Conrad Rocks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 404:55:45
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I talk about how to get closer spiritually to the biblical Jesus. I discuss what it means to "walk after the Spirit" and to have a relationship with God. My experiences and scriptural exploration will help you to Know Jesus - and not just know about Him.


  • The Illusion of Competence - a Christian perspective

    17/09/2022 Duração: 20min

    This is a big problem in the Christian Community. In this episode, I illustrate what the Illusion of Competence is, and how we can rectify this problem in our own lives. Show Notes: People are not aware of this; What is the Illusion of competence?; My experience with the illusion of competence; Scriptures that illuminate this problem; How the Illusion relates to the Learning Pyramid; How can we apply this in our Christian walk? ; Get two free months with Scribd HERE: Social

  • Pat Hodges - Prophetic Ministry

    27/08/2022 Duração: 01h04min

    Pat Hodges from Omega Ministries TX goes over some of the pitfalls in the prophetic. Show Notes: How we met; Pat shares a testimony - he almost died; Disobedience causes God's hand to lift a little; Multinational zoom ministry and home meetings; Prophetic pitfalls; Do not assume everything you hear is God; The different spiritual voices; Prophets don't know everything; Only address what God wants you to address; Discernment is paramount; Delivering a word without embarrassment; Recipient of the word's responsibility; Pray into God's will and give Him permission; Discovering your calling; Own your calling; Function not title; Don't try to psychologically figure it out; Pray that you may interpret; Spirit doesn't violate The Word; The Chinese food example; Your gift can activate without God leading; Turbulence doesn't mean it isn't God; Getting rid of the fear of man; Prophetic people have much rejection; Fear of man compromises the word; Embracing Truth - not just hear it; Discerning the Body; From the ch

  • Overcoming Self Loathing

    20/08/2022 Duração: 25min

    I am getting really vulnerable in this episode to help those that are struggling with forgiving themselves. Loathing an aspect of myself; I couldn't forgive myself for a past sin; God showed me I was NO LONGER that person; God quickened 1 Cor 6:9-11 for me; Appropriating the forgiveness for real; Unforgiveness leads to skewed perspective; Forgiving from the heart not just the mind; God gave me a dream quickening forgiveness; Tools I meditate on for forgiveness; free ebook on forgiveness Get a free ebook for trying audible

  • Joseph McFarland Testimony For Jesus

    13/08/2022 Duração: 42min

    Interview with TEAMJESUS evangelist Joseph McFarland. He had a healing miracle he wants to share! LINKS TEAM JESUS GEAR SOCIAL

  • Get on the Fast Track with a Mentor

    06/08/2022 Duração: 20min

    Get on the fast track for your call and gifting with a mentor. Seek God! Getting settled into Indianapolis; Mentoring is important; We learn from people that are further along than us; Priscilla and Aquilla disciple Appolos; Precise Geography and Time orchestration; One conversation led to a town coming to Jesus; The circumstances that led to meeting Garry Nesbit; Roy Burton and Garry Nesbit deliverance encounter; Kingdom demonstration, not eloquent speech; Garry helped quicken some scriptures; Public ministry in public is mentoring; Open your mouth about Jesus; Roy burton testimony Garry Nesbit interviews

  • Slain in the Spirit - Is it Biblical?

    07/05/2022 Duração: 22min

    Being slain in the spirit - Is it Biblical? show notes: Maria WoodWorth Etter - Diary of Signs and Wonders; The manifest presence of God is a real thing; Christian Tabernacle and the presence of God; The slain of the Lord will be many - Isa 66:16; Jazziz shares her experience; Ezekiel 1:28 Ezekiel falls upon his face; Daniel 10:5-18 Daniel lost his strength face down; Disciples fall down Matt 17:6; John Falls down as dead Rev 1:10-18;

