The Wade Alters Show

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 36:46:45
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Listen in to The Wade Alters Show for cutting edge self development, business, and networking techniques...


  • 100. How To Create The Ultimate Social Circle: The Secret To Winning Friends

    15/04/2019 Duração: 21min

    So I’ve been coaching my girlfriend, Dana, on how to make friends lately. She recently started a new job, and with the move to LA, she’s had to re-adjust her social circle and start meeting new people. It’s giving me flashbacks to my old coaching days, where we’ll be out at an event, and I’ll tell her to go approach someone and how to start a conversation LOL. It’s easy for some and harder for others, depending upon how social or “popular” you were growing up. The funny thing is, even though those grade-school days are long behind us, we still carry a lot of baggage into our identity today. It can do some serious damage to our self-esteem, thinking that we deserve less than ideal behaviours from others. We put ‘glass-ceilings’ on to what we think we’re worthy of. One thing that I always keep coming back to, and hammer home is: “It’s never your identity, it’s always your strategy” Part of that strategy is interrupting negative thoughts. Like “never being the cool kid” or thinking “these people are better than

  • 99. “The 10X Rule” Will 10X Your Failure If You Do It Like “This”

    08/04/2019 Duração: 14min

    When you need a good slap in the face for motivation and get your butt to work, read “The 10X Rule” from Grant Cardone. But… It misses a key part of what it takes to reach those “top of the mountain” type of goals (that I’ve gone through, and many of my clients). (For anyone who isn’t familiar with The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, it basically comes down to: Whatever goal you’re trying to achieve, your going to need to do 10X the amount of work to truly achieve that goal. It’s going to be 10X harder than you think it is.) It doesn’t just come down to doing 10X the work. Because you can’t “10X” your work output… If you don’t know WHAT to do in order to become successful. You don’t know what you don’t know... It’s not as simple as going from A → B and B → C. When I was coaching guys with dating women, they wanted the “lines” and “openers”. They thought these were the keys to get women. So I gave it to them. And it worked. … For one minute until it ran out and they didn’t know what to say after. They could have tr

  • 98. Content Scarcity & Value Dynamics: Share Your Secrets For Max Results

    01/04/2019 Duração: 14min

    As you might know, I consult with influencers and help them monetize their brand with authentic product launches. And these guys are absolutely killing it with the content they’re putting out. They’re coming to me because they’ve built up massive fanbases, but don’t know how to turn it into a business. But something I’ve noticed working with them is that they’ll have a scarcity mindset when it comes to giving out their BEST stuff! If only I could grab them by the collar and smack some sense into them…! Because they’re holding themselves BACK from even more success. If you think in scarcity, that’s what your gonna get in reality. These influencers think that if they put out their “best stuff”, people will steal it OR they feel like they should be paid for it. But you’re taking away the chance to connect on an even deeper with your audience. When you’re deeply fascinated in your content, you’ll find all sorts of new information from the weirdest places. (In the podcast, you’ll see how I related picking up girls

  • 97. Hacking The Matrix: How I Broke Free From A Small Town And Wound Up Living “The Good Life”

    25/03/2019 Duração: 19min

    So you might not know this… But as a kid, I was actually kind of an idiot! Get this: Growing up, I didn’t know you were supposed to sleep with your eyes closed

  • 96. Persuasion: Becoming a Ruthless, Cut-Throat Manipulator for Money, Power & Fame

    18/03/2019 Duração: 32min

    Manipulation gets a bad reputation… but if you want to be successful, you have to do whatever it takes to get your clients to take action. After all, I’m getting paid THOUSANDS of dollars to get results for my clients. And I’ve found that manipulating them is the only way to get them to move forward. It’s usually the PERSON, not the obstacle, that holds people back from achieving their goals. I studied under one of the top leaders of Neuro Linguistic Programming and Hypnosis, Barbara Stepp, for 3 years to deeply understand what persuades and motivates us. And what persuasion really comes down to is being effective communicator. I speak to a lot of entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants who have great businesses that can do so much for the customers they want to serve. But struggle to communicate the end result of what their customers TRULY want… So they never get the sales calls or leads they’re dying for. So if you want to learn how to be a more effective communicator, you need to check out this week’s podca

  • 95. From 3 Year Slog To Success: The Paradigm Shift That Transformed My Consulting Biz To 6-Figures

