Stephen J. Kosmyna

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 77:00:37
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Inspiration Meditations and Messages


  • Denying Power to Your Error Thoughts

    08/02/2024 Duração: 26min

    When you begin installing your new success program, that I discussed with you in last week's episode, you'll want to make sure you delete any and all corrupt files. Of course I am talking about corrupt files within your own consciousness.Another name for these internal corrupt files which make up your programming is error thoughts. Error thoughts are based on beliefs that have no foundation in truth.In the personal, professional and leadership development space you have probably heard much about positive affirmations. I speak about the proper use of affirmations quite often here as well. However, one thing that is often ignored is the inner work that goes along with remaining in the energy of our affirmative statements.On the flip side of affirmations we find denials. Denials are used to reject the error thoughts that tend to die hard when we are working affirmatively to install our new success programming through positive affirmative statements and thoughts.Using denials properly is another element of the&nb

  • Installing Your New Success Program

    01/02/2024 Duração: 26min

    Now is the time to install your new success programming. If you have listened to the last several episodes and you have taken action by clearly defining your personal and professional goals you are looking to achieve over the next several months, then you have to begin the programming process.I get the to this step with individuals and groups and I often get puzzled looks. Someone always asks something like, "You mean we can really install a program that assures our success?" My answer is yes, in fact not only can you do this, you must do this so you have a mechanism in place letting you know when you need to course correct.This is another element of the "Certain Way" of effectively and efficiently working with the laws of infinite potential to make quantum leaps toward your personal and professional goals. This is an internal installation process that cannot be skipped.What's really important to know is this: if you do not install new success programming that is supportive of all you desire to be, do and hav

  • Cultivating an Abundance Mindset

    25/01/2024 Duração: 25min

    Building on last week's episode, The Frequency of Positive Expectation, I share in this episode the importance of not only cultivating an abundance mindset, but how you can actually begin to do it right now.When we think of abundance, our thoughts generally turn to our experience with money and finances. This is true for ourselves as individuals, within a business or in an organization. On the negative side, those thoughts usually drift to lack, not enough, and limitation. If this is something you tend to do, personally and / or professionally, know that this is a habit of thought, an attitude, and it can be changed. Perhaps it's time to install new programming, a new attitude around abundance and that's what this episode is all about. However, in this piece, I go beyond money and finances. Do you have an attitude of abundance when it comes to your own potential, your team's potential or your organization's potential? Or do you have an attitude of limitation around what's possible for you and your colleagues

  • The Frequency of Positive Expectancy

    18/01/2024 Duração: 26min

    Maintaining a state of positive expectancy is a necessary element within the scope of doing things in a 'Certain Way' to make manifest the desires of your heart, personally and professionally. The frequency you establish by sustaining a state of positive expectancy is extremely attractive to your goals and aspirations. William James, the Founder of American Psychology and author of the book "As a Man Thinketh said: "The one thing that will guarantee the successful conclusion of a doubtful undertaking is faith in the beginning that you can do it."To make it more personal he also said it this way. I suggest you write this down and carry it with you, keep it with your written goals too: "Your belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that assures the successful outcome of any venture."Positive expectancy is synonymous with faith and belief and it's important to remember its place when it comes to the law of cause and effect. Cause produces an effect. When it comes to expectancy, faith an

  • The Vault: Your Connecting Point to Infinite Wisdom and Guidance

    11/01/2024 Duração: 25min

    I hope you enjoyed last week's "Fresh Start" episode. There is no time like the present to create a new beginning. I shared some ideas to help you jump start your journey toward the life you would love to live personally and professionally. I also spoke about how this applies to personal and professional leadership development that contributes to productivity and performance improvement within your corporate structure thereby enhancing your company's culture.If you haven't already, go back and listen to last week's episode. If you are still struggling or feeling a little stuck about moving forward or identifying your goals to make your new start, listen to this episode immediately.There is a place you can go right now for the answers you may be searching for. This 'Vault' I'm referring to contains all the wisdom, inspiration and guidance you'll ever need in order to discern and intuit your next step.This is where most people and companies stumble. They never access 'The Vault.' They never even go up to the do

