Spiritual Charlotte

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 65:28:00
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Spiritual Charlotte’s Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm muse about all things spiritual and healing in & around Charlotte, NC and waaaay beyond! *Fill out the guest request form on our website to be considered for the show.


  • Episode 17 - We're Talking About The Councils of Light with Linda Carter Backes

    18/01/2017 Duração: 01h13min

    Today we're traveling waaay outside of the box and into infinite possibility as we talk with Charlotte-based Spiritual Teacher, Linda Carter Backes, about the work of The Councils of Light, Heart Codes, DNA activations, Light Language, the Higher Realms, a New Celestial Earth Consciousness, and more! ?Wow - that was a mouthfull, and rightfully so! This is a quantum leap-level conversation that you do NOT want to miss! But don't be nervous if you've never heard of any of the things mentioned above. Linda very practically shares her spiritual and vocational journey from High School English-Lit Teacher to Co-Facilitator of Councils of Light gatherings in Charlotte and Atlanta for the last 8 + years, where she has witnessed profound positive shifts in attendees who come to embody a new consciousness - one of wisdom, light, healing, and unconditional love. Linda also speaks about the upcoming event, Initiation into the Heart Codes, A Lightwork Mastery, happening in Charlotte on Saturday and Sunday, January 28 &a

  • Episode 16 - Starting Off the New Year Spiritually Bankrupt? Here's a Lifeboat!

    11/01/2017 Duração: 01h56min

    Spiritual Charlotte is starting off the New Year by reaching out to those of you who are missing thehappy in Happy New Year. Have you found that you are just as bad off today as you were on Decmeber 31? Have the serious problems of last year not magically diassappeared with the New Year?Is something painful errupting from the volcano of "the great below" inside you? How do we begin to navigate through the darkness of ourselves when feel that the Light has been snuffed out? Although we're not big fans of trendy 10 point lists or "5 Things You Can Do To...." articles, we think this 10 point podcast could save a life - maybe yours! If you are drowning in depression, a lost soul at sea, or at the end of your rope, consider this episode a lifeboat! Spirituality and healing are intertwined - let's talk candidly for a couple hours about what needs to be done to make happiness (and hope) an actual possibility for you in 2017. There is hope and you are not alone. Spiritual Charlotte website Kendall Heath's blog -

  • Medical Challenges & Spirituality - How to Navigate a Self in Transition

    07/12/2016 Duração: 01h00s

    Medical Challenges are never what we are seeing or exeriencing on the surface alone. As many of us now understand, they are interconnected with the imprints left by beliefs, experiences, attitudes and so many factors that we just do not discuss with our regular Western doctors. So, how do we navigate our days when medical challenges have us depressed, exhausted, scared, confused or in a state of discomfort or even extreme pain? How do we make sense of the many unknowns and the complex feelings we have about our body experience - a body in transition? Today, Show Hosts Kendall Heath & Debbie Chisholm, are going to fumble through this HUGE topic on the Self in Transition, especially as it relates to health changes or health crisis.  

  • Interview with Laura Parrott-Perry: Surviving Thanksgiving - Lord, help us!

    23/11/2016 Duração: 01h00s

    Surviving Thanksgiving - Lord, help us! No, for real, HELP US! Thanksgiving and all family holidays have the magical ability to bring up every trigger, trauma, bad habit, piss poor pattern, toxic behavior, pushed down memory, and internal issue that we just don't want to have in our lives, much less in our faces. How is that even fair? And yet, it's a universal truth that keeps the psychological and spiritual/religious fields busy every holiday season. And yet, this year, we find ourselves also in a shit storm of political/social/cultural/environmental/global unrest, abuse, injustice, and suffering. How in the world are we going to make it through Thanksgiving dinner?! Join us as we discuss the answer to this looming question with the ever insightful and compassionate, Laura Parrott-Perry, Co-Founder of Say It, Survivor (SIS) and author of the popular blog, In Others' Words. We promise to remind you that there is a spiritual toolkit at your disposal and you can and must use it, for your own good!      

  • Ed Carlton, Charlotte-based Empath & Psychic Medium, Joins Us this AM!

    16/11/2016 Duração: 01h09min

    We are thrilled to be interviewing local Empath & Psychic Medium, Ed Carlton, for a revealing show on the journey of an Empath! Ed will share his story of self-discovery, sickness, and finally self-acceptance. We'll talk about the difference between empathy and being an Empath, the stages of an Empath's journey, and the true call of empathic gifts. We'll also share resources for Empaths. If you suspect you're an Empath, KNOW you're an Empath, love an Empath, or think you might need more Empaths in your life, this show is for you!  