  • Walking After the Spirit with the Carrascos

    02/04/2022 Duração: 38min

    Testimony interview Francisco and Carisa Carrasco. Warfare before the Interview; Francisco and Carissa battled Sickness; Demons and the Spirit of Death; The struggle with going to the doctor; The dove confirmation of assurance; A turn for the worse - very low oxygen; The demonic growl ; Xray shows complete lung failure; Only 2 days left to live; The supernatural healing encounter ; God sends two confirmations ; THE LORD SAID DON'T GIVE UP!!!; Deliverance came finally; God provided for all the needs; The Atheist doctor saw a miracle; Hear blockage disappears; God said CHOOSE NOW! ; Divine appointment and word of knowledge; More dove confirmations; Prayer ........ ; Youtube Interview Francisco on Facebook Carisa on Facebook

  • God Sends Mentors - Prophetic Mentors (My experience)

    26/02/2022 Duração: 32min

    If we are diligently seeking God, He will send mentors in His timing. #Prophetic Prophesying from the heart Jer 23:16; Blown away by the supernatural; Man flew me to prophetic conference; The cannon ball vision; We prophesy in part 1 Cor 13:9; Don't interpret if you don't have it; We need prophetic mentoring; Why cartoon visions? ; God sends mentors if you seek Him diligently; my book FIST

  • Observing Solomon Part 2 - Contrasts

    12/02/2022 Duração: 58min

    Looking further into Solomon from the lens of scripture, we can see that Solomon had wives, wine, wisdom, wealth, women. And he still blew it for Israel. Continuing to explore contrasts; The spirit of Depression while studying; Did Solomon prophesy his demise?; No biblical evidence that Solomon ever repented; Did Solomon have mentors to guide him?; John Alexander Dowie downfall parallels; Solomon relied on Wisdom over Relationship; Did wisdom lead to pride and then a fall?; Cast your bread upon the waters Ecc 11:1; What did Solomon mean?; How does this fit with what Jesus teaches?; Eat, Drink, and be Merry Ecclesiastes 8:15; Jesus, Paul, God, and Solomon contrast; Does money answer ALL things?; Musing on the word ‘all’ ; Attenuating what he means; The sum of Thy Word is Truth Psalm 119:160 ASV; The dead know nothing Ecc 9:5; Old Testament confirmation Vs New Testament; Old Testament Soul Sleep idea; Which Covenant is in Focus? ; Weightier Matters and the Words in Red; The Authority of Jesus over others; Je

  • Observing Solomon

    05/02/2022 Duração: 31min

    Have you ever noticed that people don't quote Ecclesiastes or Song of Solomon nearly as much as the rest of the scripture? I have some observations on that. Solomon heard from God twice and then fell away; I consulted a few people and forums on this subject; It takes a few bible readings to see this pattern; Jesus says He is greater than Solomon for a reason; The danger of not balancing scripture - Eliphaz; 2 Tim 3:16,17 scripture is for our instruction; Comparing David and Solomon; Love for God versus Love for Wisdom; Experience versus hearing about it; Solomon granted wisdom to judge God's people; Can't make an argument from silence; The Love comparison between Psalms and Proverbs; 'Love' AND 'God' in David and Solomons scriptures; 'Love' AND 'Lord' in David and Solomon's scriptures; Moses judged the people all day; How weighty are Solomon's later books? ; BEWARE OF THE SCRIBES TEAM JESUS GEAR https://team

  • Kill the Giant While He is Small - Managing Our Thought Life

    29/01/2022 Duração: 38min

    Killing the Giant when he is small. Getting a grip on our thought life before they get out of control. What I mean by when I say ‘personal revelation’; Making carnal inferences from scripture; Discerning the Spirit via the word and exercise Hebrews 4:12 Hebrews 5"12-15; The Way to the Father through the Word; Mentors and the Mark 16 signs of a believer; Samuel being mentored by Eli ; Spiritual versus Carnally minded mentors; Prophetic mentoring 1 Cor 14; John teaching they no longer need a teacher; Rehearsing scripture all the time; Meditating on the Word to get to the spirit; My take on two or three witnesses; Mentors keep our footing sure; Thoughts, emotions, feelings, Disease; We perpetuate what we think; Worry can lead to ulcers, but is unbiblical; Our bodies are raiment or our tent; We are to cleanse our minds proactively; We are to bring EVERY THOUGHT into the obedience of Christ 2 Cor 101;5; David brought his thoughts into what God said ; Joshua brought his thinking into what God said Joshua 7; I perp