  • A New Beginning - A Fresh Start

    04/01/2024 Duração: 25min

    Right before you is an opportunity to begin again. You can make a fresh start right here and right now. Of course you can do this any time and any day of the year however there is a magical energy that wraps Itself around the beginning of a new year.Seize this opportunity that is right before you. Commit right now to living an extraordinary life where you make all your personal and professionals goals come alive. Absolutely refuse to allow another year to go by and find yourself standing in the same place you are now having experienced no growth or the realization of your most outrageous dreams.Dedicate yourself to learning effective personal productivity and personal leadership skills. Immerse yourself in my radical personal and professional transformation program that shows you how to apprehend the laws of infinite potential so that you begin to experience quantum leaps when it comes to your own personal and professional goal achievement.Live life on purpose, hold the vision of the life you would love to li

  • Your Extraordinary Creative Power

    07/12/2023 Duração: 25min

    Through the scientific understanding of your creative power of thought, you can for certain, be, do and have anything you aspire to experience in your life. You must know that your capacity to think is infinite therefore your creative power has no limitations.In this episode I share with you some ways you may sabotage your power to make manifest your big dream goals and how to avoid this trap and keep moving forward in the direction of your desires.We'll also explore three keys; knowledge of your own power, courage to step outside your comfort zone and establishing faith and belief in your ability to accomplish.This is for individuals, small business owners and entrepreneurs, and anyone in a corporate environment; the law of infinite potential serves all alike.Reach out, let's have a conversation about your specific goals and dreams.I want to also let you know that this will be the final episode of 2023 wrapping up my fifth year of doing this show. Thank you so much for listening and making The Genesis Freque

  • What Did You Decide? You Can Be Do and Have it All

    30/11/2023 Duração: 24min

    Times up! What did you decide? Which way will you go?What did you decide that you want to experience in every area of your life? You can be do and have it all. Every dream, desire, wish, aspiration, improvement. Whatever you want, whatever it is, can be yours!So did you decide what you want? Many episodes ago I gave you instructions for getting a head start on the year ahead, did you follow those instructions?If you don't want to go another year and find yourself in the same place you are now, then let's get started on this. There is a reason why you haven't moved into the life you would love to live yet. There is a reason you only get so far then you you're back to the same old place in life.Stop it!This is for individuals, small business owners, entrepreneurs and those of you anywhere on a corporate team including C-suite executives. Stop doing the same things and expecting different results. It's time to decide now. It's time to learn how to do things in a 'certain way.' It's time for new internal programm

  • Expressing Extraordinary Gratitude

    23/11/2023 Duração: 23min

    This is more than a call for a new way to look at Thanksgiving. This is a call to look at Thanksgiving NOT just as something we do, but something our lives are. Something we are ‘being’ - perpetually. A ‘state,’ a state of Thanksgiving. Consider this and contrast the difference between just being grateful for something, or things, or persons or places or conditions or circumstances. This power of being what thanksgiving ‘IS’ is transformative in so many ways.This is expressing extraordinary gratitude and it is a success magnet!Consider this, right here and now… How would you ‘BE’ if you were ‘BEING’ what thanksgiving is? To be rooted and grounded in gratitude as a foundation for every thought, every word you speak to others and to yourself and in every action you take?This is a powerful practice and it grants you entry into a higher state of consciousness, a state of awareness that seeks, searches and recognizes all there is to be grateful for rather than taking ego’s dominant lead and thinking astr

  • The Master Key to Your Infinite Potential

    16/11/2023 Duração: 24min

    In this episode I take you back into your own mind and offer you the key to everything you have ever wanted to experience in your life, in your business and in your corporate environment.It’s time for you to find your go to place where you will find, infinite power, infinite wisdom and infinite intelligence and everything else you need to create the results you truly desire. It is from this place you may finally move into the realization of the life you would love to live, personally and professionally.This episode continues to guide you in the process of the deliberate and intentional creation of your desired experiences and desired results.For you personally or professionally, this is about you becoming a leader of your own life, choosing to be in harmony with your passion, your purpose, your mission and your own vision. You have tremendous power and potential and it’s about time you tap into it.Listen now, take action, and apply this in your life. You’ll be glad you did.Dr. Koz (and effect!)Dr. Stephen J.

