Kristi Walsh is the host of Surfing the Psychic Waves, here on Soundcloud. Kristi talks to surfers, psychics and metaphysicians to share their tales of the surf and to discover new ways to handle these cosmic and ascension waves. So are you paddling out, are you on the beach waxing your board, or are you riding the curl right now? Kristi Walsh is a trance medium healer and clairvoyant psychic whose Surfing the Psychic Waves can lead you into discussions with metaphysical surfers such as Lindy Cowling, Kelly LaSha, James Tyberonn, Michael Tamura, George Kavassilas, Blossom Goodchild, Venus Andrect, Eric Hatton, Sue Farrow, and even some surfers right here from Soundcloud.links:http://kristiwalsh.com!/kristinasurfing
Surfing Your Space
19/09/2021 Duração: 52minWe take out the boogie boards to softly land in meditation. We will sort through different energies in our space and reconnect with ourselves and reset our energies.
Surfing the Gold Waves
03/09/2021 Duração: 53minIn this show we are surfing the universal healing waves and looking at our group agreements that hang out in our aura, body, mind, to gain more clarity where we show up as spirit.
Surfing the Deep Quiet Waves
27/08/2021 Duração: 52minIn this show we will be surfing way at the back of our space. This show might be super fast for you or super slow and expansive. Let’s find out what your trance states are like! You want to listen to this show lying down or in a super comfy chair.
Surfing the Inner Waves
22/08/2021 Duração: 54minIn this show, we are surfing the heart space for the treasure we have hidden from ourselves.
Surfing the Past LIfe Waves
22/08/2021 Duração: 53minIn this show we will check out how old we really are as spirit, we will jump on a few past life waves and arrive back in present time with some new information we can use. Bring out the long boards!
Surfing the Cosmic Waves
08/08/2021 Duração: 55minIn this show, we are surfing the cosmic waves and the light grids around Earth. Grab your boards for this out of body meditation!
Surfing the Asteroid Waves
08/08/2021 Duração: 55minGrab your boards for far out of body meditations on the Asteroid Waves. We will be visiting Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta!
Surfing the Healing Waves
27/07/2021 Duração: 54minOn Surfing the Psychic Waves this week we are talking to Kathy McConnell, energy healer. Kathy has had a 20+year hands-on practice of Rolfing® and Craniosacral Therapy and during this last pandemic year, new and unexpected activations occurred where she is surfing new waves with long distance energy healing and poetic writing. In this show we will surf the healing waves!
Surfing the Freakout Waves
19/07/2021 Duração: 55minThis show is about flare ups of anxiety, anger, doubt, shame, and when the mosh pit of emotions jump all over you. We will surf the psychic waves to find yourself again and not make yourself wrong. We will tackle anxiety with flying, job interviews or presentations, and just asking someone for help or for a favor.
Surfing the Simple Waves
12/07/2021 Duração: 55minIn this show, we will be getting to that part of the surf where you can enjoy all of your own energy. We will set up our energy space, quiet the noise around us, so we can be the bigger energy in the room.
Surfing the Psychic Elements
21/02/2021 Duração: 51minIn this episode we Surf the Psychic Elements, using wind, water, earth and fire to change the waves we are surfing right now.
Surfing the Brain Waves
21/02/2021 Duração: 47minWe are surfing the brain waves, that emanate in and around us, and we will open up the energy field to surf new waves.
Building Your Wave
21/02/2021 Duração: 53minWe will surf the psychic waves and build the waves of momentum and manifestation, using many tools, feelings and our super surfer powers.
Surfing the Mediumship Waves
21/02/2021 Duração: 52minWe jump into the spiritualist waves and make contact with the other side using a light trance. Bring your curiosity!
Surfing the Integration Waves
21/02/2021 Duração: 50minWe surf a few different color vibrations that are supportive to the body and we soak up some fresh energy from the creative rings.This show helps you to surf those integration waves of change.
Surfing the Solar Waves
21/02/2021 Duração: 50minWe will explore the sun, and soak up some healing solar waves. We will direct solar light healing the energy floating around Earth right now, and elevate the energy (from breakdowns to breakthroughs) and we will amplify energy back to our lives on Earth.
Surfing the Psychic Waves of Speed
23/08/2020 Duração: 51minWe are surfing the super fast waves playing with time, manifesting future results, and surfing by obstacles
Surfing the Akashic Waves
23/08/2020 Duração: 47minIn this show we surf the psychic waves of our past present and future with our Akashic record keeper!
Surfing the Mediumship Waves
23/08/2020 Duração: 53minToday on the show we will be surfing the mediumship waves! We are going to play in the surf with our ancestors and more!
Surfing the Acrobat Waves
23/08/2020 Duração: 54minWe will figure out if you are surfing above, below or going right through, the waves in front of you!