Mary English Astrologer Blog

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 233:14:26
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Astrology for beginners. How to make a chart using FREE on-line resources. The Series starts with Chart Shape and what that means for you. Please start at Episode One and work your way forward through each Episode to find out all about your chart and what it means.Each week we will be discussing various parts of your Astrological birth chart, using real case examples helping you get to grips with this ancient Art.Please go to my page if you'd like to become a sponsor and be rewarded for your support:) xx


  • Episode 225

    11/04/2021 Duração: 30min

    This week I am briefly covering the death of the Queen's husband Prince Philip and how it shows-up in her chart  Below are the links for the 3 years of Ephemeris for the outer planetary sign changes coming up.   Transits for Elizabeth becoming Queen   Transits for Elizabeth Becoming Widowed Ephemeris for 2023,2024, 2025

  • Episode 224

    04/04/2021 Duração: 32min

    This week I am discussing the Astro charts of conjoined twins Gracie and Rosie Attard who were born with shared aorta, bladder and circulatory system. Here's the link for Ephemeris for 2000 their year of birth   Rosie & Gracie Attard Scorpio Asc, Sun Leo in 9th, Moon Sagittarius in first conjunct retro Pluto   Date of operation start Sagittarius Asc, Sun Scorpio, Moon Pisces. Asc conjunct natal Moon. Jupiter and Saturn are retro, Pluto/Uranus & Neptune are direct.   Sadly Rosie Dies Rosie sadly dies in the early hours of the next day. Asc conjunct natal Venus. Asc 29 degrees Leo conjunct natal Venus in Virgo, out-of-sign Mercury has transited into the 12th house

  • Episode 223

    28/03/2021 Duração: 49min

    This week we are covering the Astro charts of some Astrology Authors that are typical of their Qualities of Mutable, Fixed, Cardinal Signs = Past, Present, Future. Astrological Crosses in Relationships, Understanding Cardinal, Fixed & Mutable Energies by Pauline Edwards Pauline's Website Recap Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius Fixed Sign Authors of The Only Way to Learn Astrology series Marion March Sagittarius Asc, Sun Aquarius in 3rd, Moon Sagittarius in the 12th   And Joan McEvers Aquarius Asc, Sun Aquarius in 1st, Moon Leo in 6th   Cardinal Signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn Author of The Gods of Change, Pain, Crisis and the Transits of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto Howard Sasportas Capricorn Asc, Sun Aries in 3rd, Moon Taurus in 4th. Howa

  • Episode 222

    21/03/2021 Duração: 33min

    This week I am discussing the dream I had this morning. Websites mentioned Emotional Freedom Technique E.F.T. The Work with Byron Katie Today's Dream. Bowl-shaped chart, all planets on one side of chart. Pisces Ascendant, Neptune in Pisces in 12th conjunct Asc, Mercury in Pisces in 12th Moon in Gemini in 4th, Mars in Gemini in 3rd   Synastry to my natal chart Asc/Neptune conjunct my Mercury retro in Pisces Mars in Gemini conjunct my Moon in Gemini...Dream Moon still in Gemini

  • Episode 221

    14/03/2021 Duração: 56min

    This week we are chatting with the wonderful Ana Isabel, U.K. professional Astrologer and Clinical Hypnotherapist. You can find her at

  • Episode 220

    07/03/2021 Duração: 31min

    This week is about Lunar Returns. Here is the Lunar Return chart. Leo Asc, Sun in Pisces in 7th, Moon in Gemini in 10th   Lunar Return compared to natal As you can see the Lunar return is the same Asc as the natal (this doesn't happen everytime) and is therefore much more significant.  