  • The Master Key – Thought Power – Desired Results

    09/11/2023 Duração: 23min

    In this episode I hope to take you away from the noise and the clutter of life and living. Away from the busyness, the texts, the emails, the news, and from the ceaseless onslaught of the world around you. It is easy for you to get extremely wrapped up in sorting through everything that is constantly coming at you.It's time you pushed back a bit and move into the realization that the life you would love to live will not come out of the turbulence, clatter, commotion and fireworks happening around and outside of you.What is showing up for you can all be traced back to your dominant thoughts. What are you thinking? In this show I will guide you back into that quiet space of your own mind where you can begin the process of deliberate and intentional creation of desired experiences and desired results.For you personally or professionally, this is about you becoming a leader of your own life, choosing to be in harmony with your passion, your purpose, your mission and your own vision. You have to start with your th

  • Achieving Whole Life Success and Prosperity

    02/11/2023 Duração: 23min

    In this episode I revisit the total person concept and the holistic approach to whole life goal achievement. I offer a unique way to discern what is yours to do in six critical areas of life and living.To experience whole life success and prosperity, personally and professionally, you have to first evaluate each of these specific areas of your life. You will need to pay close attention to any longing and discontent that you may be feeling, Often these feelings may be lingering just below the surface in one or more areas.As I move through these areas in this episode, I offer something a little bit different. Rather than simply deciding what's missing and setting a goal for its achievement, I invite you to consider ways you might contribute in each of these areas.It is in giving that we receive which is also a key to success in servant leadership. In order to have you must consider how you are showing up, what are you 'being', how do you define the life you are leading and living in these areas?It all starts wi

  • Personal Success Plan - Paul J Meyer

    26/10/2023 Duração: 26min

    Like me, you have most likely come across many daily bullet point lists that aim to help keep you on the path of success, achievement, accomplishment and personal and professional development. Most of these list are very good, and if followed, should help you with your daily performance and productivity.For me, it's all about the feeling of enthusiasm and passion I feel for what is mine to do. I recently came across another success plan list that stirs up that inner zeal and really helps me to stay focused on my tasks. It is the Personal Success Plan authored by Paul J. Meyer.I discovered this success plan because I recently became a franchise partner of Leadership Management International founded by the late Paul J. Meyer who you could argue is really one of the founders of the whole personal development industry.This from the LMI-WORLD website:"Fueled by a vivid imagination, a burning desire to achieve excellence, and the steadfast belief that he could inspire and motivate people, Meyer developed a vision f

  • Unplug - Breathe - Surrender

    19/10/2023 Duração: 23min

    It's time to unplug, disconnect, breathe, surrender, kick back, step away, get out, take in nature, beauty, peace and silence. While this show is about personal, professional and leadership development, goal achievement, productivity and performance improvement; most importantly and first and foremost, it's about YOU! Over the last several episodes I have been pushing you to get a jump start on your goals for your life in the year ahead by inviting you to decide what your big dream is, your worthy ideal. It is my hope that you have been utilizing the wisdom shared here and have been working on your plan of action steps that will move you towards the life you would love to live.It's important to remember that you need to schedule into your day, your week, and your month, some time for self-care and pushing back. Put it in your planner! In this world of go, go, go and striving to be an overachiever, we often neglect to make time for ourselves to disconnect from the world around us and the buzz of technology.Bef

  • Establishing Priorities and Imperative Tasks = Quantum Leap

    12/10/2023 Duração: 26min

    Over the last several episodes I have shared some very valuable information to help you get a head start on what you want to achieve, personally and professionally, now and in the year ahead.To make a quantum leap from where you are now to where you want to be, you must learn to do things in a certain way. This certain way is effective and efficient when it comes to improving your performance and productivity. By adopting these new habits you will have a foolproof formula for goal achievement.In this episode I encourage you to establish priorities in several areas of your life. I also suggest you "chunk down" your big dream goals into bite size pieces working from the dream backwards. What is it I want to accomplish next year? What would I have to accomplish every quarter to reach this goal? Every month? Every week? Every day? Every morning and afternoon? Breaking the goal down makes the tasks that it will take to achieve your goal manageable and doable. You will have a workable action plan.This is all about

