Yusuf Circle Sheffield
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- Duração: 249:20:03
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield
S11 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - By The Pen That Records!
10/01/2025 Duração: 33minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 11 By The Pen That Records! This is our Register speaking about you in truth. Indeed we have been replicating whatever you do, Surah Jathiyah 45:29. Thus reflect, can replication be done then except for a matter that has already been settled? (Tirmidhi). Speaking ignorantly about Qadr is postponed now and will be done by the worst people of my Ummah in later generations (Bazzar). I fear for my Ummah after me the denial of Qadr and belief in the stars (Abu Ya'laa). Whilst sitting with The Messenger ﷺ, Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) felt a Bliss which he never felt before (Abu Nu'aym). Jibreel (as), Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) & The Messenger ﷺ sit together (Tabarani). Abdullah (ra) knew Syriac (Ibn Sa'd- Tabaqaat).
S10 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - Free will & Destiny.
10/01/2025 Duração: 31minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 10 Free will & Destiny. Many folk may fall into a trap in believing that 'my path and fate is thus sealed- hence my Lord has been unjust.' In a report, Abu Musa (ra) advises, 'Allah SWT will not be unjust to you,' view Surah 18:49. Do not suspect Allah SWT with respect to His Decree (Ahmad). Umar (ra) asks O Messenger ﷺ, is it a matter that has already been ordained or is it a matter that will be ordained as we go ? It is a matter already ordained! Why should we then exert? The Good cannot be obtained except by working! We will then exert our best O Messenger ﷺ (Ahmad). Belief in destiny removes grief & worry (Haakim). I recognise Allah SWT by the annulment of determinations, Alee (ra) (Al Fiqh Al Akbar).
S9 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - Why strive if everything is already written ?
09/01/2025 Duração: 30minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 9 Why strive if everything is already written ? The Companions are rebuked for disputing Al Qadr... the nations before were destroyed due to this (Ibn Majah). Some people bear the knowledge of Islam but lack its understanding. He whose knowledge does not benefit then his ignorance will harm him. You are amongst the people of The Quran as long as it refrains you from the forbidden (Tabaraani). Amr ibn Al aas (ra) encourages the elders to make way for the youngsters so that they learn Hadith. Why should we strive if the matter is already settled - Al Qadr? Strive with your deeds for a middle course for the person destined for Paradise will die doing the deeds of the people of paradise - regardless of what he did before. A person destined for Hell will die doing the deeds of the people of Hell - regardless of what he did before (Tirmidhi).
S8 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - Good deeds expiate evil ...Surah 11:114.
09/01/2025 Duração: 30minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 8 Good deeds expiate evil ...Surah 11:114. Follow an evil deed with a good deed, for surely it will efface it (Tirmidhi). Hunger drives The Messenger ﷺ to sit and offer Salah (Ibn Asaakir). The grave of Abu Righaal.
S7 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - 2 easy practices but few do it, ZIkir
09/01/2025 Duração: 26minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 7 The Slinker who whispers in the hearts... 2 easy practices but few do it, ZIkir after the obligatory Salah and before sleep (Tirmidhi). But why only a few, shaytan will interject and distract with his slinking. Tasbeeh Fatima (raa).
S6 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - 'The Victory - Treaty of Hudaybiyah'
07/01/2025 Duração: 30minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 6 'The Victory - Treaty of Hudaybiyah' Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) is of the senior companions as he embraced the faith before the Treaty of Hudaybiyah, view Surah 57 v10. Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) stays 3 nights with an Ansaree wanting to know why the latter is promised paradise!
S5 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - The Excellence of 'Thani Ihtnain'
07/01/2025 Duração: 36minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 5 The Excellence of 'Thani Ihtnain' - The Second of The Two' Surah 9 v40 - Abu Bakr (ra) Thani Afnayn sacrifices himself for his dear friend ﷺ (Abo Ya'la). It's incumbent for my Ummah to Love & Thank Abu Bakr (ra) (Ibn Assakir). Later in life, Alee (ra) during a sermon states that only Abu Bakr (ra) dare to challenge the pagan Quraysh whilst defending The Messenger ﷺ.
S4 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - The Early Makkan Period
07/01/2025 Duração: 31minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 4 The Early Makkan Period The Day Before Abu Bakr (ra) defends his dear friend The Messenger ﷺ ... The pagan Quraysh continue the persecution The Messenger ﷺ eventually responds... 'O Assembly of Quraysh, I swear by Allah SWT that I have come to slaughter you! The stunned and motionless pagans responded 'O Abu Qassim ﷺ please proceed in peace...' Anas (ra) relates, 'Once they beat up The Messenger ﷺ until he went blank...' and later regained consciousness to complete the Tawaaf (Tabarani).
S3 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - was a stout man and had a large frame (Siyar).
07/01/2025 Duração: 28minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 3 Abdullah ibn Amr (ra) was a stout man and had a large frame (Siyar). He was 25 years of age when the divine revelation descended. His father was only 13 years older than him (Mashaheer). Abdullah (ra) was originally named Al Aas 'the disobedient one' but this was later changed when he became one of the faithful (Siyar). His father Amr passed away 20 years after the death of Umar (ra) in 23 AH at the age of 99 (Al Isaabah). Abdullah (ra) recalls the ill treatment of The Messenger ﷺ during the early Makkan period.