  • Turn Self Loathing into Passion

    15/01/2022 Duração: 30min

    Conrad begins by discussing how it is natural to feel self-loathing and wallow in self-pity after making a mistake. However, he argues that it is possible to change this perspective by repenting and renewing one's mind. He cites verses from Ezekiel which talk about how people should loathe themselves for their wicked ways and then goes on to say that when they repent and change their ways, they will know that God is the Lord.Conrad discusses how self-loathing can become a self-perpetuating cycle, and how it is important to break out of that cycle. He talks about how David encouraged himself in the Lord even when he made mistakes, and how we need to do the same.In order to change self loathing into passion, one must first understand what passion is. Passion is not simply an action that is done out of necessity, but rather it is something that is done with excitement and zeal. When operating from a place of self loathing, it is easy to trick oneself into thinking that one must work in order to earn salvation. H

  • Troubling Spiritual Revelations

    18/12/2021 Duração: 18min

    Do you have a dream or vision or spiritual revelation that is bugging you? Spiritual things cause dissonance with the mind; Getting back to the spirit; Spending more time seeking God; Heathen dream examples; God seals or encodes visions and dreams; A spiritual relationship has spiritual experiences; Interpretation is like a safe crack'; God rewards diligent seekers; My troubling domino dream; Links TEAM JESUS GEAR HONORING DREAMS -

  • Jennifer Cotney Interview - Testimony and Ministry Spotlight

    11/12/2021 Duração: 41min

    Interview with Jennifer Cotney from Christian Mix 106. She shares her testimony, about Christian Mix 106, and the Homeless Ministry in New Orleans. Jennifer shares her testimony for Jesus; God moves in Jennifer's children; Jennifer experiences church; Not feeling worthy of grace; Surrendering completely to Jesus; Husband gets saved; Jennifer and ChristianMix106; Kids and the homeless; Local churches ministering to the homeless; Disobedience and the aftermath; Seeking God for needs; A moving story about Wendy; The city and homeless sweeps; Hurricane Ida category 4 hits New Orleans; Aftermath of Ida and it's impact on the homeless; Still fixing her house after Ida; Reach Jennifer at Jennifer Prays; Links Conrad Social: YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: From Homeless to Evan

  • Spiritual Revelation - What to DO with it!

    04/12/2021 Duração: 20min

    Conrad discusses how individuals may receive revelations from the Spirit of Truth that are difficult to share with others due to the fact that they may not understand them. He goes on to say that it is important to discern whether or not the revelation is from the Spirit of Truth by checking it with mentors, reading the Bible, and/or searching the scriptures.Conrad talks about how when he has a spiritual revelation, it's like two tuning forks vibrating in harmony with each other. He says that in order for someone else to catch that same revelation, they have to be open and receptive to it. Sometimes it takes a while for the revelation to sink in, and other times people act like they just figured it out even though Conrad tried to tell them the same thing years ago. Conrad also says that just because you have a revelation, it doesn't mean you can walk in it yet. It's important to meditate on the revelation and let it sink in before trying to apply it to your life.Conrad discusses how important it is to read th

  • Dreams Have Purpose - Are YOU Paying Attention?