  • Leadership Goal Prep - Mission - Image - Affirmation - Vision

    05/10/2023 Duração: 21min

    As you start to lay out your course of action, you always want to begin with your mission and vision. What does the big picture look like that is inclusive of all your desires personally and professionally. This is also true for those of you operating a small business or working as an integral element in a corporate environment.This episode is about laying the groundwork by examining not only your attitude around performance and productivity, but also your attitude as it relates to your infinite potential.While you should establish a very specific personal and professional big picture goal, you'll want to start with your overall mission / purpose and vision statement. Also consider your values. When these pieces are put in place you can get to work on your goals, making sure they are in alignment with the mission / purpose / vision. Your goals should always support your vision and the life you would love to lead. When you consider the life experience, personally and professionally, that you would love to lea

  • Time Augmentation - Productive and Efficient Usage

    28/09/2023 Duração: 26min

    How would you like to move in the equivalent of approximately twenty-two eight hour workdays into your year? That's a little over four weeks! If you're a business executive feel free to do a little math. What if your team of ten all did the same thing? That would add up to over forty-five weeks of productive work hours per year, almost another employee! How about your team of twenty, thirty or more!?In the last episode I talked about starting now to develop your strategic plan after you identify, in six key areas, that which you desire to accomplish in the coming months and the coming new year. I talked about how to plan properly, efficiently, and in an orderly way, making sure you understood there is a certain way to make more effective use of your time.A more efficient use of your time increases productivity period. If you are an individual working on personal goals and self-improvement, a small business owner growing your business, or if you're in charge of a corporate team; productivity is the v

  • What’s the Plan? Start NOW!

    21/09/2023 Duração: 24min

    Have you looked at the calendar lately? While I believe all these episodes are timeless and valid any time, any day, any year; as I got ready to record this one I realized that the fourth quarter of this current year is fast approaching.Now usually I start asking you to consider what you want in the year ahead sometime closer to the end of the year. However, when it comes to personal, professional and corporate goal achievement, improving performance, productivity and leadership skills, the time is always right, right now.If you want to be strategic about that which you desire to accomplish in the coming months and the coming new year, this is the time to not only plan, but to also learn how to plan properly, efficiently and in an orderly way.There is a certain way to make more effective use of your time and it all begins with the strategic identification process in six key areas that I begin to outline in this episode.Listen in now and stay tuned to all the upcoming episodes for all the tools you need to mak

  • Source Elements of Attitude, Self-Image and Corporate Culture

    14/09/2023 Duração: 23min

    Whether you're looking at the dismal results that keep showing up in your life or in your business or looking to make a shift in your own pessimistic attitude, anemic self-image or morbid corporate culture; you have to keep going back of the elements that contribute to the makeup of the whole.This is tracing everything back to its source. The majority do not do this. They look at the results that are showing up, kick them around a bit, complain about them, blame others for them, shake their fist at them and on and on and on; all while expecting things to change because of their mindless actions.Tracing what is showing up back to its root cause allows you to make quantum shifts at the point that makes all the difference in the world, at the point that is actually creative. In this episode I take a deep dive into becoming the observer and going to that place, just back of everything, to discover cause. Once identified you can introduce new causal elements aligned with the desired effect that will very quickly i

  • Attitude: Adjustment and Alignment

    07/09/2023 Duração: 24min

    The word attitude is tossed around so much most people can come up with some kind of definition to describe what attitude is. You're probably doing it right now, perhaps saying to yourself, "Yeah, I know what attitude is, doesn't everybody?" Maybe and maybe not. Can you identify the elements that make up attitude? Most cannot.You could ask one hundred different people on the street what attitude is and you would probably get as many different definitions. In this episode I take a look at the elements that contribute to your attitude and how important it is to do a self assessment to be sure these elements are in alignment with what you desire to show up in your experience as an individual, a small business owner or in your corporate environment. I will also discuss the effect your attitude has on your life and your emotional state. Professionals and executives, I really invite you to take a deep dive with this and see how this plays out in your corporate environment. Your corporate attitude is your corporate

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