Soul Soup With Dr. Janette Freeman

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 49:03:23
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Each podcast is created to inspire, uplift, and transform through meditation, internal processes and inspirational messages from Dr. Janette or other guests. Each session is designed to be a full experience of heart opening transformation.


  • Releasing the Old and Opening to the New Year 2019

    03/01/2019 Duração: 27min

    SOUL SOUP WITH DR. JANETTE FREEMANReleasing the Old and Opening to the New Year 2019 Clear up your 'stuff' that has been arising so that you can move into the New Year (new energies.)  Specifically related to not taking on other people's 'stuff' and having healthy boundaries.  Have you ever been slimed?  You know, people projecting all over you and then you take it on?In this very important show you will be led in a process to clear all energies that are not yours and clear the energies that are yours.  Return everyone to their own line and take responsibility for returning to your own line.  The spiritual process re-empowers you by helping you align with your I AM Nature and returning everyone else to theirs.  Let go of codependency and live in personal healthy boundaries in the Light.www.janettefreeman.comI AM Source Code course:  www.iamsourcecode.comDonations to Oneness:

  • Class 4 Spiritual & Energetic Approach to Manifesting Awakened Consciousness

    24/12/2018 Duração: 23min

    SOUL SOUP SUNDAY - ONLINE INSPIRATION with Dr. Janette FreemanSpiritual and Energetic Approach to Manifesting Awakened ConsciousnessWhat is spiritual awakening and why is it important in order to live in greater peace and happiness?  This class not only explains, but is an energetic spiritual activation and a Journey to meet the Higher Self and align with the higher energies that awaken you to your own I AM Presence.Donations gratefully accepted to Oneness Center OC, a non profit spiritual organization 

  • Class 3 Spiritual & Energetic Approach to Manifesting FREEDOM

    18/12/2018 Duração: 27min

    SOUL SOUP SUNDAY - ONLINE INSPIRATION with Dr. Janette FreemanSpiritual and Energetic Approach to Manifesting FREEDOMClear beliefs of limitation and bondage and energetically align with freedom and sovereignty.WHERE DO YOU FEEL STUCK OR UN-FREE? Everyone wants more freedom- it is your freedom of choice, life, abundance, joy. The Higher Self is freedom. The lower conditioned self is stuck. Align with the Higher Self's energy of freedom and flow in the inner in order to manifest greater freedom in your physical life and reality.Donations gratefully accepted to Oneness Center OC, a non profit spiritual organization out this amazing course on The Power of I AM to Manifest Desires, with a bonus of 3 powerful I AM Meditations hereWWW.JANETTEFREEMAN.COM

  • Spiritual & Energetic Approach to Manifesting Love and Connection

    11/12/2018 Duração: 31min

    SOUL SOUP With Dr. Janette FreemanClass Two Spiritual & Energetic Approach to Manifesting Love and ConnectionI AM Source Code TeachingsACCESS THE LOVE in the Inner, in order to manifest LOVE in the outer.You will be guided through an experiential process to ALIGN WITH THE ENERGIES OF LOVE & CONNECTIONLet go of neediness and align with your inner source of love. Learn to “Stay in your own line.” What other’s do is not about you- get out of their line. When you have integrated the Love within you will see it more and more in the outer.Learning to give yourself first what you have been wanting others to give you.Donations gratefully accepted to Oneness Center OC, a non profit spiritual organization

  • Spiritual & Energetic Approach to Manifesting Resources and Support Class 1

    03/12/2018 Duração: 34min

    Dr. Janette Freeman in Soul Soup Part One of 5 part class: Spiritual & Energetic Approach to ManifestingThis week's focus on manifesting resources and support.  You will be taken on a journey and really access resources and support in the inner realms so that you can manifest them in the outer.In manifesting from your Higher Self we will take the inside/out approach and access in the inner what we so earnestly want to manifest in the outer.You will learn how this works, what to do and how to do it.You will be guided through an experiential process to practice it.Each week, you will have the opportunity to work on a different area of your life that you would like to manifest a different energetic result.Find your own peace, happiness, love no matter what is happening externally.Turn away from outer conditions and manifest from your Higher Self the energies you want to experience in your life! Learn to have your energetic needs met first in your own “Line.”Learning to give yourself first what you have been

  • "Journey to the Land of I AM" with Dr. Janette Freeman

    28/11/2018 Duração: 25min

    Soul Soup Sunday Inspiration.  This is a meditative journey taking your up into Higher Consciousness to and receive a blessing of the cornucopia of abundance.  You will receive the energies of abundance and merge with the Higher Self I AM.Massive alignment with abundance!www.janettefreeman.comThank you for donations at:

  • Clear Fear and Worry and Access the Peace of the Higher Self

    20/11/2018 Duração: 27min

    SOUL SOUP WITH DR. JANETTE FREEMANA Spiritual Activation and Healing ProcessIN today's show you will be guided through a powerful proven process to CLEAR Fear and Worry! Everybody has it! In this peaceful process you will be taken on a journey to clear fear and worry and then taken into the Higher Self, the I AM Presence to anchor courage, confidence, peace and well-being.You will FEEL BETTERYou will ACCESS PEACEYou will FEEL CONFIDENTYou will FEEL FAITH AGAIN.LET GO OF FEAR AND WORRY AND ACCESS PEACE.Thank you for your donations! out my Course on Insight Timer


    12/11/2018 Duração: 38min

    Spiritual Activation and ManifestationThis episode recorded on 11-11-11 (2018 = 11) and holds the energy for whenever you listen to it- for awakening and manifestation from the Higher Self.  Through the numbers 11:11 there is a powerful portal for spiritual awakening,so take some time to go inward into your Spirit, into your Higher I Am Presence.Dr. Janette will lead you in an experience of releasing some aspect that no longer serves you and connect to your Spiritual Source which is Pure Awareness - the I Am that I Am.You have a purpose to awaken and be all you were created to be. The little self is no longer to be in charge. Surrender to your Higher I AM Presence and allow This Presence to awaken you and be your guide. You are so much more than you believe yourself to be.Let go of fear!Let go of insufficiency!Let go of lack!Let go of insecurity!Accept courage!Accept all sufficiency!Accept abundance!Accept confidence!MANIFEST FROM THE HIGHER SELF'S VISION!Be all that you ARE. You are the I AM that I AM.Thank

  • WAKE UP! REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! You are more powerful than you know.

    05/11/2018 Duração: 34min

    SERIES: Spiritually Imagined Life "WAKE UP! REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!"Experience a very powerful Spiritual Activation Process - you will meet your own Higher Self and begin to reidentify AS your I AmWho are you? All suffering is a result of mis-identification. We forget we are divine beings having a human experience! We forget that we are really amazing lights here to create, express, love and wake up! In this online session Dr. Janette will lead you in an experience of waking up and meeting your Higher Self- and aligning with the higher energies and frequencies of who you are and what you are here to EXPRESS AS YOU!!!This process, also done in our personal "I AM" Sessions, can help you facilitate such a shift in energies that you can begin to create change in the area of your personal expression.FEEL BETTER NOW! FEEL LIGHTER NOW! GET IT FROM YOUR HIGHER SELF.Donations gratefully accepted to Oneness Center online N/P tax deductible donations to:

  • Accessing the Energies of Abundance & Support from the Higher Realms

    31/10/2018 Duração: 31min

    Dr. Janette Freeman leading Class 3 of Your Spiritually Imagined Life -In this episode you will begin to see through your fears as just a perception from the conditioned self.  You will be led through a powerful spiritual activation process to activate the energies of ABUNDANCE AND SUPPORT from the Higher Self.  When you do these powerful processes it clears your energies and uplevels you to live from the energies of love, abundance, support and freedom.   Dr. Janette Freeman, as heard on Insight Timer Donations gratefully accepted 

  • Imagining a New LOVE LIFE! Your Spiritually Imagined Life Series Part Two

    22/10/2018 Duração: 34min

    Your Spiritually Imagined Life - IMAGINING a NEW LOVE LIFE!" with Dr. Janette FreemanLove and relationships are created so much out of our conditioning, experience, early modeling and we seem to live out the same patterns again and again! SPIRITUAL PROCESS:In this podcast, Dr. Janette will lead you in an experience of connecting to your Higher Self- then the YOU of the future, as an evolved spiritual being, who has the capacity to imagine love and relationship from the higher perspective will assist you in imagining and creating what love CAN look like.You will be taken on an extraordinary journey of creation to create a new, evolved vision of what loving relationship can be. DON'T MISS THIS podcast.www.janettefreeman.comThank you for donations to this podcast.   Check out Insight Timer New Course  "The Power of I AM to Create Your Desires"New Courses 

  • Your Spiritually Imagined Life! Use Your Divine Imagination

    16/10/2018 Duração: 31min

    Your Spiritually Imagined Life - I Am Awareness is Creating!With Dr. Janette FreemanLearn, Grow, Awaken!In this podcast, Dr. Janette will lead you in an experience of connecting to your Spiritual Source which is Pure Awareness - the I Am that I Am. Then you will be activating "choice" through "I Am aware of something." You decide how the Infinite Mind is creating through your dominant attention. You are awareness.You are aware of somethingYou choose.See my Course On Insight Timer Donations grately appreciated

