Mary English Astrologer Blog

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 233:14:26
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Astrology for beginners. How to make a chart using FREE on-line resources. The Series starts with Chart Shape and what that means for you. Please start at Episode One and work your way forward through each Episode to find out all about your chart and what it means.Each week we will be discussing various parts of your Astrological birth chart, using real case examples helping you get to grips with this ancient Art.Please go to my page if you'd like to become a sponsor and be rewarded for your support:) xx


  • Episode 125

    11/05/2019 Duração: 23min

    This week I am discussing two charts: 'Julie' and Salvador Dali. If you switch over to YouTube at 4 mins into this podcast episode you will continue to hear the audio and you'll also be able to see me demonstrate the planets moving and 'triggering' certain planets and angles of their charts.  Come back to the podcast at 19 mins... Julie's natal chart: Leo Ascendant, Sun Aquarius in the 7th, Moon in Sagittarius in the 5th The transits are shown in green on the outside of the circle... (with transiting Jupiter retrograding in Sagi) and he question about Saturn and Pluto conjuncting her Stellium in the 6th.   Salvador Dali: Cancer Ascendant, Sun in Taurus in the 10th, Moon in Aries in the 9th 

  • Episode 124

    05/05/2019 Duração: 54min

    Carrying on from last week we are going all around the houses (!) showing various Astrologers that have their Sun in each house. This week is the Sun from 7th-12th   Bil Teirney Sun in Scorpio in the 7th. Taurus Ascendant. Moon in Taurus in the 12th. Splash chart. Sun in Aquarius in the 8th Jodie Forrest. Cancer Ascendant. Moon in Capricorn in the 7th . Locomotive chart. Chris Brennan Sun in Scorpio in the 9th. Aquarius Ascendant, Moon in Aquarius in the 1st. Bowl/Cluster chart.                                   Tracy Marks Sun in Libra in the 1th. Sagittarius Ascendant. Moon in Aries in the 4th. Locomotive chart.   Liz Greene Sun in Virgo in the 11th. Moon in Sagittarius in the 2nd. Scorpio Ascendant. Bowl chart.     Donna Cunningham Sun in Cancer in the 12th. Moon in Aries in the 9th. Leo Ascendant. Bowl chart.   Marjorie Orr Sun in Virgo in the 12th. Moon in Gemini in the 9th. Libra Ascendant. Bowl chart....VERY clustered 12th house!!  

  • Episode 123

    28/04/2019 Duração: 38min

    This week and next I am discussing the charts of famous you can have a think about what type of Astrologer you might want to be... I have categorised them into Sun-in-the-houses. This week is Houses 1-6 Next week Houses 7-12 Sun in the 1st Joan McEvers.   Sun in the 2nd Marcia Starck   Sun in the 3rd Howard Sasportas   Sun in the 4th Lois Rodden   Sun in the 5th Carol A Peel   Sun in the 6th  Barbara Hand Clow

  • Episode 122

    21/04/2019 Duração: 01h10min

    This week I am discussing the core of my professional business: relationships. We have three wonderful volunteers who have offered to share their charts, which I am eternally grateful for. So you can learn about their charts and the problems/issues that they're working through. Here is discounted the link to my book The Astrology of Lovers, How Astrology Can Help You Love Better First we have Gina's natal chart with the transits for the day she came to see me. Jupiter transiting the 7th house of relationships. Mars in Gemini transiting natal Moon in Gemini in 12th house. Lots of planets transiting the 10th house of career.   Here is her (ex) chap's chart and transits. Sun/Venus in 12th. Planets transiting the 5th house of romance and 7th house of relationships...maybe he needs this relationship to end so he can find 'The One'? Gina and her (ex) chap's Synastry   Laura's natal chart~ Moon conjunct Pluto.   Laura's chap natal~stellium in the first!   Their Synastry- note th

  • Episode 121

    14/04/2019 Duração: 30min

    This week I am answering Lisa's question about the difference between a house and a sign. A sign is the way a planet operates. The house is where all the action takes place and where the focus is. If you think about the Element of the house:Earth, Air, Fire, Water it will help... And the Ruling Planet that will help too ... The three example charts ALL have Sun in the 7th. They're all focused on close/personal relationships in some way.... Hugh Hefner : "I got married before I found myself. People should find themselves before they get married."                                 Martina Navratilova:  "I'm 58 years old. I got married for the first time - it's about time, right? Growing up as a gay woman, you just don't ever think about that, and then I thought, about 10 years ago, 'You know, I think within 10 years gay marriage will be legal.' And here we are, 10 years later, making it legal."   Lisa Marie Presley: "I'm not eager to jump into marriage again. I'm

