Rescue Radio With Marjorie Cole

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 435:49:37
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RESCUE RADIO "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"Nothing boring or too political or super spiritual. Just probably some of the most revolutionary and useful information you will find on radio.Join us live Tuesdays at 10AM CST or catch us on the run. Its time to talk straight about the war between God and Satan that is going on in our souls. And though the battle is the Lords and has already been won, the Enemy still seems to have a lot to say that has left too many of us doubtful and confused about what is going on and what can be done about it. It is time to talk back and tell it like it is! Hosted by Marjorie Cole, founder of Life Recovery, Inc., and author of Taking the Devil to Court with Jarry Cole, Pastor of True Light Church as the featured guest pastor and roving co-host. Special Guests include youth leaders, spiritual leaders, health and nutrition advocates, experts in the new age, giants, the Bible, and numerous other subjects relevant to the perilous times in which we find ourselves. Along with a team of warfare specialists Jarry and Marjorie will offer you an opportunity to find real answers to tough questions.Jesus told us it would get dark and difficult in the days before His return. He told us not to be deceived. Rescue Radio is here to help you sort through the lies and respond to the spiritual challenges of serving Jesus Christ in this desperately wicked world.


  • "Expectations" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    16/04/2024 Duração: 30min

    What do we do when life is hard and God does not seem to be helping. We are being tested to become fearful and disappointed. Why are things so hard? What happened to having our “best life now”? The Bible is full of stories of people who went through hard things.  David comforted his soul be reminding himself the God was his rock. He was not going to be moved out of his place of confidence in God. He counseled his soul to wait on God. It takes courage to trust and to wait, to stand and having done all, to stand, and not “throw in the towel.” But, even if we are tempted to leave, where would we go. Jesus Christ in whom we have believed, has the words of eternal life. Checkout "A Case For Justice" at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "What Went Wrong?" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    09/04/2024 Duração: 37min

    Marriage was meant to be a covenant between a man and a woman. In Genesis, God made a help mate for Adam to keep him from getting lonely and help him with the Garden. But after they sinned, everything changed. Adam refused to admit he had any part in the disobedient act of eating the fruit. Instead, he said, “it was the woman You gave me.” This opened up the first can of worms between them. Bitterness, blaming and distrust sprang up in the middle of what once was a lovely relationship, and so it continues, thousands of years later, with rejection, abuse, in divorce court, mediation, separation, in broken and bitter families, with no strong presence guarding the door of the home to keep out the thieves and the peddlers of lies.  To this day, the Adams of this world have a hard time admitting when they are wrong. It is a curse upon all mankind and is the root of more marital discord than we can imagine. The men seem to have a generally hard time repenting or confessing their need for a Savior or being nice to t

  • "The Covenant" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    02/04/2024 Duração: 35min

    The definition of covenant is basically two parties entering into an agreement that makes all of my things your things, and all of your things my things. God's strengths become our strength. God's resources become our resources. God invited Abraham to walk away from the paganism of the world and enter into Covenant with Him. That Covenant was cut with the sacrifices of animals and sealed with the Word of His Promises made to Abraham. The New Covenant was God's method of entering into Covenant with those who were ransomed from the grip of death through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. God wants us to take advantage of our relationship with Him and all that He has, to carry out the Great Commission to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out demons. The Covenant is our source of favor and power with God.   Check out the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Come Down" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    26/03/2024 Duração: 28min

    Cries of "Hosanna!' had turned to cries of "Crucify Him!". Once on the cross, the religious leaders mocked Jesus saying, "If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross." "If He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe Him..." Jesus would not come down from the cross because He came down to earth for the cross. Jesus isn't about saving Himself. He's about giving Himself completely to save you and me. And we are called to give ourselves fully to Him. Check out the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Journey to the Cross" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    19/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    As we delve deeper, we discover the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and the divine timing that aligns with the Passover festival. Jesus fulfills the Passover as the ultimate sacrificial lamb, signaling the end of the old covenant and the ushering in of a new era of love and servanthood. Check out God On Trial at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • “The Hostility” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    12/03/2024 Duração: 34min

    The hostility against Jesus mounted as it became more apparent who He was. The Honeymoon with Jesus and His enemies was over. He was a threat the them and everything they had built out of the bricks of religion and fear. They were losing control of the people who were shifting their faith over to a new commandment of love. As the time drew nearer to the Cross, the words and snares and intentions to trap Jesus in His Words became more heated. Jesus was not hiding His warnings in parables and stories any more. Brood of vipers, hypocrites, you are of your father the devil, and throwing the money changers out of the temple were met with plots to seize Jesus and turn Him over to the governor. It was time to end the career of this rival religious leader Who was exposing them unholy intentions for personal gain and fame. They had been unable to “catch Him in His words.” They needed someone who would betray His location and set Him up to be taken out.  They found that man in Judas. Check out “Taking The Devil To Cou

  • "Satan’s Justice" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    05/03/2024 Duração: 32min