    11/03/2019 Duração: 23min

    Building a successful business is like crafting a sculpture. You’re probably not gonna make the perfect sculpture on your first try. You need patience, focus and vision to create your masterpiece. You gonna make mistakes and you have to keep practicing until you get better. It’s the same with building a business. Finding the right angle, testing, getting feedback, and continual refinement until you’ve made a masterpiece. But it’s not for everyone though... Just like how some people aren’t artistic and creative, not everyone is meant to be an entrepreneur either. With all the Gary Vee’s, Tai Lopez’s and Pat Flynn’s talking about how you should be your own boss, at the end of the day, not everyone can do it. What I’ve found working with my Chosen 20 Clients (high-level, minimum 6-figure entrepreneurs) is there’s a certain “lifecycle” that each entrepreneur goes through in his journey to success. It tests your ability to handle and overcome problems and find solutions to make it work. When I screen potential cli

  • 94. Separating Yourself From The Rest (And Becoming The Best In Your Niche) w/ AJ from Art of Charm

    04/03/2019 Duração: 41min

    Whatup! Wade here, and I just finished recording a podcast with one of my friends, AJ, whose built a 7-figure business from his podcast. I’m not quite there yet (still working my way up from 6-figures…) So I had to ask him: How did he do it? Long gone are the days of leaving business cards in men’s bathroom stalls to promote his brand! But he said that if you want to have a successful podcast, you have to focus on 3 key things. Wanna know what they are? It doesn’t just apply to podcasting, but if you’re making ANY content, it will help you stand out against your competition. Check out this week’s episode of The Wade Alters Show where we break down these 3 key things and how you can use them to stand out from what everyone else is putting out there. I also got AJ to reveal how he monetized his podcast, without realizing he was sitting on a treasure chest all along. Give it a listen and it’ll instantly boost your content game. And as always, Enjoy! ~ Wade

  • 93. Bleeding Edge Business Advice And The #1 Mistake Most Influencers Make

    25/02/2019 Duração: 19min

    People follow Influencers that they want to become. Think about it. How do you see me? And any other influencers you follow closely? That’s the law of attraction working some of its magic. Everyday new Instagram Influencers (who I’ve never heard of before) are popping up that have 100,000+ followers, build amazing communities of fans who are interested in the same things they are. It’s amazing. I hope they’re poppin’ champagne and celebrating because that’s one of the hardest things to do! The thing that sucks though is that when you go behind the scenes (and I know a lot of these people, especially since I started living out in LA), is that they’re struggling to get by. Most of these influencers suck at selling. They come off all weird and incongruent, pick products that are totally crap to promote to their audience, and try too hard to be sales-y. There’s a fine line between promoting products nobody cares about (and doing it in a way that pisses off your audience) and coming up with something that your aud

  • 92. From Poor 14 Year Old Immigrant to 5.7M YouTube Subscribers, Lambo’s & LA Mansions

    18/02/2019 Duração: 53min

    Everytime I meet a high-level entrepreneur, it makes me realize it’s true that your network = your net-worth. My newest friend (and connection), Hooman, is one of the biggest YouTube stars and is the #1 prankster with over 5.7 Million Subscribers. We talked and I learned how he went from having NOTHING (he immigrated to the U.S. at 14 years old and couldn’t even speak English) to having one of the largest brands on YouTube. 92% of people will make all the excuses in the world as to why they can’t do something, or victimize themselves when they’re challenged with an obstacle. So when I hear Hooman’s story, it’s inspiring because you realize when you have no excuses, anything is possible. And it’s why I thought he’d be a great fit to come onto the show. So check out this week’s episode to see how he went from nothing to becoming massive influencer in only a handful of years! Here’s what you’ll learn: The most cutting edge social media strategy to becoming an influencer and which platform is best to build a rel

  • 91. How Donald Trump Uses His Massive Ego To Manipulate The Masses

    11/02/2019 Duração: 13min

    Yo whatup! Lately I’ve been reading a biography on the best copywriter of our era (and one of my mentors), Dan Kennedy. So there’s this funny part in his book where Donald Trump recommends Dan read the ‘The Productive Narcissist’. I heard Trump doesn’t read anything at all... And apparently he won’t listen to anything that doesn’t have his name in it lol. But this book actually explains a lot about Trump… and his insane level of narcissism (as well as his success). The book is written by a psychoanalyst who won a Harvard Business Review award for his research on narcissism, Michael Maccoby.   And it shows that narcissism is a key trait with the world’s most successful leaders because being a narcissist allows you to deeply believe in your own vision and view of the world. Steve Jobs… Oprah… Bill Gates… Jack Welch... All of them believed that they could accomplish what no one else could. Now I’m not trying to say you should become closed-minded and think that you’re right about everything and that the world sh

