Sheriff David Clarke

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 47:29:15
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Commentary on law enforcement and knowing your rights, current affairs involving racial issues, the 2nd Amendment and more... all with a focus on empowering individuals rather than "the state," this is David Clarke: The People's Sheriff!


  • Planned Parenthood Endorses Hillary, The GOP Top 3 and Obama's Attack on the 2nd Amendment 01/16/16

    16/01/2016 Duração: 41min

    Is there an over diagnosis of child behavior issues by school officials (according to a few child pediatricians) and the quick decision to lifetime medicate them which may be contributing to some mass murder violent episodes later in life? The People's Sheriff feels it is time for a national discussion. Hillary Clinton has received the endorsement of Planned Parenthood and she's happily accepted it. She continues to trash the American Police officer on her campaign trail to make up for her black vote deficit. Also, Sheriff Clarke analyzes the GOP race at this point and has narrowed the playing field down to 3 candidates with the potential to win. Plus, The People's Sheriff discusses Barack Obama's continued crusade to obliterate the 2nd Amendment and exposes his real objective.

  • The Siege in Burns, Oregon - The People's Sheriff 01/09/16

    09/01/2016 Duração: 39min

    Sheriff Clarke dedicates this entire episode discussing the siege in Burns, Oregon, regarding the land management dispute, and incredible imprisonment of two cattle ranchers.

  • A Look at 2015 - The People's Sheriff 01/02/15

    02/01/2016 Duração: 40min

    The AP and other liberal mainstream media outlets continue to show no shame in leaving out the discovery of Planned Parenthood's selling parts of aborted fetuses to the highest bidder as at least one of their top news stories of 2015. Also, were police officials in Chicago and Minneapolis too tepid and relying on avoiding confrontation in dealing with Black LIES Matter rebellions during Christmas shopping season? Plus, a study that pokes holes in the mass jail/prison release proponents claim that criminal inmate behavior modification programs in lieu of incarceration works. They don't according to a Heritage Foundation study.

  • It Is Time to Suspend Habeas Corpus - The People's Sheriff 12/26/15

    26/12/2015 Duração: 40min

    We are at a point for where there is a clear and present danger to the well being of America. Bold and aggressive action is required to defeat Islamic Terror because nothing else will suffice. Suspending habeas corpus under Article 1 Sec 9 of the US Constitution in times of rebellion and invasion may be necessary. Will the next Commander in Chief have the guts to use it? Also, once again voters are let down by the GOP as runaway spending continues. Recent bills passed in Congress include the bill that extends and increases federal involvement into education and the omnibus spending bill.

  • The Fallacy of Homeland Security - The People's Sheriff 12/19/15

    20/12/2015 Duração: 39min

    The Sheriff is back and breaks down the major concerns regarding homeland security and how the entire agency it's image of protection and safeguarding America is a farce. Also, does Obama's treatment of Israel reveal his true nature of antisemitism? Plus the knee jerk reaction in Los Angeles when the school districts shut down schools from a non-credible threat, and how it can cost millions.

  • America Needs A New Domestic Intelligence Agency - The People's Sheriff 11/28/15

    28/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    Domestic intelligence in America needs a major overhaul. Our borders are unprotected and an attack is more than likely on the horizon. With what happened in Paris, and what is happening around the world, the question isn't "if" an attack on American soil will happen, but "when". Sheriff Clarke discusses the need for a restructuring of domestic intelligence in the U.S., and that creating a new domestic intelligence agency to better detect, disrupt, deter and prevent terror attacks on the homeland, is imperative for our the U.S.

  • David Clarke Podcast 11/21/15

    21/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    Our country inches ever closer to collapse and so many issues plague Americas. Sheriff Clarke discusses the Obama administration's failure to put forth a strategy to defeat ISIS, and how this has us on a course toward national suicide. Also, the liberal agenda continues as wealthy leftist donors consider funding Black Lives Matter groups. Plus, the Syrian refugee crisis has the White House playing Russian Roulette with Homeland Security and the safety of America.