  • Episode 219

    28/02/2021 Duração: 48min

    This week we are working with career aptitude vs attitude. This is the link for my last Astro Skype MeetUp 6th March 2021 6pm UK time These two links mentioned in podcast on career: This is my youngest sister: Katy's chart Aquarius Asc, Sun in Capricorn in the 12th, Moon in Aries in the 2nd house. Grand Trine in Water Planets in the 2nd, 6th and 10th. However because of her learning disability she never needed to work to make a living. She enjoyed working for the social aspect and for the extended family it brought her. Jupiter retro in Cancer in 6th.     Reb's chart Capricorn Asc, Sun in Virgo in the 9th, Moon in Libra in 10th. No planets in the 2nd or 6th. Take into account house rulers Uranus/Mercury. 3 planets in the 10th, Pluto in Scorpio=deep change, Moon in Libra/relationships/love..Mercury in Libra too=loving communication.  MC in 11th in Sagi=international conn

  • Episode 218

    21/02/2021 Duração: 24min

    Just a quick session this week to cover when not to read for someone. AstroMeetUp for March 6th 6pm U.K. time link

  • Episode 217

    14/02/2021 Duração: 48min

    This week I am discussing divorce and using the charts of Charles and Diana. If you'd like to join me for my upcoming FREE webinars please go here to book your place.   We are using two key dates for their divorce. The date they officially separated: 9th December 1992 And the date the divorce was final: 28th August 1996 Prince Charles Transiting Pluto conjunct Sun, transiting Saturn in the 7th house of relationships.   Princess Diana Transiting Sun conjunct Asc, transiting Mars has already passed her Sun in Cancer in the 7th    Actual Divorce Prince Charles Transiting Sun conjunct natal Saturn in Virgo. Transiting Moon in Aquarius now in the 7th house of relationships. Pluto conjunct natal Chiron (but out-of-sign)   Princess Diana Venus and Mars have already transited through her 7th house of relationships. Moon exactly conjunct natal Moon in Aquarius.

  • Episode 215

    07/02/2021 Duração: 46min

    This week we are learning how to use the positive/empowering aspects in an Astro chart to bring about transformation in the consultation. Next Skype Astro MeetUp Link Book mentioned is Astrology, Transformation & Empowerment by Adrian Ross Duncan  USA Amazon link UK Amazon link As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Michael Leo Asc, Sun Capricorn, Moon Scorpio   KB Libra Asc, Sun Aquarius, Moon Sagittarius    

  • Episode 215

    31/01/2021 Duração: 42min

    'Betty' has written and asked about her 'intimacy' question. Please also see my Webinar on Lilith Please also see Empty Houses Webinar   Betty's chart Sag Asc, Sun Aquarius in 2nd, Moon Gemini in the 6th, Lilith conjunct Mercury in Capricorn retro in the 1st Bucket Chart (transits on the outside in green)  

  • Episode 214

    24/01/2021 Duração: 36min

    This week I am talking about the limitations of Astrology. It's not really designed as an every-day-of-the-week focus. Because in natal Astrology we are learning about our own charts and how to make the best of them, paying too much attention to transits can distract us from actually living our lives. Yes, transits are important, however learning about our own strengths and weaknesses is far more empowering. I love transits! But I don't check mine every single day. I think that it can become a little obsessive to do that. Today's chart 11.31am, 24th January 2021: Bowl chart, all the planets on one side of the Zodiac Taurus Asc, Sun in Capricorn in the 9th, Moon in Gemini in the 1st. A few minutes later at  11.53am..still Taurus Asc Mercury has change house and Pluto   Those same transiting planets shown around the outside in the green circle for A.W. Natal Gemini Asc, Sun in Aries in the 11th, Moon in Pisces in the 10th All the transiting planets are above the horizon, today. As the week progresses the Moon