  • Episode 120

    07/04/2019 Duração: 18min

    Here's info on Lilith   Here's my Astrolabe reverse can just see the dates and the signs of the Zodiac. Front side of my Astrolabe. The pointer is used to line-up the degree of the Zodiac sign with the smaller inner wheel that represents the path the Sun makes during the year. On the outside of the Astrolabe is written the times of day. 12pm at the top and 12am at the bottom.  The pointy bits on the bigger wheel are stars. The background of the device has a semi-circle showing the horizon line. There's lots of other info an Astrolabe can give, I've just described one use that's Astrological.   I've made two videos to go with this podcast. The first one shows you me using my Astrolabe to make the Ascendant for someone born in London at 4pm (3pm GMT) on the 5th June My second video shows me using my computer programme to confirm those birth dates

  • Episode 119

    31/03/2019 Duração: 18min

    This week I am replying to an email about Indigo charts (see ) What happens if you have your Moon as a Singleton Planet? We are using the chart of an early volunteer 'Julie'  Clustered chart, Moon in Cancer singleton in the 10th...conjunct MC see below... (Ignore the Part of Fortune in the 9th and Chiron in the 2nd) Mention of MC in Episode 73

  • Episode 118

    24/03/2019 Duração: 52min

    This week I am covering the Consultation Chart, this is when you make a chart for the exact moment that the client arrives. Adrian Duncan writes about it in his Doing Time on Planet Earth  The book is still available but not still in print, you'll have to get a used copy from an on-line retailer. Here's Adrian's software (for Windows) link Here's the iPhone app I recommend (and use)   Tina's Natal Chart with transits in green on the outside                               And here's is the Consultation Chart Cancer Asc = The Client Capricorn 7th house = the Astrologer Sun = Life Force,Success, in Aries = New Beginnings,  in the 9th = Higher education, forecasting, horary Astrology Moon = Women in general, in Scorpio = transformation, deep devotion, in the 4th = home, family, domestic issues.

  • Episode 117

    17/03/2019 Duração: 20min

    This week I'm talking about sex/gender in the chart. It's NOT there, so don't go looking for it! Here's Kiefer Sutherland's chart. There is NOTHING in there that says 'male' or female' (taking into account he has a twin sister).   You can find me at:

  • Episode 116

    10/03/2019 Duração: 42min

    This we we are covering Psychic Ability (which we ALL have) and where you'd find it in your chart. This is the book Real Magic by Dean Radin that I really recommend, he's spent his life investigating psychic activity. He works for a research centre and direct-experience lab specializing in the intersection of science and profound human experience.   Here are the charts: Nostradamus: Very see-sawed chart. Neptune in the same sign as Sun & Mercury.    Edgar Cayce: Leo Asc, Sun Pisces, Moon in Taurus conjunct Neptune. Bucket chart.                               Sylvia Browne: Aquarius Asc, Sun Libra, Moon in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter. Splash chart.   Uri Geller: Scorpio Asc, Sun Sagittarius, Moon in Scorpio conjunct Jupiter. Bowl chart.   'Nelly':  Sagittarius Ascendant, Neptune conjunct Asc, Sun Libra conjunct Pluto, Moon Virgo,

  • Episode 115

    02/03/2019 Duração: 13min

    This week is about Michel Gauquelin and I am concentrating more on Michel's chart, rather than on his research. Here is his natal chart:   Here are the transits for the date of his first book L'Influence des Astres (The Influence of the Stars)   Here are the planets on the date of his unfortunate and untimely death by suicide.   Biog Michel YouTube video Obituary If you'd like your Astro stars (Zodiac Transits) written by Mary every month, do sign-up here

  • Episode 114

    24/02/2019 Duração: 33min

    This week I'm working with an interesting question sent by Ben. Here is the chart he sent me and his question is about the numerical values to certain rankings in the report he got from     Here's Walter Pullen's website Here's Chris' Twitter @chrisbrennan7 Website Donna Cunningham Planetary Test

  • Episode 113

    17/02/2019 Duração: 36min

    This week I am talking about two young activists: Greta Thunberg who is a climate activist and Emma Gonzalez who is a gun control activist. This Google map shows where there have been climate school strikes and climate stories. Here is Greta's natal chart using Whole Sign as I don't have a time of birth or a specific location (only the country) Here is her chart with the transits for the date of her Ted Talk   Here is the natal chart for Emma Gonzalez Here's her chart with transits for her speech made a few days after the Parkland shootings. And here is Emma's chart with the transits for the March4Life  This event inspired Greta to organise the climate school strikes.  