  • The Hypocrisy of Black Lives Matter 11/14/15

    14/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    The People's Sheriff offers analysis and commentary on the killing of 9 year-old black Tyshawn Lee in a gangland killing in Chicago and how it draws nothing but silence from Black Lives Matter. Also, more research based, fact backed evidence that black people in New York are 20 times more likely to be killed by a black criminal, than an NYPD officer. Plus, Sheriff Clarke's analysis of the Republican Party nomination is narrowed down to 5 candidates.

  • Police Brutality...Not Even Close - The People's Sheriff 11/7/15

    07/11/2015 Duração: 40min

    The Black L-I-E-S Matter movement continues to misuse the police brutality term. Also, Sheriff Clarke deconstructs and analyzes the events that took place in Columbia SC at Spring Valley High School, where Deputy Ben Fields used force to remove a student from a classroom. Plus, President Obama's handling of race relations in America.

  • The RNC Legitimizes Black Lives Matter - The People's Sheriff 10/31/15

    31/10/2015 Duração: 39min

    The NYPD loses another one of their finest, as the War on Cops continues. Becoming an officer of the law has become a PR campaign, no longer a protect and serve position. Another GOP debate has come and gone and Sheriff Clarke responds, with the biggest point being that the RNC has legitimized Black Lives Matter.

  • The True Facts Behind Police Shootings - The People's Sheriff 10/24/15

    24/10/2015 Duração: 40min

    The Left's attack on law enforcement continues and the reasoning of racially motivated police shootings is nothing new. Liberal media spews unbacked claims of rogue police forces that blindly kill young youths for the simple fact that they are black. Well new research has been released from Harvard which dispels the myth that police use of force killings are racially motivated. Instead findings prove otherwise, and Sheriff Clarke dedicates his show to the actual facts, rather than racially motivated rhetoric to explain the truth.

  • The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama - The People's Sheriff 10/17/15

    17/10/2015 Duração: 39min

    The People's Sheriff discusses the bad policy of normalizing criminal behavior and how this is bad policy that will disproportionately mean more black crime victims. Sheriff Clarke believes that more de-incarceration will mean more blacks being victims of crime. Also, the president told 60 Minutes he believes he would have no issue winning a 3rd term if he were aloud, and so continues the imperial presidency of Barack Obama. Plus, the left's calls for gun control, which really only means one thing...gun confiscation.

  • The Right is Losing the Culture War in America - The People's Sheriff 10/10/15

    10/10/2015 Duração: 40min

    Sheriff Clarke believes the GOP is losing the war for the American psyche. The NSA scandal may have died down but that doesn't mean the government is not overreaching in collecting data on Americans. Recently, the Secret Service unlawfully accessed Congressman Chaffetz's job application in a perfect example of the potential for abuse with government data collection on citizens in government surveillance operations. Plus, the anti-gun, gun control fanatics are at it again exploiting the mass shooting in Oregon to push for more restrictive gun rights.

  • The Decline of the GOP Into Irrelevancy - The People's Sheriff 10/3/15

    03/10/2015 Duração: 39min

    The Sheriff believes the GOP is in crisis, descending into irrelevancy through acts of self mutilation, self-flagellation and self-destruction. Of the many problems facing them, they have no brand identity nor a face of the party. They tear each other down and have little to no unity, and many among them are Republican in Name Only. They are a riderless horse walking aimlessly into the desert. To this day, they have yet to reverse a national decree to which they willingly consented to in 1981, which prohibits them from investigating and preventing voter fraud. If that is not a perfect example of a complete lack of relevancy, what is?

  • Is the American College System a Racketeering Ring? - The People's Sheriff 9/26/15

    26/09/2015 Duração: 39min

    Sheriff Clarke feels the University/College system in the US should be investigated for racketeering under the RICO organized crime statute by the USDOJ. The People's Sheriff argues the case that American universities are involved in organized crime offering "soft subjects" that have no earning potential, nor do they increase human capital potential while leaving students saddled with insurmountable debt. Also, the Sheriff's thoughts on Pope Frances' visit to the U.S., Governor Scott Walker's decision to exit the Republican Primary Race and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's refusal to de-fund Planned Parenthood Federation.