  • 90. Inside The Mind of Tai Lopez’s Copywriter: Mikhail Kuznetsov

    04/02/2019 Duração: 57min

    Yo whatup I’m sure you know who Tai Lopez is, right? I actually met him back in 2013 with a bunch of other dating coaches. Back at the time, he had a much smaller mansion compared to the one he has today. It’s crazy to see how far he’s come since then and the massive success he’s seen. Not only does he have a bigger mansion, lambo’s, girls… but more businesses and his social media has reached new levels. Wanna know the biggest differences that's brought him to where he is today? One that shapes all his snapchat stories, the purpose of the mansion, cars, girls, books... You ready? It’s his copywriting. He had really good copywriters working for him. And one of his secret weapons, who was his best copywriter, was Mikhail. People see where Tai is today and don’t realize where he’s come from and what he’s had to do, to get to where he is today. But there’s a backstory of climbing to success, coming from nothing, just like most other entrepreneurs out there. So I had Mikhail, his former copywriter and right-hand m

  • 89. The ‘Influencer Trap’ of Creating TOO Much Content

    28/01/2019 Duração: 15min

    Have you noticed my social media content is everywhere lately? Lol It’s funny because I’ve had a major breakthrough on how to get the most out of my content. Most people will post once, get the likes, and then it’s gone… forever. Even if that content took them days or weeks to make. Letting all that hard work slip through the cracks, gone, and onto the next piece. So I’ve been using a strategy that guarantees my audience will see it - even when they’re not active - through using Facebook remarketing ads that cost $1/day. The costs are so minor (even for most beginners) that it’s worth the investment to make sure the content gets seen - especially if you’re building your audience. This strategy lets me grow my audience on autopilot, so I can focus on the rest of the biz and work on a new product launch. ... Orrr go on a vacation (like I did last week lol) and have full confidence that my business is doing all the heavy lifting for me. The common problem I find working with Influencers is that they’re stuck foc

  • 88. 10X Your Productivity & Do Less Work With THIS Tactic w Karla Singson

    21/01/2019 Duração: 31min

    Yooo. I’m slooowly getting back to the grind after a 4 day mini-vacation. I went to Jackson Hole, WY, with some friends who I haven’t seen in a little while. We got an epic log cabin on a mountain, had a wicked ski trip, and saw which one of us had become the biggest alcoholic over the last 2 years. I loved catching up and laughing my ass off with those morons. But it was actually awesome to see how far we’ve come and how we’re all living the life we want. It’s like we’ve each added another digit to the end of our business’ $ ;) It kinda became a little mastermind, bouncing ideas off each other and seeing our business’ in the eyes of other successful entrepreneurs. Wanna know the best part about the trip? Sales kept comin’ in and the business kept flowing while I was gone! I wouldn’t have been able to do this if I hadn’t brought on a VA [Virtual Assistant] to handle the almost all Operations. As well as a Marketing Manager to manage the brand and content. It was so good not having to worry about customer supp

  • 87. Here’s Why Most Digital Nomads Are Failures

    14/01/2019 Duração: 16min

    I’m loving the weather in LA. I’m still not used to wearing a T-shirt & shorts during the winter lol. Growing up I always wanted to live by the beach and escape the cold. And now it’s finally happened! Back when I visited Thailand it really inspired me to wanna live a better lifestyle and live somewhere warm. But there’s a few reasons why I didn’t settle down there (or any other Digital Nomad community). … It’s not what most people think it is! It’s over-glamorized because of social media and there’s a lot of flaws that you guys don’t get to see or hear about… A major reason I didn’t settle down in Thailand? Digital Nomads play it small. A lot of them are freelancers, solopreneurs or somehow created another job for themselves... And they don’t really wanna live a better lifestyle than that! They don’t want true freedom. They’re stuck on a plateau of working 30-40 hours a week and trading their time for money (instead of creating real value for money). If you’ve ever thought about becoming a Digital Nomad,

