampton and Ann Sheybani - On time mastery, how to build confidence and a client-attracting business to enjoy freedom and a fun-filled life

    03/04/2017 Duração: 02h03min

    This is a different kind of conversation. A talk about entrepreneurship, tackling difficult and challenging times in business, overcoming obstacles, building confidence, enduring in extreme rock and ice climbing and a quiet life in Ireland. I invited a real power couple onto the show, Walt Hampton and Ann Sheybani. Both are highly successful entrepreneurs, endurance athletes and thought leaders. I first „met“ Ann back in 2011. My first website on ultra marathon training had been up and running for about  year and she had sent me a really nice email in regards to an ebook I had written. As I found out, she´s all about endurance, too. Not just in sports but in life. In her early 30´s Ann broke free from a challenging and troublesome marriage in Iran where she had lived and raised her two daughters. After she began running her life fundamentally changed from the ground up along with her passion for writing. Ann now runs her on- and offline business as a Book Yourself Solid sales and

  • Anne-Marie Flammersfeld - The rising of a dedicated athlete turning a simple idea into the greatest successes

    19/03/2017 Duração: 01h57min

    Anne-Marie Flammersfeld – how a simple idea helped her rise to winning the Desert Grand Slam Title and going beyond your wildest imagination. I´ve heard of Anne-Marie in a magazine article years ago. She had just won the Grand Slam title and made it into the club of the first German woman ever to finish all four Racing The Planet desert races within one year. Not only that, she won every single race of the series without ever having had an ultra marathon running experience before. Talking to Anne-Marie felt like talking to a good friend. Her warm-heartedness, humour and outgoing persona is infectious. In this conversation, she talks about her background in ballsports and what set her heart on fire for running. She goes deep into what triggers her to perform on such a high level and what supports her self-belief in faith. If you think it´s about sheer talent and physical training, Anne-Marie proves this wrong. It was first during a trip in Argentina that she met a Norwegian guy and the crazy

  • Bryon Powell - Former attorney turns his passion into profession impacting the worldwide ultra running community like nobody else

    11/03/2017 Duração: 02h11s

    It´s been another great episode of my podcast, filled with so many insights on entrepreneuership and persisting on the journey to turning passion into profession. Bryon Powell, former attorney in Washington D.C. quit his stable 9-5 to go on a quest to dedicate his time, energy and money to serving the fast-growing community of ultra marathoners worldwide. He´s a writer, author of two books, competitive ultra marathoner with over 65 races under his belt with the 400 kilometre Gobi Ultra Trail Race being one of his greatest achievements and founder of the highly popular online platform, the world´s biggest and most respected ultra running community to this day. It´s a conversation about patience and persistence, ongoing motivation, focusing on the bigger vision and how to deal with obstacles on the path. Full of surprises („I never had a plan“), laughter, humour, warm-heartedness and generosity getting down to the core why he wouldn´t stop to continue what he does, Bryon explains what

  • Deborah Ann Corbin - Extract your greatness from your hardest times

    03/03/2017 Duração: 01h57min

    I feel humbled and extremely honored to introduce you to another special guest on the show - Deborah Ann Corbin. It´s a conversation about life, setting yourself up for success, entrepreneurship and how the most challenging times in life can be turned into your greatest strengths.  I´ve known Deborah for only a year and a half, all through the virtual space. Our paths crossed in one of the many entrepreneurial facebook groups for women. Pretty much from when I first joined this crazy space and finding myself in complete overwhelm and caught up in the noise of countless sales pitches and hardcore language,  Deborah´s message really stood out amongst the thousands of others. So I began to follow her until we finally connected. Her approach was different and radiated affection and true caring for others. As we got to know each other more, I learned that Deborah is also an advocat of living a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced, healthy diet and regular exercise. She´s an a

  • Charlie Engle - The Running Man on conquering addiction and his pursuit of self-improvement through extreme running challenges

    25/02/2017 Duração: 01h45min

    Charlie´s Engle´s story goes beyond the remarkable accomplishments of his running career such as the Raid Gauloises, Running the Sahara covering 4500 miles in 111 days, his famous run across America, multiple top finishes at the 135-mile long Badwater ultra marathon and running the 4 deserts race. It´s the story of a man with a heart of gold. Somebody who truly lives by his values and continuously strives to be a better father, husband and son. More than once, he´s looked death in the face and turned things around for the better, until in 2012, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for a wrong reason.  The thing that really made me think was, how he looks back on his life and says, he´d wish nothing away and would do it all again. Suffering has certainly been part of Charlie´s life´s plan.  But since he came out of prison, he hasn´t stood still. His pursuit for the next extreme challenge is in the making. Charlie is a sought-after keynote speaker and spoke

  • Jens Naehler - Part 2 - from smoking and drinking to accomplished vegan ultra runner

    17/02/2017 Duração: 01h44min

    In the second part of my conversation with Jens he talks about his passion and love for dogs and what lead him and his wife to creating a platform for dogs in need for a new home.  He´s certainly somebody who doesn´t settle for less than achieving what he´s set out to do. Always finding himself do things for the greater good.  Trying or hoping things will work out or starting in small steps to bring on change is not Jens´ thing. He goes all in on his way of life and reflects on his past Self, his old habits and what he´s learned along his way as an endurance runner.  He explains his ethical reasons for turning vegan and shares his daily routine including how easy it can be to nourish yourself well without having to spend a fortune in organic food stores. To my surprise, he barely eats anything during a marathon. He´s just competed in one below ground as part of his training and shares talks about what drives him to seek out different and new adventures each year.  Enjoy this episode!&

  • Jens Naehler - Part 1 - from smoking and drinking to accomplished vegan ultra runner

    04/02/2017 Duração: 01h15min

    My first guest is fellow German ultra runner Jens Nähler who is not only a great ultra runner; he also runs sub 3-hr marathons. In day-to-day life, Jens works long hours in he chief editing department of a large publishing company, lives with his wife and dog in Germany and has a big heart for dogs who suffer helping them find a new home. He openly talks about how he´s mastered his various challenges along the way as a great example of somebody who shows that it´s possible to break old habits if you have a bigger vision and find the true purpose of what drives you. Folge direkt herunterladen

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