Mary English Astrologer Blog

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 233:14:26
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Astrology for beginners. How to make a chart using FREE on-line resources. The Series starts with Chart Shape and what that means for you. Please start at Episode One and work your way forward through each Episode to find out all about your chart and what it means.Each week we will be discussing various parts of your Astrological birth chart, using real case examples helping you get to grips with this ancient Art.Please go to my page if you'd like to become a sponsor and be rewarded for your support:) xx


  • Episode 145

    29/09/2019 Duração: 25min

    This week we are working with a wonderful conjunction between two charts. Here is TE Asc Capricorn, Sun Libra, Moon Libra in the 9th Locomotive chart. Grand Trine.   TE parter  Asc Libra, Sun Capricorn in 3rd Moon Pisces in 5th Bowl/Cluster chart. T-Square between most of the planets in his chart.   Now! Have a look at these amazing conjunctions in their Synastry chart. TE's Asc is exactly conjunct his partner's Mercury TE's partner's Asc is exactly conjunct TE's Mercury Note the Grand Cross

  • Episode 144

    22/09/2019 Duração: 27min

    This week I am discussing the opposite of peace...hate and how it can manifest in the chart. Both have Pluto in the 12th and even if the birth time of Taylor might not be correct, their chart shape and Katy's Scorp Asc with Sun & Pluto conjunct in the 12th is the fuel. Katy Perry Bowl chart. Scorpio Asc, Sun Scorpio in the 12th, Moon Scorpio in 1st...note all those Scorpio planets...   Taylor Swift Bucket chart Scorpio Asc, Sun Sag in 1st, Moon Cancer (conjunct Jupiter) in the 8th....

  • Episode 143

    15/09/2019 Duração: 43min

    This week we are discussing the natal chart of 'Amber' who has kindly agreed to share her chart Here is her chart: Ascendant Aquarius, Sun Aquarius, Moon Aquarius, Mercury Aquarius all near/conjunct the Ascendant. Cluster of planets in the 11th (stellium)  Pluto forming a square to natal Mercury... Transits on the outside are the date Amber contacted me. This Episode is also available as a YouTube video... go here to see the planets in action   Amber's 4th pregnancy, 3rd living child: Sagittarius Asc, Sun Capricorn conjunct Saturn and Pluto Moon Scorpio (in 12th) with Venus in Scorpio. Mum's Pluto is in Scorpio and these planets (Moon and Venus) will soothe her natal Pluto Mercury square....see above.

  • Episode 142

    08/09/2019 Duração: 40min

    Once again (unfortunately) I'm sharing a UK chart with no birth time. I apologise for that, but there we go, this happens quite a bit in my work (!) Do scroll down the page for the charts to indicate the transits when the Web was 'invented'. Tim Berners-Lee natal Using Whole Sign and 6am time: Sun Gemini, Moon Capricorn. Locomotive chart shape. Note Uranus conjunct Jupiter.   His mother Mary Lee-Woods Sun Pisces conjunct Uranus/Mercury. Moon Gemini. Also Locomotive chart.   His father Conway Berners-Lee Sun Virgo, Moon Aries. Sun conjunct Saturn/Jupiter Double-handled Bucket chart shape..or once again could be a Locomotive. Tim's first proposal Transits are in green on the outside. Note: transiting Moon conjunct natal Venus in Taurus. Transiting Saturn AND Neptune conjunct natal Moon in Capricorn. Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Saturn. All indicating he was 'taking this seriously'. Second proposal. Transiting Mars conjunct natal Sun in Gemini Transiting Saturn has now moved and Neptune and Uranus are bec

  • Episode 141

    01/09/2019 Duração: 31min

    How EVERY sign of the Zodiac is now being affected by the Outer Planets   I've made a chart just to show exactly where the outer planets are at the moment..and below I've added a reminder to demonstrate how these outer planets being in Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces will affect ALL the other signs...that's YOU we are talking about here! They'll either oppose, or square YOUR Sun sign....(or conjunct) Unless you are a Pisces, then you can celebrate bcoz Neptune is your natural ruler and will help you become a better version of yourself..provided you stay truthful, honest and realistic. Here's the link to my Newsletter article discussing this in March earlier this year Planet    Squares           Opposes     Sextiles             Trines                  Aries Cancer Capricorn Libra Aquarius Gemini Leo Sagittarius Taurus Uranus Leo Aquarius Scorpio Cancer Pisces Virgo Capricorn Gemini Virgo Pisces Sagittarius Aries Leo Libra Aquari