  • Tap into your I AM Nature and Relax - a Guided meditative process

    24/09/2018 Duração: 20min

    Join Dr. Janette Freeman for a meditative process to tap into your I AM Nature and RelaxIn this episode she will guide you into your essential self and help you see all the different aspects of the mind, the self, the problems, worries, etc., swirling around and then you are able to disidentify and stay centered in the middle.  You are more than all of your mind's problems and projections.Experience peace in the middle of the storms.Donations deeply appreciated  SEE NEW COURSE ON INSIGHT TIMER:  THE POWER OF I AM TO MANIFEST YOUR DEEPEST 

  • Lesson 10 Power of Attention and Ritual

    10/09/2018 Duração: 31min

    Strengthen your manifesting power and experience more of your desired energy.  Don’t let externals forces take you out of your line.  Keep the faith!  Refuse to believe in the voices of fear and doubt.  Stay focused in your line and your affirmative words of I Am.  Believe more in I Am then I am not and stay diligent.  To the one who keeps on, keeping on, much is received!  In this last session you will see how your source code really is your superpower.  It has been within you all along and you have now learned how to access It, use It and allow It to manifest for you out of your deepest heart and choices.  You will be guided through a powerful Sacred Source Code Ritual to ground you in the Being of your desire, allowing you to release fear, doubt and worry.  You can rest now in the power of your Source Code and trust Its power to do, create and support you in all your desires. Donations deeply appreciated  SEE NEW COURSE ON INSIGHT TIMER:  THE POWER OF I AM TO MANIFEST YOUR DEEPEST DESIRES

  • Lesson 9 Take Back Your Power from the I AM Source Code

    05/09/2018 Duração: 27min

    Retrieve all responsibility you have given to others to make you happy, feel loved or give you money.  This lesson includes a process to release “unhealthy” reliance; and, realign with The Source that really can deliver!  Take back your power.   You will be given the Vertical -vs- Horizontal teaching.Insight Timer Teacher  www.janettefreeman.comYouTube    

  • Lesson Eight - Using Your Source Code "I AM" to More Skillfully to Create

    27/08/2018 Duração: 35min

    As a creative being, your thoughts and words are creating your reality.  Unconsciously used, your words are powerful creators of suffering.  Used consciously, your words have the power to shift you out of negativity and move you into your chosen desires, and closer to your manifestations.  You will be guided through a powerful affirmation meditation.Donations appreciated: 

  • Lesson Seven - BE What You Want to Have - using the power of I AM

    19/08/2018 Duração: 35min

    The Power of I AMManifesting Your Deepest Desires Learn how to reclaim your sacred Source Code “I AM” and create more peace, joy and abundance in your lifeLESSON SEVEN "Be What You Want to Have"Last week was about choosing. Everybody wants something. What is calling to you now in your life? In this session:- Identify primary desire and how you want to feel.In other words, how will you feel when you are being, having or doing it? That is your primary desire and in order to manifest, we must learn to BE consistently the energy that is alignment with what you want to have or do. - Learn to make ‘the main thing- the main thing.’ - Experience a visualization and spiritual activation process to access the energy of your desired manifestation now. Donations: It. Be It. Have it- Consistently!

  • LESSON SIX "CHOOSE What You Want to BE"

    16/08/2018 Duração: 30min

    LESSON SIX CHOOSE What You Want to BEI AM Source Code for spiritual awakening and empowered living!! Master Class-In this session, you will be guided through a meditation to help you identify your deepest desires from your Higher Self. You will choose one desire to work with. This will help you clarify what you want to have, and how it will feel when you have it. You will begin to learn how to live in the energy of that new www.soulsoup.onlineDONATIONS TO THE ONENESS CENTER: 

  • Handle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs!

    10/08/2018 Duração: 40min

    LESSON FIVEHandle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs!I AM Source Code for spiritual awakening and empowered living!!Master Class-I hope you’re starting to feel something stirring in you as you continue to work with your I AM mantra. In today’s lesson…. We will learn to Handle Your Triggers and Get Back Upstairs! Albert Einstein said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Living at higher levels of consciousness is primary to manifesting a higher level of life. In this session you will be given three tools to quickly process old triggers and move upstairs where you have the capacity to create something new.www.drjanettefreeman.comwww.onenessonline.orgwww.soulsoup.onlineDONATIONS TO THE ONENESS CENTER:

  • I AM Source Code Lesson 4 "Your I AM Lifeline Home"

    30/07/2018 Duração: 28min

    Get Your Lifeline Home- SpirituallyLearn a specific method to align with your I Am Self so that you can stop looking outside yourself for your all of your needs. When you make this connection primary and allow It to be the first step of choice you will see how the Presence will transform your life.To make donations to the Oneness Center OC

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