    An eye for an eye does not promote the law of love. Satan is the god of this world. What would ever make us think that he would promote the justice due a man? Or that his administration of this world would right the wrongs and distribute the goods and opportunities of his "Snake Pit" fairly? We are left with several options, to trust God to bring justice or to get mad and become bitter. How do we stand in this evil day and having done all, stand, when we are often the victims of Satan’s injustice? Do we walk in the bitterness of offense and unbelief or abide in confidence in the faithfulness of God to bring about justice and truth for all?   Check out "A Case For Justice" and "When Life's Not Fair" at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "The Goodness of God" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    27/02/2024 Duração: 36min

    The Lord instructs His people to have other gods before Him and that He is a jealous God visiting the iniquities of the fathers onto the children to the third and fourth generation. Unless we put the devil into the equation this sounds like a threat from God to punish those who do not serve Him. If God were acting independently, He would have to be both good and evil. The psalms are full of David’s blessing the Lord for His gracious goodness and His mercy that endures forever. David knew the truth about his enemies and God’s care for him. Satan’s whole point is to keep us meandering through our lives, doubtful and double-minded about the goodness of God. The enemy wants us to see God through filters of sin, unanswered prayer and us being undeserving of God’s goodness. If God says He is good and He does not lie, then how do we stay encouraged in the goodness of our Father in the midst of so much pain and calamity as we believe God for the restoration of His blessings to us? Check out "A Case For Justice" at th

  • "Shalom" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    20/02/2024 Duração: 33min

    The symptoms of chaos in our lives are anxiety, depression and fear. Chaos comes as one of the after-effects of childhood trauma. The trauma has gotten us to permit disassociation and "I don't want to know" to rule in our souls. Disassociation does not allow us to see what is going on, so we live our lives in a cycle of fear, destruction and chaos.   The word Shalom means peace, tranquility, wealth, health, and to have favor with God and men. But Shalom also means to have authority over the power of chaos. Chaos is one of the "powers" that controls the climate of a region or a place. Eph. 6:12 lists powers and principalities. Chaos controls the mood and emotions of our souls to sabotage our lives and destinies as it undermines our spirit's strength to stand and withstand the attacks of the evil one.    Only Shalom Peace coming from the Prince of Peace gives us the authority to break the cycle of chaos and control that is sabotaging our lives and keeping us from seeing the truth about what is really happening

  • "Beloved" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    13/02/2024 Duração: 30min

    Life is the place where love and fear meet and make war. It is the co-mingling of the two most powerful and compelling forces on earth. "Perfect love casts out fear." But what is love? We are told that God loved us even when we were still sinners. We are conditioned to define love as conditional, contingent upon our behavior.  Love, according to the scripture "suffers long and is kind." Love does not bend to fear or try to find someone to validate us as lovable or worthy. Our validation and the revelation of knowing we are loved comes from knowing Jesus shed His Blood to set us free to be His Beloved. Check out "Doing Relationships God's Way" at the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • "Spirit Of Pain" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    06/02/2024 Duração: 35min

    The dictionary defines pain as penalty, and suffering inflicted as punishment of an offense. This is a perfect lead in for the spirit of guilt to gets us to agree with the implication that we deserve to be punished for sins we have committed. Agreeing that we deserve to be punished opens the door to pain. Guilt feels justified in putting pain on us because we agreed that we sinned. Guilt’s second friend is poverty who gets us to agree that because we have sinned we do not deserve good things. Guilt’s third friend is infirmity. When we agree I did something bad the implication is that I am bad. Infirmity sets up confusion in our immune system which was created by God to preserve that which is good and destroy that which is bad. Many people do not think their pain is connected with sin or guilt or confusion or infirmity. To get to the root of the pain we must get to the memory that holds the agreement with the lie that opened the door for the Enemy to bring his demonic judgment of pain, penalty and infirmity up

  • "Book Of Life" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    30/01/2024 Duração: 36min

    Only those written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will be permitted to enter into the temple. (Rev.21:27) Jesus told His disciples to rejoice that their names “were written in Heaven.” “And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God and books were opened. And another book was opened which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their words, by the things which were written in the books.” (Rev.20:12) We know there is a Book of Life. There are also books which appear to be the record of our individual works. Those not found in the registry of Heaven will be judged by their own works, all of which will be insufficient to gain them a place in heave. God has written our names in The Book of Life. Names can also be blotted out of the Book of Life, not for our sin but for not accepting Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for our sin.   In (Rev. 13:8) there Is also another group “living on the earth who will worship the Beast, “whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from

  • "Glory of God" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    23/01/2024 Duração: 32min

    There is not much glory in this Snake Pit down here. Atrocities, horrific injustices, vile hatred and sin rule the day. Jesus came to lay down His life in the Snake Pit to glorify the Father and redeem us from the destruction of the Evil One. “Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately.” (Jn.13:31-12) Glory removes shame. We had lost our glory as shame had taken over the human race. Jesus came to reinstate our glory as He gave up His - that He might bring forth a glorious church without spot or wrinkle. The glorification of Jesus by His Father has brought forth our justification. The Father authenticates the power of His Son and the truth of His Word as He continues to answer our prayers. The Father is still being glorified in His Son with every answer to prayer we pray in Jesus’ name. Jesus invites us to ask anything in His name that the Father may be glorified in the Son. So, go ahead and do it!