  • Episode 140

    25/08/2019 Duração: 48min

    This week we are working with Andy and Walter's charts Here is Andy's natal chart. See-Saw chart. Libra Asc = relationship/s are VERY important Sun in Cancer in the 10th, working as a family, working for family, making work into family. Moon in Aquarius in the 5th conjunct Uranus, freedom very important to 'be creative' in whatever way is necessary. Emotionally further away from one feelings, more likely to identify with those that are oppressed.   Partnered with Walter. Bowl-shape chart with a cluster in the 5th Virgo Asc = attention to detail, more shy possibly, needing things to be 'perfect'....cleanliness important etc  Sun Capricorn in the 5th= needing to 'shine', to be recognised and thanked and acknowledged. Moon in Aquarius in the 6th, freedom to love in whatever way allows more freedom...possibly worries about health (6th house) Cluster of planets in the 5th= a Stellium!

  • Episode 139

    18/08/2019 Duração: 29min

    This week I am discussing Arabic Parts: Their history and use in a chart. (Refer back to Episode 57 for discussion on the Part of Fortune.) Here is the website you can use to find your parts: You will need to start with your own chart and use your Ascendant sign and degree and the planet's signs and degrees. There is always some sort of calculation like Asc-Sun+Moon or whatever. will only provide you with the Part of Fortune, which is extremely useful. The libra website will give you the calculation, it's your job to make sense of it and what it might mean for you. Experiment and let me know how you get on! My Part of Fortune is 29 Scorpio 22'41" ...nothing is happening with that until Nov and Dec this year. Find your Parts or Lots and use this years Ephemeris to find out what might be transiting yours. Links below piccie   2019 Ephemeris 2010 Ephemeris

  • Episode 138

    11/08/2019 Duração: 27min

    This week Dee has asked me to talk about their chart. However, what is really interesting is the time they chose to do that! Link to YouTube video below. Here's Dee's natal chart  Scorpio Ascendant, Sun Capricorn in the 2nd, Moon Virgo in the 10th. Here's the chart showing the exact time and location that the email was pinged to me: Notice Scorpio Ascendant (again!) AND now Moon in Scorpio!! = Emotions, also Jupiter is once again into their natal sign of Sagittarius. I've also made a short YouTube video here so you can see how that worked in action          

  • Episode 137

    04/08/2019 Duração: 37min

    This week I am discussing marriage as I was asked by two clients this week 'Will I Marry' here is some information for you that might help. My natal. Leo Ascendant, Sun Pisces in 7th, Moon Gemini in the 10th Ruler to Leo Asc=The Sun.  Ruler of Aqua Descendant= Uranus  Ruler of my Ascendant is the Sun and my Sun is located in my 7th house! Woop Woop! My 5th house starts in the sign of Sagittarius, and the Ruler is Jupiter and Jupiter is located in my 5th. Woop Woop! My 7th house starts in the sign of Aquarius, which is Ruled by Uranus, which is located in my 12th house. Booo :( not so fab! Now using the ephemeris for the year I was born. I was first married at age 26. The ruler to my Asc=Sun The Ruler to my Des= Uranus 26 days after I was born (representing when I was 26 years old) the Sun was 10 degrees into the sign of Aries and Uranus was 17 degrees into Leo Those two planets are now forming a nice trine to each other. 48 days after I was born  (representing when I was 48 years old) the Sun was 1 degr

  • Episode 136

    28/07/2019 Duração: 31min

    This week I am discussing the birth chart of Marianne Williamson Here's her chatting with Oprah about forgiveness Birth chart Gemini Ascendant, Sun Cancer in the first house conjunct Uranus and Venus, Moon Capricorn in the 8th. Transits  In 2014 Neptune conjunted her MC This is when she ran, as an Independent, for the seat of California's 33rd congressional district (in westernmost Los Angeles County) in the United States House of Representatives elections. This would have been her 'motivation' to add spirituality to politics. In December 2020 Saturn will conjunct her Moon in Capricorn in the 8th In 2022 Pluto will conjunct her Moon in Capricorn in the 8th.      

  • Episode 135

    21/07/2019 Duração: 53min

    This week I'm sharing with you the audio of my book The Astrology of Lovers,How Astrology Can Help You Love Better Here's the E-Book It's also a physical book on Amazon Here is the Audio to the Introduction and Chapter One. I will be releasing the whole (audio) book later this year, so this is a taster of the book. There might/will be some strange noises where I've said a wrong word, that will be edited out later, as this is a first draft. If you have any comments about it do pop me an email I'd love to know your thoughts:) Back next week with more Astrology of Poets.