  • Episode 112

    10/02/2019 Duração: 22min

    This week we are learning about how Mercury, the planet of communication, can be in a sign different to your Sun sign. Mercury can only ever be in your own sign, or the sign either side of your Sun sign....(either the sign before or the sign after) More info on Mercury in Podcast Seven here More info on Learning Styles an N.L.P. technique in Podcast Seventy Nine   Queen Elizabeth has Sun in Taurus, slow steady, but Mercury in faster Fire sign Aries   Mother Meera has Sun Capricorn: Earth but Mercury Sagittarius: Fire   Pope Francis has Sun Sagittarius: Fire and Mercury Capricorn: Earth    

  • Episode 111

    03/02/2019 Duração: 38min

    This week we are looking at the chart of Miss Aquarius who has a stellium and Donna Cunningham who wrote about them in her book The Stellium Handbook.  Here is Miss Aquarius' chart. Notice the busy 6th house! Go to Episodes 15-17 for houses. More info on Indigos and cluster charts on my website here   Compared to Donna's Chart. Notice the Sun/Moon Square Episode 96:  

  • Episode 110

    27/01/2019 Duração: 34min

    This week I'm talking about 'what is the problem' that the client is bringing. Until that is understood, you can't offer any help. Please don't become a problem for the client, or even make the client's chart a problem for them. As an Astrologer, your job is to be the solution and the confidant...Someone they will share their problems with. Here is Today's chart. What planets might be a trigger for someone you're working with at the moment? Or for you? Make a chart for the consultation date/time and the actual time they attend. Look to see what planets might be the trigger now, or might have been a trigger in the past.

  • Episode 109

    20/01/2019 Duração: 29min

    A quick low-down about the whole Aspect Pattern/Figure thing. It's important to learn about Aspects before you learn about the patterns they make in your chart. I cover Aspects in Episode 19 And Aspect Patterns in Episode 20 You can read more info here I'm also discussing a little more about being in private practice as SO many Astrologers, when they get 'big' stop seeing clients :(  This podcast is to encourage you to 'be' an Astrologer and to help other people as much as possible to empower themselves :) xx p.s. remember to study counselling SKILLS BEFORE you read professionally !     

  • Episode 108

    13/01/2019 Duração: 37min

    This week we are working with Mr Aquarius's chart. He kindly offered it for discussion. He asked for me to talk about his present transits. You can find all my Sun sign books, and other books on my Amazon page here Here's Mr Aquarius's chart. DEFINITELY an Indigo (see Episode 21)

  • Episode 107

    06/01/2019 Duração: 32min

    This week I am using the chart (with permission) of a podcast listener and client: Mr Capricorn. He's made the decision to change his job and run his own business. Note the Ascendant, Sag, Sun Cap 2nd and Moon Aqua 2nd too. A cluster chart and an Indigo. More info here and here   You can find out who YOUR Astro twin is on at the bottom of this page

  • Episode 106

    30/12/2018 Duração: 40min

    This week we are covering something that everyone wants to know about: Their finances. So I thought I'd share with you the charts of some (very) rich people. Obviously I can't share the chart of someone who is very poor....but I have worked with people where this is the case. It's important to also take into account the 6th house of work and the 10th house of career, (if you're a regular person not royalty and need to work to make a living)  If you're already very rich, then pay attention to the 2nd and 8th, did you become rich because of inheritance/family-money? If you'd like to know Your Sign's Astro Forecast every month then do sign-up here you can unsubscribe anytime you like! Here are this week's charts: First up is Queen Elizabeth. You can't deny, she's rich but her chart clearly shows that's the case because of her family, not because of anything she did.   Here we have Bill Gates who made his money from computers.   Another very rich man Warren Buffett   This chap lost a lo

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