  • "The Pit" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    16/01/2024 Duração: 33min

    Isaiah said it well. Pits of despair, lies, caves of fear and confusion have locked up God’s people. It is time to come out of the strongholds Satan has set, the snares of hopelessness. “But this is a people robbed and plundered; all of them are snared in holes, and they are hidden in prison houses. They are for prey, and no one delivers; for plunder, and no one says, “Restore.” (Is. 42:22) Jesus took our iniquities and bore our sorrows. We can be free because He has set us, whosoever wills and believes in and follows Him is free. Walk in that freedom though is seems weird and different, and unfamiliar, His freedom is real. Be lifted from the Pit onto the Rock, Christ Jesus. It is not too late to live! "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • ”God is for Us” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    09/01/2024 Duração: 32min

    Be anxious for nothing. Fear not. God is for me. Fear makes us anxious. Perfect love casts out fear - if we know God is for us. What are the thoughts fear is putting in our minds to build its case for anxiety and against love? Fear says, what can I do, what is going to happen, what happens if I don't get_____, etc. Fear flips us from beings to doings. I've got to do something, but I do not know what to do. This creates anxiety. Satan keeps us busy doing things to be okay which keeps us from knowing we are already the love of God's life. Knowing God is for me is different than believing that God is not against me! Think about it! The gap between knowing God is for me, and God is not against me has given the Enemy all kinds of opportunities to slap all kinds of religious performances and conditions on our being good enough to be loved by God. God's love is unconditional and is not based upon our being good enough to receive it! (Rom. 8: 31-39, Ps. 34, Ps. 37, Ps. 56, Pa. 118:5-7) Checkout the Life Recovery Stor

  • "Emmanuel" RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    02/01/2024 Duração: 30min

    Emmanuel (Immanuel) means "God with us." God is above us. God is against us when we sin. God is among us. God is for us. God is in us. God is with us. And because Jesus came to be with us, we can now be with Him. He lives in us and we can live in Him. The beauty of our relationship with Him is that He has chosen to dwell among us and be in us and live forever together in heaven where all tears will be wiped away, all fear will  be defeated and we will never feel alone of separated ever again. Checkout "Doing Relationships God's Way" on the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • ”The Snatcher” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    26/12/2023 Duração: 33min

    Our foundations are in shambles, our minds have been overtaken, and our eyes blinded to see what is right in front of us. The snatcher (aka Satan) truly has done a magnificent job of distracting us from the liberating power of the truth of God’s Word.  This is changing. People are waking up! They are hearing and getting delivered. Jesus is bringing the revelation of His love and power into the lives of those lost and broken.  Check out the Life Recovery Store. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • ”He’s Coming Again!” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    19/12/2023 Duração: 33min

    Promises delayed are painful things. Will they ever come to pass or is this just another place for sadness and complacency to hide? Jesus did come the first time. The promise was kept. The second promise of His second coming is yet to be fulfilled, although is may be very near.  As it was in the days of Noah, before the Flood, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man. Men will be eating and drinking, marrying and missing the urgency of Heaven’s return to the earth. Much like the angels announced Jesus’ first coming, this one will be heralded with the shout of the angels and the sounds of trumpets. Will we be ready, or will we be caught off guard, piddling away our lives on trying to escape it?  Check out "A Case for Righteousness", "Setting Captives Free", and "A Case for  Healing" in the Life Recovery Store.   "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • ”Bethlehem Backstory” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    12/12/2023 Duração: 41min

    Joseph and Mary were not sinless but they were holy, living in obedience to the Law as it had been brought to the Jewish people through Moses and the Prophets. The world was full of political unrest, injustice and power grabbing, just like it is today. This is a real and royal story. Christmas is about the coming of the Christ. Satan has worked to bury the truth about Christ and his coming. Even to this day, he has tried to smother the Infant Jesus in mistletoe, eggnog, and merchandise. He has filled our heads with fairy tales, Scrooge, Santa, Elf, and the Grinch. But with all the Enemy has done to destroy the wonder of the Christ Child’s birth, the fact of His coming and His triumph over death and the grave remains to give us hope, peace, and joy. Thank you Jesus! "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

  • ”Comfort My People” RESCUE RADIO with Marjorie Cole

    05/12/2023 Duração: 32min

    When will all this suffering end? The longing for things to change, the sorrow and loss of loved ones and the blatant injustice? In the fullness of time God sent His Son Jesus as the Ransom Redeemer to set us free from the tyranny of Satan. We are told to “count it all joy” when we fall into various trials. As we choose to let God heal and deliver us from the separation of sin that afflicts us, the joy of the Lord will return to bring us hope and comfort.  We are more than conquerors as we lay down our lives for Jesus Who is the way back home, the truth unchanging, and the Life eternal. "Because There Is A War For Your Soul"

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