    20/11/2021 Duração: 19min

    We have many dreams in our life. Some are instructions from the Lord. Dreams are neglected but important in the Christian life; A certain Dream keeps coming to my mind; It was a course correction dream; Dream versus Night Vision; Job 33:14-18 God gives us dreams for instruction; Dreams keep us from selfish purpose; Matt 7:21-23 didn't have a spiritual relationship with God; Gen 20 God talks with Abimelech in a dream; God instructs Abimelech on what to do in a dream; Dreams reveal our true nature; God speaks to heathen Kings in dreams; Joseph knows about double dream confirmation; Daniel wrote his dream down; Pilate's wife had a warning dream about Jesus; Wise men from East warned in a dream; Joseph warned in dreams to fulfill prophecy; Links - How to remember Remember Your dreams - The next step note-taking - Dream Journal - https://

  • Is it Time to Start Over?

    13/11/2021 Duração: 41min

    Is now the time to consider starting over? What can we learn from God's mission to Jeremiah? Things are bad right now; Jeremiah 1:10 is the solution; Preconceived biases and Presuppositions are the roots; Different moral frameworks ; At least two sides to every position; Seeking the scriptural position to be our root; Our belief system is crafted by those with power; Stereotyping and demonizing; Being programmed to kill; Word of God strikes the root; Different Moral frameworks News is biased and manipulative; False news shares faster than truth; Bible should be our main content; Truth trumps being right; Time to do Jeremiah 1:10; All Quiet on the Western Front

  • Water Witching - Science, Scripture, and witches weigh in

    30/10/2021 Duração: 31min

    Water Witching or Dowsing is Unscientific Divination. Twitter Lady told me about Coraline; Christians think that Water Witching is ok; Wiki definitions ; pseudo science and divination; Dowsing Originated possibly in Germany ; Dowsing Condemned by Martin Luther; Myth Busters says Dowsing is bogus; Ars Technica says Dowsing is pure chance; The German Experiment proving dowsing is chance; Christian Research Institute - Dowsing is Divination; Acts 16:16-19 spirit of divination cast out; Zech 10:2 God warns against divination; Hosea 4:12 condemns Dowsing; Numbers 20 difference between divination and God directing; Deuteronomy 18:10,14 forbids Divination; President of Dowsing society says it is witchcraft; John Mac Arthur says Dowsing is Divination; Witch using dowsing rods to contact ghost; Same dowsing rods for Ghosts AND water witching; Psychic uses dowsing rods to talk to the dead; Links: Water Witching Facebook Posts Wiki

  • Spiritual Apologetics - Is Something Missing?

    23/10/2021 Duração: 25min

    Have you ever felt like something was missing in a Christian setting? Maybe there is! I am NOT bashing apologetics; Apologetics is valuable but not the end-all; Mentors should have the signs of a believer; Acts 16 following the spirit to Macedonia; The Spirit reveals 1Co 2:10; The natural man doesn't receive spiritual 1Co 2:14; Physical reality is mostly space; Mockers sort to reality by senses Jud 1:18-20; The carnal mind fights God Rom 8:5-8; God must be known and worshipped in spirit Joh 4:22-24; A man with experience trumps rationale; Demonstration of Spirit and Power 1Co 2:4-5;

  • Walking Out Deliverance

    16/10/2021 Duração: 29min

    Conrad discusses how to walk out your deliverance and how it's a lot like getting a driver's license. Join Conrad as he shares his experiences and insights on the topic, and learn how to apply these principles in your own life. Whether you're seeking deliverance or just looking for ways to grow spiritually, this podcast has something for everyone.Walking out deliverance is a lot like getting a driver's license.Driving a car is awesome freedom;We need to know that driving is possible;The desires of our heart - from the Father PS 37:4;Mark 11:21-26 desiring in prayer;Faith in God, not something else;Find a proven mentor;John 8:31-32 If is a condition;Making disciples in Matt 28:18-20;Sons of Sceva were not authorized;James 1:22 do the word or we are deceived;There is a test before victory;Put the armor on before battle Eph 6;Reward for diligently seeking God Heb 11:6;Tests Ex 20:20 Deut 8:16;There is a hedge the devil cannot pass;Garry got delivered in one moment of stage 4 cancer;2 Tim 2:4,5 warring requires f

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