  • Juicy Interview with Psychotherapist & ICU Talks CoFounder, Kim Honeycutt - YES!

    15/11/2016 Duração: 55min

    Kim Honeycutt has a story and that story to could help save your life. That's what she hopes - that shared stories through her program, ICU Talks, a mental heath ministry at Mosiac Church in Charlotte, will help you see that you're not alone, and will allow you to witness God's love and the God moments that exist in your life. Kim is a local Psychotherapist who candidly shares her story of alcohlism, abuse, trauma, rejection, pain, failure, self-hatred and the redemptive power of Jesus' love in her life. She's crazy-insightful, crazy-funny, and as she'll tell you, just plain crazy! Like us at Spiritual Charlotte, it is important to her that people know there is a place where they can come as they are, where they don't have to suffer alone, or have all the answers, and where perfection is left outside the church doors. She says perception is everything, and we have to look at how we are perceiving ourselves. Through whose eyes do you pereceive yourself? Join us as we go deep with Kim Honeycutt and explore t

  • Bringing Peace to Election Day Results - Let's Grieve Together & Restore Hope

    09/11/2016 Duração: 56min

    Wow. Just wow. We wish we could stop there, but we can't! Some say spirituality and politics are separate, but we know that spirituality isn't separate from anything. All of it is in the swirl together. Today is an especially tough day for many people who were hoping that fear, hate, racism, misogyny, bigotry, terror, abuse, patriarchal imbalance, etc. would not win out today. But, here we are in an America that is divided and many are disheartened. How do we get through this day and the ones to come? How do we make peace with all of this? How do we make sense of it? Where do we go from here? We wouldl ike to offer you more ways to perceive and digest this experience in our nation and inside ourselves.

  • What is REIKI, exactly? Two Reiki Masters give us the 411 on this healing method

    02/11/2016 Duração: 56min

    The spiritual journey often includes alternative healing therapies that help to open the heart, heal old hurts and toxic beliefs, and remove energetic blockages that can manifest as dis-ease or hold us back in our lives. Reiki is one of those therapies that works in harmony with any spiritual journey or can assist anyone on their lifepath, regardless of religious/spiritual orientation. So, what is reiki exactly? How does it actually work? From where does it originate? How does it contribute to a person's health & wellness? Why is Western medicine taking a closer look at reiki, where it is being included more frequently as an option in mainstream patient care? And what are some success stories/testimonials of reiki treatments? Join Charlotte-based Reiki Masters Kathy Zering of www.kathyzering.com and Co-host Debbie Chisholm of www.debbiechisholm.com, and Co-host Kendall Heath of www.spiritualcharlotte.wordpress.com as we explore reiki.    

  • Live Interview with Channeler & Intuitive, Aurora Gabriel

    26/10/2016 Duração: 01h00s

    Aurora Gabriel has been channeling and offering intuitive readings for over 25 years. Based in Woodstock, MD, Aurora channels for people all over the world, via private phone sessions or in person group channeling. The joy and effervesence that is Aurora is absolutely contagious and utterly comforting - it is no wonder why she was called to bring forth messages of Divine Love from Archangels, Ascended Masters, The Great Mothers, Mary Magdalene and the Women Healers, The Star Nations, The Christ Light, and more!  We just have to share this genuine, gifted, wonderful soul with you today, as she has helped us greatly over the years and may be able to bring you just the message that you need to hear today!

  • Last Look at The Deeper Insights of Cycles & Seasons Through Goddess Wisdom

    12/10/2016 Duração: 01h07min

    In ancient history and even just 200 years ago, western society and cultures around the world were more consciously connected to natural cycles and seasons. In modern times, we are distanced from an understanding of what life's seasons and natural cycles have to teach us and remind us. In our second epsiode on seasons, we are drawing from Goddess Wisdom, one of the best traditions for honoring and preserving our connections to the natural world, our bodies, our personal power, and the heart callings of all people, but most especially women. We will draw on the work of Author/Teacher, Nancy Blair, to revive the wisdom of some of the Goddesses of Autumn: Kuan Yin, Medicine Woman, Inanna, and Demeter. We will also look at what is lost when the femine aspects of God and/or Spiritual Myth/Oracle are rejected by our culture and what is gained when they are revived! Join us as we stir the seasonal soup that is Goddess Wisdom!      