S2 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - Hisham ibn Al Aas (ra) was the younger brother of Amr (ra)
07/01/2025 Duração: 29minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra), Session 2. Hisham ibn Al Aas (ra) was the younger brother of Amr (ra) and was from the early converts to Islam and had migrated to Al Medina (Al Isaabah). He was a renowned horseman and was martyred at Ajnaadayn (Al Bidaya).
S1 - Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al Aas (ra) - How excellent the family of Abdullah (ra)
03/01/2025 Duração: 29minHadrat Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) Session 1 How excellent the family of Abdullah (ra) (ibn Amr ibn Al-Aas ra), the father & mother of Abdullah (ra) (Ahmad). Abdullah embraced Islam before his father (Al Isaabah). He migrated to Al Medina after 7 AH. Amr ibn Al Aas (ra) is one of the pious of the Quraysh (Tirmidhi). Sayyidaa RayTha bint Munabbih ibn Al Hajjaj (raa) was from Khath'am (ibn Sa'd). I do not see the command except it is quicker than that... (Abu Dawud)... rectify your affairs whilst you can.
S16 FINAL - The Umrah - Al Medina is the dome of Islam, the abode of faith and the land of Hijraa
29/12/2024 Duração: 44minThe Umrah, Final Session 16 Al Medina is the dome of Islam, the abode of faith and the land of Hijraa... A Summary of The Places of Shifa Whilst around the Kaba request the prophets to make a supplication Touch the Black Stone Touch the Yemeni corner Touch the Station of Prophet Ibrahim (as) Make dua whilst performing Iltezaam Drink ZamZam Make use of the dust of Al Medina Consume 7 Ajwa dates in the morning Consume any fruit of Al Medina Consume the vegetation of Mt Uhud Recite Salat-Al Nabi at the Grave of The Messenger ﷺ Masjid Al Fath Masjid Al Ahzaab
S15 - The Umrah - The holiest place in the entire creation is the grave of The Messenger ﷺ.
27/12/2024 Duração: 37minThe Umrah, Session 15 The holiest place in the entire creation is the grave of The Messenger ﷺ. Whoever visits me ﷺ after my passing it is then as if he visited me ﷺ in my lifetime. Recite Surah 4 v64 at the grave of The Messenger ﷺ.
S14 - The Umrah - Between my ﷺ house and my ﷺ pulpit is a garden from the Gardens of Paradise.
27/12/2024 Duração: 40minThe Umrah, Session 14 Between my ﷺ house and my ﷺ pulpit is a garden from the Gardens of Paradise. The Pillar of Repentance & Abu Lubahbah (ra). Whoever visits my ﷺ grave then my ﷺ intercession is guaranteed for him (Baihaqi). The excellence of Salaat upon The Messenger ﷺ whilst at the grave.
S13 - The Umrah - Umrah in Ramadhan is like Hajj with me ﷺ.
27/12/2024 Duração: 34minThe Umrah, Session 13 1 prayer at Masjid Nabi is 4 times greater than a prayer in Al Aqsa, but how excellent a place of worship Al Aqsa is. I ﷺ am the last Prophet and my ﷺ Masjid is the last a Prophet will build. Umrah in Ramadhan is like Hajj with me ﷺ.
S12 - The Umrah - Mt Uhud will stand at one of the gates of paradise (Ibn Majah).
27/12/2024 Duração: 41minThe Umrah, Session 12 Mountains become proud when folk perform zikir upon them (Tabarani). Mt Uhud will stand at one of the gates of paradise (Ibn Majah). 70 noble companions are buried at the base of Uhud. Prophet Harun (as) is buried at Uhud. Salah in Masjid Quba is like Umrah, view Surah 9 v108. The reward of an obligatory Salah in Masjid Nabi is that of Hajj.
S11 - The Umrah - Jannatul Baqee
23/12/2024 Duração: 36minThe Umrah, Session 11 Jannatul Baqee Those buried in Baqee intercede for 70k. Imam Malik, There are around 10k Companions buried in Baqee. 'O Allah SWT forgive the inhabitants of Baqee.' The Ajwa dates are from paradise and heal possession.
S10 - The Umrah - Al Medina Pt2
22/12/2024 Duração: 38minThe Umrah, Session 10 Every medicine is veiled and if not removed there is no cure (an angel is in charge of the veil). Surah 16, v41, We will certainly give them a beautiful home in this world - this refers to Al Medina as per Ibn Abbab
S9 - The Umrah - Al Medina
22/12/2024 Duração: 35minThe Umrah, Session 9 Al Medina Every Prophet had a Harram & My ﷺ Harram is Medina. Dajjal cannot enter Medina, however Mt Uhud is wthin reach. Within the dust of Medina is
S8 - The Umrah - The Pure ZamZam is from Paradise.
22/12/2024 Duração: 44minThe Umrah, Session 8 In it are clear signs manifest, Surah 3 v97. 'That they may witness therein that benefit them...' Surah Hajj 22 v28. The Pure ZamZam is from Paradise. To look at the ZamZam water is an act of worship. The Messgner ﷺ makes a supplicaion prior to drinking Zam Zam to quench his thirst on The Last Day. Drink ZamZam to your fill and make ablution with it thus aquiring benefits and ailments will leave. You can stand or sit whilst consuming ZamZam. The unique ZamZam does not contain 4 poisonous elemets found in other waters yet contains a unkown mysterious element. The wellbeing of the entire Ummah will not diminish as long as they magnify The Sanctuary or doom awaits.