Concordia Sermons

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 367:01:09
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Weekly sermons from Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX.


  • Face to Face…With the King

    08/01/2012 Duração: 35min

    He only looked like a child. But to Herod, he was so much more. He was a threat to his title as “King of the Jews.” Herod desires to kill this child, but his plot is foiled. Some wise men from the east desire to worship this child, and they are blessed. Jesus is King! Will we respond with rebellion like Herod or worship like the wise men when we meet Him face to face?

  • Face to Face…With the Messiah

    01/01/2012 Duração: 35min

    He only looked like a child. But to Simeon, he was so much more. He was the consolation Israel was waiting for. The Holy Spirit had revealed to Him that a baby named Jesus was God’s promised Messiah. When He sees Jesus face to face, then, he sings, “Sovereign Lord, as You have promised, You now dismiss Your servant in peace” (Luke 2:29). Simeon sees Jesus and now knows that he can die in peace. For through the Messiah, he has the assurance of seeing Jesus again face to face in eternity. Do you have the assurance of seeing Jesus face to face in eternity?

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…An XBOX Kinect

    25/12/2011 Duração: 26min

    The XBOX Kinect is a video game system you play by simply moving your body. It interacts with your movements and your voice so that you can become fully immersed in the game. No joysticks or buttons needed! It takes you into a different reality. On Christmas Day, we marvel at how Jesus willingly came into a different reality. He left heaven to come to this earth. But His different reality was not an entertaining one, it was a humble and dark one. As John says, “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us” (verse 14). The promise of the gospel is that Jesus joins us in our reality so that we can join Him in His.

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…A Pet Rock

    25/12/2011 Duração: 29min

    The Nerf N-Strike Stampede ECS is the first fully automatic Nerf dart gun, complete with one six dart clip and three extended clips which hold 18 darts each. It has a lot of firepower and is every boy’s (and man’s) dream! When Christ came to this earth, He came in the most meager of ways. Born in a stable, He seemed to be nothing special – or powerful. But Jesus, as God incarnate, had incredible firepower. By His death and resurrection, He conquered sin, death, and the devil. What sin, fear, or difficulty do we need conquered? The baby in the manger can help!

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…Legos

    18/12/2011 Duração: 34min

    Lego Board Games are games you build yourself! And as you build them, you also try to beat your opponents. In Matthew 2, we are introduced to Herod the Great. Herod was known as quite a builder. He was the one who expanded the temple in Jerusalem to an untold splendor. He was the one who built fortresses such as the Herodium and even built a whole new city – the Caesarea Maritima. But Herod was also paranoid that someone would seek to take his power and prestige. So when some Magi from the east come inquiring about “a King of the Jews,” Herod becomes immediately jealous, believing that someone is trying to steal his throne. Sadly, during Christmas, our penchant for jealousy often comes out as we compare ourselves to those who more than us. Are we satisfied with what we do – and do not – have?

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…A Pillow Pet

    11/12/2011 Duração: 35min

    Pillow pets are exactly what their name implies – they are pets, but they are also pillows. By simply unfolding it, your child can turn his stuffed animal into a pillow on which to sleep. Around the holidays, a pillow pet sounds nice, doesn’t it? After all, this season is so busy and tiring. Who couldn’t use a nap? In Isaiah 8, the prophet speaks of a dark, tiring, and stressful time. He foretells a coming Assyrian invasion. But then, in chapter 9, Isaiah breaks out in a chorus of hope: “The people living in darkness have seen a great light” (verse 2). He further promises a coming Messiah who, among other things, will be the “Prince of Peace” (verse 6). Jesus, even when we are stressed and in need of rest, stills our souls with His peace.

  • All I Want For Christmas Is…A Sing-A-Ma-Jig

    04/12/2011 Duração: 33min

    They won “The Toy of the Year” for 2011. Sing-A-Ma-Jigs can talk, sing, and harmonize with each other! If you collect the whole family, they will always sing in perfect harmony. If only our families were as harmonious. But the truth is, our families are often filled with stress and strife, especially around the holidays. During the first Christmas, Joseph encountered a major family problem – his fiancé Mary turned up pregnant and he knew he was not the father! Yet, because of Joseph’s trust in God, he stayed with Mary and saw their marriage through. Do we trust in God to see us through difficult times and reconcile our broken relationships?

  • Tough Joy: A Series on Philippians: Making a List and Checking It Twice

    27/11/2011 Duração: 28min

    Aretha Franklin sang, “You better think, think about what you’re trying to do to me!” In Philippians 4, Paul is exhorting us, “You better think!” But what Paul calls us to think about is not the pain of our relationships and lives, as in Aretha Franklin’s song, but about that which is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. What we think about shapes the outlook we have on life. What do you think about?

  • Tough Joy: A Series on Philippians: Confidence Men

    20/11/2011 Duração: 36min

    The Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ron Suskind has just published a book titled Confidence Men, detailing the Obama administration’s confidence – and confusion – as they seek to handle some of our day’s biggest issues. If there was a “confidence man” in the first century, it was Paul. In his former life as a Pharisee, he was confident in his own ability, morality, and spirituality. But now he has shifted his confidence to Christ. Where is your confidence?

