City Church Garland
- Autor: Vários
- Narrador: Vários
- Editora: Podcast
- Duração: 348:28:20
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City Church Garland
Justification By Faith- Romans 3:21-31
08/10/2017 Duração: 37minJustification by faith is a foundational gospel truth that every Christian must grasp and build upon. In this sermon from Roman's chapter 3 Kevin Diaz explains how God, who is righteous can justify unrighteous mankind.
What is the Problem? Romans 1:18-32
01/10/2017 Duração: 52minIn this sermon titled "What is the Problem" Pastor Keith explains that the greatest problem of humanity is a rejection of and rebellion towards it's Creator. Humanity has failed to worship of God made creation the object of it's worship. Since God is righteous He must punish this sin. At the end of this message there some answers to questions around how to minister to others living in homosexuality.
Motivation for Ministry- Romans 1:16-17
24/09/2017 Duração: 37minChristian ministry is driven by the conviction that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one and only hope for restoring sinful people to a holy God.
The Hope of the Resurrection- Mark 16
17/09/2017 Duração: 42minChrist came and died for our sins, was buried and raised from the dead. Those who believe that good news have their lives deeply changed because their greatest problems in this life are dealt with, namely sin and death. In this sermon Pastor Keith explains how we who believe in Christ have hope beyond our failures and hope beyond the grave. He also exhorts Christians to boldly share that good news of resurrection hope with others.
Jesus Came to Seek And Save the Lost- Luke 1-9
13/09/2017 Duração: 27minJesus came to earth on a mission, namely to seek and save the lost. Listen to this overview on the first half of the Gospel of Luke taught by Kevin Diaz and be encouraged by the mission of Christ.
Christ the Suffering Servant- Mark 10:32-45
10/09/2017 Duração: 40minIn this sermon from Mark chapter 10 Pastor Keith explains why Jesus came, namely to serve and suffer for us to be an example and exchange His life for ours. He also highlights the reality that Christ- followers must suffer, serve and sacrifice for others in order to follow Jesus faithfully.
Following Jesus Is Worth It- The Bradley's Sending Service
10/09/2017 Duração: 36minThis was a special sending service for Chad and Nancey Bradley, who are missionaries of CCI Garland to Ethiopia. They are working with SIM currently in Ethiopia to train leaders in the Ethiopian church.
Knowing And Following Jesus- Mark 8:27-38
03/09/2017 Duração: 43minKnowing and following Jesus is at the core of Christianity and it must be priority for every Christian. In this sermon Pastor Keith explains what it mean to know Jesus and follow Him.
Responses to the Message of the Kingdom- Mark 4:1-20
27/08/2017 Duração: 42minIn the parable of the sower Jesus gave his followers four example responses to the message of the Kingdom and He exhorted His follower to take heed and listen carefully. The Kingdom of God advances in the lives of those who hear the message of the Kingdom, receive it and holdfast to it.
The Kingdom Comes- Mark 1
20/08/2017 Duração: 43minIn this sermon the Kingdom Comes Pastor Keith explains how Jesus the King brought God's Kingdom on earth. He also explains what the kingdom of God is and ways that Christians can participate in advancing the Kingdom on earth like Jesus did.
Reason for Courage- Psalm 46
13/08/2017 Duração: 28minThe people of God have great reason to be courageous in the face of natural disaster or world war because God is their refuge, strength and very present help in trouble.
A Call to Corporate Worship- Psalm 95
06/08/2017 Duração: 43minIn this sermon on Psalm 95 Pastor Keith explains what worship is, how to worship God and why we should worship God. The big idea of this message from this Psalm is that God’s people are called to worship God with joy, reverence and obedience because He is our Deliver, God, King, Maker & Shepard.
A Psalm of Praise - Psalm 145
30/07/2017 Duração: 48minIn this sermon on Psalm 145 Kevin Diaz explains what worship is and why God's people should worship Him.
Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith -Psalm 37:1-11
23/07/2017 Duração: 33minIn this sermon Pastor Mike explains some helpful insight for life as you seek to be faithful in following God, yet see the wicked prosper while not following God. In Psalm 37 we are given instruction to not fret over evil doers or envy them. Instead we are instructed to trust God, do good, delight in the Lord, commit our way to God and rest in Him. Believers should resist anxiety and despair by releasing their worries to God.
Impacting the Next Generation- Psalm 78
16/07/2017 Duração: 22minGod calls parents to influence their children by teaching them what He has done and what He has said, so that their children would set their hope in God, not forget His works and obey His commands.
May the Peoples Praise You, Oh God- Psalm 67
11/07/2017 Duração: 31minIn this sermon on Psalm 67 Chad Bradley highlights the reign of God, the salvation and the blessing of God from the chapter. The Psalmist expresses his earnest desire for the nations to worship God, which is the thrust for global missions. Chad also shares about the mission work that he and his family are preparing to do in Ethiopia.
Living Well Through Suffering- Job
02/07/2017 Duração: 41minThe book of Job is helpful for those going through suffering or those who have loved ones suffering. Knowing that God is sovereign and good in our suffering helps us to suffer well. And this is something that we learn from the book of Job.
Living Well By the Fear of the Lord- Keith Dollar
25/06/2017 Duração: 46minThe Bible teaches us to fear the Lord in both the Old Testament and in the New Testament. In this sermon Pastor Keith explains what the fear of the Lord is, why we should fear the Lord and ways we can cultivate a fear of the Lord in our lives and in our families.
Evangelism Training- Keith Dollar
24/06/2017 Duração: 20minIn this teaching Pastor Keith describes not only what evangelism is and how to do it but he also explains the why behind doing it. He gives ten reasons why Christians should share the gospel with the world.
Living Well Through Contentment- Ecclesiastes 5:10-6:6
18/06/2017 Duração: 42minIn this sermon Pastor Keith explains how wisdom teaches us that God is the ultimate source of our satisfaction and that we are to enjoy and be content with the things in life as gifts from God's hand.