  • Looking at Seasons in Nature & Life As Messengers for Greater Self Awareness

    05/10/2016 Duração: 01h08min

    For many ages, people relied on the cycles and seasons of the Earth in every facet of their lives. Yet today we are largely disconnected from nature and the natural cycles that are still so much a part of our existence here on Mother Earth. What messages about natural processes and cycles of transformation are available to us when we look at seasons in the natural world and in our lives? Also, what roles do the feminine aspects of God/Higher Conciousness play in our understanding of cycles and seasons? For centuries, Goddesses were primary God-figures. How can resurrecting the Goddess in God help us to better move through the seasons of our selves and our lives? And what does Fall, in particular, teach us about ourselves? We hope you'll explore the ancient wisdom of seasons and cycles with us today to give you inspiration for being present in the seasons of your life!

  • We've Got More To Say About Sistering As Part of The Spiritual Journey!

    28/09/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm of Spiritual Charlotte continue their conversation on sistering as part of the spiritual journey. There is a difference between standard women friendships and sistering. What is that difference and why do you need sistering? In contrast, what does it look like to be unsistered and to unsister others in your life? How does sistering take self love and unconditional love to the next level? You might not know you even need more and deeper sistering, but have a listen and see if this is something missing or underrepresented in your life, that you can begin to work on today!

  • Sistering As Support for the Spiritual Journey - Part 1

    21/09/2016 Duração: 01h16min

    Today Kendall Heath and Debbie Chisholm talk about how sistering supports a woman's spiritual journey. What is sistering? What does it mean to be sistered? What is the experience of being unsistered? How does sistering show up in our lives and where is it missing in our modern culture? What happens to the soul of someone who is unsistered? And how are the men in our lives impacted by sistering? Today we look at this popular topic through a spiritual lens to help you determine what level of sistering you have or need in your life.    

  • How Your Mess Becomes Your Message - Part 2

    09/09/2016 Duração: 01h02min

    You've been told "everything happens for a reason", "your (or their) suffering was not in vein", "God had you go through that so that you could help someone else, or so this other thing could happen"... We're disecting all that out in the second half of this episode on how the messes you make or live out in your life are actually often the precise subjects that you get to become an expert on! Of course, tell that to someone while their in the middle of the "Dark Night of the Soul" and see what happens. But having come out on the other side of so many major life messes ourselves, we're now talking about the spiritual growth, hope, Grace, Light, and triumph that comes from the mess! Join us for an even deeper dive into the meaning of messes and messages.    

  • Today We're Talking About How "Your Mess Becomes Your Message." Let's get messy!

    31/08/2016 Duração: 01h00s

    Your mess (sometimes) becomes your message. Your tests (have the potential) to become your testimonies. Your victim experiences (might) lead you to future life victories. Today Spiritual Charlotte's Debbie Chisholm and Kendall Heath will explore how life experiences transform us into more brilliant, powerful, people who can become experts in the precise areas where we previously suffered. Where does the spiritual journey fall when it comes to our messes, our messengers, and the ultimate messages we end up sharing in our world? Join us to find out!

  • The Spiritual Woman's Bookshelf - The 10 Books That Knocked Us Flat On Our Asses

    19/08/2016 Duração: 58min

    There are books, and then there are books. On the spiritual journey, there seems to be lots of books! Spiritual study is so broad that it has to be a personal undertaking, one where your intuition leads you to the next piece of information that you need. Books with spiritual subjects from one end of the spectrum to the other end up being the primary teachers (along with life experiences, of course). Well, in actuality, the authors of books end up being the primary teachers. Today Kendall and Debbie will be discussing the books that have crossed their paths on the road of self-discovery and personal awakening, and they'll also talk briefly about the titles next in line on their book bucket lists. With book audio apps, there's no excuse today for even non-readers. So, let's talk about the books that have knocked us on our asses with their mystical truths and paradigm shattering sentences! Tune in until the end to find your next mind-expanding, heart-opening, life-altering read!

  • What IS "spirituality" anyway - and what brings people to it as a life path?

    27/07/2016 Duração: 57min

    On this Intro show, Spritual Charlottes, Kendall Heath of www.kendallheath.net and Debbie Chisholm of www.debbiechisholm.com, clear up some misunderstandings about spirituality and discuss majors aspects of their own spiritual journeys to date. What are some of the challenges of moving into a spiritual life path? Why do people go this way? Why is it more common than it was 50 years ago? Why does it seem to resonate so much with women? Aside from Kendall and Debbie being Charlotte-based, they also define what an actual  "Spiritual Charlotte" is! Whether you live in North Carolina or not, you'll definitely want to tune in, as they'll be speaking both about spirituality in The Queen City and ways the show will be reaching out to guests in the CLT and beyond!

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