  • Tough Joy: A Series on Philippians: Cop An Attitude

    13/11/2011 Duração: 30min

    The phrase “cop an attitude” usually carries with it a negative connotation. But in Philippians 2, Paul calls us to cop the same attitude as Christ! We are to imitate His humility, His servant-spirit, and His obedience. For when we cop Christ’s attitude, we are pointing others toward Christ Himself so that the knees and the tongues of others can bow can confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

  • Tough Joy: A Series on Philippians: Pain and Suffering

    06/11/2011 Duração: 27min

    In a dispute, a plaintiff will sometimes try to sue a defendant for “pain and suffering.” In these instances, the plaintiff is seeking to recoup some sort of reimbursement for the anguish the defendant has allegedly caused him. Paul opens his letter with an honest admission of his situation: he is in great pain and suffering. He is “in chains for Christ” (verse 13). Yet, rather than suing, Paul rejoices, for he know that what has happened to him “has really served to advance the gospel” (verse 12). Do we see circumstances that cause us pain and suffering as opportunities to advance Christ’s gospel? What are some ways we can better learn to see the gospel even in our most difficult moments?

  • More Blessed: Bigger Than Our National Debt

    23/10/2011 Duração: 30min

    Though our national debt is big, it is not nearly as big as the debt of our sin, for the debt of our sin is incalculable. When Jesus encounters a sinful woman who anoints His feet with perfume, He knows that she loves Him much because she has been forgiven by God for a debt of sin that baffles her. On Reformation Day, we celebrate God’s extravagant love – a love so great that it would cover our sins. We respond by loving and serving our Lord for His marvelous gift

  • More Blessed: Sturdier Than Prudential

    16/10/2011 Duração: 35min

    Prudential built its reputation on providing their clients with steady financial returns on their investments. That’s why their logo is a rock. It indicates steadiness and sureness. Stewardship, likewise, begins with a rock-solid promise: “I the LORD do not change” (verse 6). This means if God has been generous to us in our past, we can count on Him to be generous to us in our future! How have you seen God’s generosity in your past? Do you steward your money generously as a sign of faith that you trust His generosity for your future?

  • The Me I Want To Be: Lust to Zeal

    09/10/2011 Duração: 32min

    The enticement to lust is everywhere in our culture. What we see on TV, the internet, in video games, and in many other places can tempt us to lust after someone who is not ours. Paul’s pronouncement on lust is unequivocal: We ought to flee it (verse 18)! Why? Because we are temples of God’s Spirit. Thus, we live our lives with zeal for him rather than a lust for sin, as Paul says in Romans 12:11: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

  • The Me I Want To Be: Idleness Intentionality

    02/10/2011 Duração: 30min

    Idleness is inexcusable! Because we were created to work, we will find work to do one way or another. But the work born out of idleness is sinful work, like being a busybody. Thus, it is important that we are intentional and faithful in the work we do so that we glorify God in our work.

  • The Me I Want To Be: Anger to Rejoicing

    25/09/2011 Duração: 34min

    When facing injustice, a person can respond in one of two ways: anger or rejoicing. The apostles could have responded with anger at the Sadducees because the Sadducees were unfairly persecuting them. Instead, they were “rejoicing because they had been counted worthy suffering disgrace for the Name” (verse 41). How do we respond to adversity?

  • The Me I Want To Be: Falsehood to Purity

    18/09/2011 Duração: 31min

    Our world is full of lies. The most dangerous lies are those told about God. This is why John encourages the children of the true God to stay way from idols (cf. verse 21) and remain in him who is true (cf. verse 20). In this message, we will discuss how to stand up for purity and truth in a world full of wickedness and lies.

  • The Me I Want To Be: Why We FAIL

    11/09/2011 Duração: 32min

    In Ephesians 4 and 5, Paul outlines four sins that cause us to FAIL: Falsehood, Anger, Idleness, and Lust. What is the solution to overcoming such enticing sins? Should we strive harder? No! Paul says we should “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (verse 24). We should put on Christ. For when we do, we receive the PRIZE he has for us: Rather than lies, we receive God’s Purity; rather than anger, we live with Rejoicing; rather than sitting around idle, we live with Intentionality; rather than lusting after others, we live with Zeal toward God, and, finally, Christ ushers us into Eternity. Over the next five weeks, we will unpack each of these items and discover how Christ’s power overcomes our sinfulness with his righteousness!

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Better with Age

    04/09/2011 Duração: 35min

    Next Sunday is Grandparents’ Day. One week early, as we wrap up our series on Proverbs, we take a look at how age and wisdom often go hand in hand. In a culture obsessed with youth, the Biblical writers find great value in age. Age develops patience, knowledge, trust, and wisdom!

  • A Tale of Two Adventures: Grander than the Canyon

    21/08/2011 Duração: 35min

    The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is hidden from its heat. The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.

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