  • Episode 134

    14/07/2019 Duração: 33min

    Kate Tempest: performance poet. Scorpio Asc, Sun Capricorn in 2nd, Moon Taurus in 6th. Cluster, Bowl chart. Indigo. Sun conjunct Neptune.   Chart for when her career took off: The specific dates were from 4th-22nd Sept of this first performance that got her nominate for the Ted Hughes prize. The Moon started in Taurus (her own Moon sign) and transited into Sagittarius, so went all the way round through the part of her chart that's empty and ended conjunct her cluster in the 1st. Uranus as you'll see is now in her 5th house of creativity. In this clip she is performing in London live to 120 prisons in London and Wales. Watch how she picks herself up when she momentarily gets overwhelmed with what she's actually doing and almost forgets the words and makes a wonderful recovery. This is a (short) part of the poem Brand New Ancients she performed in Sept 2012 at The Battersea Arts Centre in London.

  • Episode 133

    07/07/2019 Duração: 25min

    Bit of a hippy episode this week (might be bcoz I've just got back from Glastonbury Festival) It was sparked by this article which I read while I was researching for my Newsletter This is my Newsletter article, it's all about Feeling Overwhelmed If you're learning Astrology and also other practices such as Yoga or Transcendental Meditation, you'll need to check your chart and find out where Neptune is in your chart, where it's transiting now and if Pluto might be aspecting your natal Neptune....something will be going on, so check it out! Here is Gwyneth's chart; Pisces Asc, Sun Libra (conjunct Pluto)  Moon Gemini, Locomotive chart shape. She was taught T.M by David Lynch see article and charts below... So, she  'got into' TM in 2013 and as you'll see Neptune is now exactly conjunct her Ascendant! (and squar

  • Episode 132

    30/06/2019 Duração: 27min

    Continuing on from last weeks podcast with the question about houses...I am now covering Alice's spiritual purpose. Using the North Node in Gemini in the 4th house. More info on Moon's Node is in Episode 32 Also her chart ruler is Uranus as she has an Aquarius Ascendant and is located in the 10th house of career. Rulerships is in Episode 62  

  • Episode 131

    23/06/2019 Duração: 31min

    This week I am responding to a valuable question from 'Alice' who has asked about if I could: help me understand more about the choice between equal house and placidus This actually isn't such an easy question to answer, without explaining about the two systems and how they differ and why I prefer the Equal House System (which is the oldest system)...Placidus came about in the seventeenth century....he died in 1688 (according to Margaret E Hone in her The Modern Text Book of Astrology 1980) First off, you need to understand that if you were born higher-up the World as in Greenland, Placidus doesn't work because it uses time, and is based on an artificially equalised subdivision of the naturally unequal amounts of time a degree of the zodiac spends in each quadrant. Here is the chart I tried to create on for Doris automatically converted my request into the Porphyry System (second oldest system) you can see that written in red at the top of

  • Episode 130

    16/06/2019 Duração: 23min

    This week I am talking about my Dad's chart. I have discussed him before in Episode 95 re our Family Tree. In this Episode we are looking in more detail at his chart shape and planet placements. We will also hear a clip of what someone with Mercury so near the Ascendant sounds like! Sag Ascendant, Sun in 1st, Moon in Libra in the 10th conjunct Saturn...and Mercury in Sag near the Ascendant. Birth date is on the day that the Sun changes sign into Capricorn. As he was born in the morning the Sun was still in Sagittarius 29 degrees in that year 1921.

  • Episode 129

    09/06/2019 Duração: 26min

    This week we are covering the Moon moving signs and how they might affect us, or plants or our general domestic or work life. Quotes from The Art of Timing, The Application of Lunar Cycles in Daily Life by Johanna Paungger & Thomas Poppe   This year's Ephemeris 2019

  • Episode 128

    02/06/2019 Duração: 30min

    This week I am discussing how to cope with a negative transit The flower essences are listed on my blog here Mr Assange's chart and the Mars transit he is under. (at the moment but I expect he's had a few other transits in the past few years see secrecy post below...)   I wrote about secrecy and his chart and Edward Snowdon and Chelsea (Bradley) Manning  here

  • Episode 127

    26/05/2019 Duração: 38min

    This week we are working with Nat's chart. She is a new, first-time Mum/Mom and needs to go back to work. She has asked for what type of work would be good and also how to look after her young daughter too... Cancer Ascendant, Sun Aquarius in the 8th, Moon Taurus in the 11th

  • Episode 126

    19/05/2019 Duração: 29min

    This week I am quoting from Donna Cunningham's fab book The Consulting Astrologer's Guidebook on how to talk with people. Her (wonderful) book is still available here She calls it: 'talking to various planetary types.' If you want to, you can find out if you're an Uranian type by taking her 'test' here on her blog   Please note Donna died in 2017 :(

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