  • Episode 213

    17/01/2021 Duração: 32min

    This week I'm demonstrating some 'real-life' Astrology with my maiden trip on my new electric motorbike. Please note I don't mention the Moon's Nodes in the audio and only noticed them after I'd recorded the audio and uploaded it! I natally have Moon in Gemini, so they were conjunct my Moon. Doh! This is pre-breakdown. The date/time/location of me actually turning the moped on. Pisces Ascendant 6 planets in the 11th house. Venus in the 10th I was mostly interested in the Asc in Pisces (as I'm a Sun Pisces myself) and that the Moon & Neptune are in the 1st house (confusion? I'm used to feeling confused so no change there ;) ) Mars/Uranus conjunct in 2nd house Chiron in Aries in the first. North Node in the 4th in Gemini and at that precise moment I was at home, in my garage!   I accidently (DOH!) turn the bike off (!) and it obz stops working. I think I've broken down and move the bike to a safe place off the road. The Moon and Neptune have now moved into the 12th house. Everything else is the same I'm no

  • Episode 212

    10/01/2021 Duração: 34min

    This week I am discussing using Astrology in adoption circumstances. Keep in mind you can use the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Adrian Duncan's book Doing Time on Planet Earth Anthony Louis Horary Astrology Plain & Simple   Adoption Info U.K   U.S.A  

  • Episode 211

    03/01/2021 Duração: 35min

    This week I am discussing the chart for the time that I received the sad news of a friend's death. Gemini Asc, Moon in Leo in the 3rd, Sun & Venus in the 7th, cluster in the 8th, Neptune in Pisces in 10th along with Chiron in Aries, Uranus and Mars in 11th Sign-up for my Newsletter here A Safe Journey Home by Felicity Warner More info on her Soul Midwife School

  • Episode 210

    27/12/2020 Duração: 30min

    Two charts today from the past, both Pisces. Robert Cross Smith born in Bristol (near me) wrote under the name of Raphael Gemini Asc, Sun Pisces in 10th & Mercury retro  in Pisces, Moon in Pisces Kim's article He died age 37 of "consumption" T.B. Tuberculosis Look at that Asc conjunct his natal Chiron!                           Urbain Le Verrier  Gemini Asc, Sun in Pisces in the 10th, Mercury in Aquarius in 9th, conjunct Pluto in Pisces in 9th, Moon in Libra in the 4th Transits for the date the planet was actually observed for first time and Neptune identified as a planet (not a star) on the outside in green.  

  • Episode 209

    20/12/2020 Duração: 32min

    Hiya, this week we are covering the charts of Charles Dickens and the date he published his book A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens Scorpio Asc, Sun in Aquarius in the 4th, Moon conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius in the 2nd. Transits for the date A Christmas Carol was published on the outside in green. Here's the link to listen to the audio version of the actual book   If you'd like to join me making the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction homeopathic proving/remedy, do get in touch   

  • Episode 208

    13/12/2020 Duração: 34min

    This week I am covering Out of Bounds Planets. More info about them is here, including links to more info Here is the lady that first wrote extensively about them,_Katherine_%22Kt%22   This week we are using Br's chart who has Mars O.O.B Here's what you need to be looking at on   Br's natal chart  Mars is in the 3rd house of communication opposition Sun in 10th

  • Episode 207

    06/12/2020 Duração: 33min

    This is a future-based episode as I am talking about the upcoming conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign of Aquarius. I cover all this in more detail in my webinar on YouTube Here's the chart for the day that it happens: 21st December 2020  I've used 6am (the Sun will change sign into Capricorn at 10.02am UK time) VERY one-sided chart! Sun in Sagittarius...(soon to change into the sign of Capricorn) Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces, Mercury in Cap, Venus in Sag, Mars in Aries, Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus retro in Taurus, Pluto in Capricorn. North Node in Gemini. Chiron in Aries.

  • Episode 206

    28/11/2020 Duração: 51min

    This week listener's charts are being worked out.  T-L Ascendant Sagittarius, Sun in Cancer in the 7th, Moon in Leo in the 8th Chart very similar to Princess Diana,_Princess_of_Wales More info on Cancer at Donna's blog   Julie Sagittarius Asc, Sun in Libra in the 11th, Moon in Virgo in the 10th M-T Libra Asc, Sun in LIbra in the 12th, Moon in Libra in 12th Bach flower remedy Scleranthus  

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