  • 86. Avoiding Entrepreneurial Burnout w Mario Tomic

    07/01/2019 Duração: 46min

    Yo whadup! As you know, I had eye issues last year that almost made me blind. … I’ve also pushed myself so hard that I’ve given myself ulcers (you don’t wanna know how bad the pain was...) Doing product launches or going 150% into my business has crashed me in ways I didn’t think was possible. When I ignored my health - it destroyed my life. What I’ve learned is: you have to give health your priority. And with the New Year, it’s one of my top goals to do it now. So this week, I brought on a health coach who has who has spent the past 8 years (and over 10,000+ hours) on nutrition planning, personal fitness and studying the psychology of high performance: Mario Tomic. I don’t wanna be another person who nags you about the “pros and cons” about being healthy... But if you’re an entrepreneur whose really invested into growing your business and getting the lifestyle you want, you’re creating traps for yourself that’ll destroy everything you’ve done if you ignore your health (as I’ve learned from hard-earned exper

  • Here’s How To Make 2019 Your Best Year Ever

    31/12/2018 Duração: 18min

    Yooooo Happy New Years

  • $1M Dollar Copywriting Secrets w. Brad Wages

    24/12/2018 Duração: 42min

    Millions of YouTube views… Hundred-thousand fans… Massive name in the industry… Gone. One day CNN is quoting me in articles about relationship advice… And the next no one knows who I am. I had to drop the name Brad Branson... and become Wade Alters. Re-build the brand... get my fans back... crush it again… That’s all I was thinking about. I re-launched and I hired 6 virtual assistants. But I was wayyy too quick trying to grow the business without realizing I had a flawed strategy. So I had to completely blow it up and fire the employees I just hired.. THEN I tried to do all the work myself … and I nearly went blind doing it (looking at screens all day...) I had to reset. This year’s strategy has been blowing up my name again. The biggest difference? Rockstar Personal Brand and using ‘Inception’ Advertising (with hyper-targeted copywriting). Here’s what happens when you have solid copywriting: … Your audience look at you like a Guru. … They hang onto your word like a gospel. … They share you with their friends

  • The Guru Model

    17/12/2018 Duração: 18min

    You know, even in the year 2019, it blows my mind that you can make a living shooting YouTube videos, or recording podcasts...   On the other hand, it's also crazy when you see people with huge brands, with millions of YouTube subscribers, hundreds of thousands of Instagram followers, who are barely scraping by.   But hey, when I launched my first digital product (Evolutions) I had no idea what I was doing, and astounded when it hit $100k in the first week.   The success of that product is what gave me the confidence to go into self development industry...   Launching a "Done with You" program called The Lifestyle Academy, which sold over $1.2M in the first 18 months!   I also made a ton of mistakes, one leading to almost $500,000 in lost revenue.   And both the successes AND failures can be explained through a simple "business model" which is what today's podcast is all about.   This is the EXACT business model that guys like Tony Robbins, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Bren

  • How To ‘Game’ Your Social Media Followers And Seduce Your Audience with Mitch Miller

    10/12/2018 Duração: 58min

    I’ve been working on my social media calendar for the upcoming year and I’ve been going deep into what separates crazy high-engagement posts (150 - 1,000 likes) from those with very little (2-5). And as I’ve been looking at influencers who are really killing it right now, it’s funny how stupidly similar being an influencer is with having good game. People who get no likes or comments have personalities that are very similar to that of ‘The Nice Guy’. They play it safe, they’re boring & vanilla, and they’re subconsciously communicating they want validation (“likes”) from their followers. ...Similar to guys who give off a needy vibe. The truth is, if you want to succeed on social media, you HAVE to be polarizing. Unapologetic. Unreactive. And outcome independent. There’s no room for people who don’t stand out. Being normal is making you invisible. My good friend, Mitch Miller, created a 7-Figure business through only doing 3 Facebook status updates for 4 straight years. He used Pickup Principles that men us

  • F*ck Growth: How Self-Help Sabotages Results

    03/12/2018 Duração: 28min

    Yo, how badly do you want to crush it? One thing I loved about being a Dating Coach was how far guys pushed their comfort zones. There was a bootcamp one night in NY, at Brass Monkey, when one of my students got SO in state that he was made out with 13 girls straight. And not like a creepy type of make-out (sometimes guys force themselves onto girls). These girls were loving it. And he didn’t say ANYTHING.   He was going up to them and within 30 seconds he was passionately making out with them. Purely off of eye contact, how he carried himself, and the energy he had. It’s what made Pickup & Cold Approach so rewarding. Instant feedback and getting results. The ability to adjust, learn and do it better next time. But it gets a little more blurry in the “real world”... Everything else lacks the solid structure that ‘game’ has. … OR so that’s what most people think. The reason most guys fail at business, dating and their career is because of the comfort zone trap. They know they should take-action, but they’r

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