  • Still For a GOP Candidate With a VISION For America - The People's Sheriff 9/19/15

    19/09/2015 Duração: 39min

    Sheriff Clarke gives his own analysis of the 2nd GOP debate and vents his frustration and disappointment because in his eyes, we're still waiting for one of these candidates to offer a vision for America. Each candidate spewed policy positions like as if that is a vision for America. Sheriff Clarke peels back the layers of this whole concept of criminal sentencing as a reform to expose it for what it truly is...a head-fake. It is really about normalizing criminal behavior by the left and Republicans are falling for it hook line and sinker.

  • Why Does the GOP Always Capitulate to the Left? - The People's Sheriff 9/12/15

    12/09/2015 Duração: 40min

    Sheriff Clarke analyzes a news piece on Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina who made comments that basically describe the strategy of Republican politicians which is capitulation to Democrats. Why are Republicans always walking around looking for defeat? Why are they always willing to "fall on the sword" as a counter strategy to Leftist attacks? And finally, why are they so unwilling to fight??? So far, the GOP has caved on race issues, immigration, gun control, sanctuary cities, raising the debt ceiling, voter ID, prison reform and a myriad of other issues. When will they stand up? How long will they let themselves be steamrolled???

  • The War on Police Rages on - The People's Sheriff 9/5/15

    05/09/2015 Duração: 40min

    Sheriff Clarke discusses the cold blooded murder of Texas Sheriff Deputy Darren Goforth as further evidence that a war on police continues, fueled by constant anti cop rhetoric from cop hating movements like Black Lives Matter. The People's Sheriff says it is a threat to the rule of law and the American way of life, and politicians are afraid to engage the Black LIES Matter movement and refuse to condemn their slimy rhetoric, even though they continue with the vile and vitriol spewed by black racists calling for the systematic killing of white people and cops. Sheriff Clarke feels Black Lives Matter should be labeled a hate group by Southern Poverty Law Center and a domestic terror group by the US DOJ, for their hate filled call for killing whites and police officers.

  • Why People are Attracted to the Trump Phenomena - The People's Sheriff 8/29/15

    29/08/2015 Duração: 39min

    Sheriff Clarke explains why Donald Trump is so appealing to the American public and is leading in the polls. A perfect example is the Pell Grant failure and the waste of money the government dumps into it. Pell Grants are government funded education grants for college tuition given to low-income students. Sheriff Clarke points to a recent study by NBC News that revealed most students who receive Pell grants (60%) do not graduate nor do they get a degree after 6 years. Grants unlike loans do not have to be paid back leaving tax payers on the hook. In 2015, $31.5 billion was funded for Pell grants and since 2000, $300 billion has been provided but no one in government nor those schools getting the money for tuition can tell us much about the achievement result because no one keeps records. Trump gets support from people who are tired of the DC way of doing things and want to find a better, more efficient and effective way with their tax dollars while helping poor students pay for higher education and make stud

  • The Bastardization of Blackness in America - The People's Sheriff 8/22/15

    22/08/2015 Duração: 39min

    Sheriff Clarke shares his recent Op-Ed on the bastardization of Blackness in America. He discusses how the left has completely bastardized and attacked black conservatives in America and the complete lack of support for police officers. That lack of support has led to an increase in crime and especially violence against police officers all across the country. Also, a Birmingham, AL police detective was pistol whipped and didn't fight back for fear of becoming a headline due to all the anti cop rhetoric, which the Sheriff holds the president accountable for, due to his contempt for the American police officer. Plus, how the president nominated the known cop hating lawyer and race agitator Debo Adegbile to head the US DOJ civil rights division against the wishes of every law enforcement fraternity in America.

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