Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows.
Why was Cain’s sacrifice rejected?
17/08/2024 Duração: 25minWhy was Cain’s sacrifice not accepted by God? How do you bear the fruit of the Spirit in your daily life? What did Jesus mean by “pick up your cross and follow Me,” especially since this was pre-cross?
Is Eastern Orthodox the one true church?
16/08/2024 Duração: 25minHow can we discern who to marry given the warning about being unequally yoked? Why should I remain Protestant and not become Eastern Orthodox? What is the value and purpose of crowns in Heaven? Can we “speak things into existence”? Wouldn’t that be taking power away from God?
Finding strength when attacked on all sides
15/08/2024 Duração: 25minHow do you find strength to carry on when you feel attacked on all sides? Was Pontius Pilate’s wife’s vision from God? How should I navigate ongoing health problems with no answers for almost a year?
How are cremated bodies made new?
14/08/2024 Duração: 25minWhat happens to those who were cremated at the return of Christ? Did all of humanity die with Christ? If Adam was created perfect, why was he tempted to become like God? How can I handle the struggles of daily life in a deteriorating living situation?
EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 3
11/08/2024 Duração: 33minDiscussion Questions: Read Matthew 7:1-5. What is the main point? How does it parallel Romans 2:17-24? Read Matthew 7:6. Describe a time you tried to share the truth with someone who didn’t want to hear it. What did you learn from that experience? And from this Scripture? Read Matthew 7:7-11. How is this evangelistic? How does it point to the goodness of God? Read Matthew 7:12. This is commonly referred to as “the golden rule.” How does it fall short of a new covenant, grace-based motivation for treating others well? Read Matthew 7:13-14. Describe the narrow gate. Describe the wide gate. Reader Matthew 7:17-19. React to this statement: I’m a good tree that bears good fruit. Read Matthew 7:21-23. Why does Jesus tell some to depart from Him? How do we know they were not ever believers?
EPIC: High-Impact Truths in the New Testament – Part 2
04/08/2024 Duração: 34minDiscussion Questions: Read Matthew 6:1-4. Why does Jesus tell them to hide their giving to the poor? Read Matthew 6:5-8. Why does Jesus say to hide their praying? How have we today engaged in “meaningless repetition” with prayer? Read Matthew 6:9-11. How do you think the Jews interpreted “kingdom” and “daily bread” when they heard it? How might we view this passage differently today? Read Matthew 6:12. Why would Jesus offer them a prayer that asks God to forgive them to the same degree they’ve forgiven others? Read Matthew 6:14-15. How is the conditional nature of this forgiveness highlighted even more in these verses? Is this the forgiveness we have from God today? Explain. Read Matthew 6:16-18. Why does Jesus tell them to hide their fasting? Have you noticed how fasting is often announced and publicly agreed upon today? What are your thoughts? “Hide your giving. Hide your praying. Hide your fasting. Stop all your worrying. Forgive others to be forgiven by God.” What is the typical Bible teaching on this se
“Lawlessness” is bad, right? But we’re not under the Law!
03/08/2024 Duração: 25minWhy is my church teaching that it’s wrong to play musical instruments during the service? Where do they see that in the Bible? Why does Jesus reject people in Matthew 7 for their “lawlessness” if we are not under the Law? Is there a gift of wisdom and knowledge? If so, what does that look like? And what about tongues and the interpretation of tongues?
“I don’t want to go to church anymore!”
02/08/2024 Duração: 25minI have no desire to go to church lately, and I wonder if I might be going to Hell. Are there new apostles today? Have the spiritual gifts gone away now? What is “testing the spirits” or discernment of spirits? Is it about spiritual warfare and demons?
“Eastern Orthodox - the one, true church?”
01/08/2024 Duração: 25minWhat is Luke 6:38 really saying about giving and receiving from God? How can we respond to the Eastern Orthodox Church who claims to be the one and only original church today? What is freedom in Christ? What kind of “freedom” are we really talking about? Romans 14 tells us not to judge other people and references the final judgment. What is the reasoning there?
“I’m afraid to lose my daughter to meth!”
31/07/2024 Duração: 25minI’ve seen people give away money online to others, and I wonder if I should do the same. Is that what Paul meant about a cheerful giver? I’ve lost my two sons, and now I’m afraid I may lose my daughter to drug abuse. What should I do? I’m starting to see how I can best help those who are saved but confused! I’m wanting to encourage a man who was once in prison for sexual sin, yet I’m repulsed by what he did. How can I get over that and truly minister to him?
“The Law is not multiple choice…”
28/07/2024 Duração: 54minWas the sin of Adam and Eve passed down to everyone? What can we say to Muslims who emphasize that Ishmael was born before Isaac? How do the Jews obey the Law if they are not offering sacrifices any longer? Why didn’t Jesus appear to more people after His resurrection? Plenty of people could say “Jesus is Lord” and not really have the Holy Spirit, so how does 1 Corinthians 12:3 make sense? What if we enjoy sin? Does that mean we’re not saved? Do we need to do anything to maintain our salvation? Why do some people teach there is a second blessing and that we’re not saved without the gift of tongues?