Imperfect Brilliance ~ Betsy Mcloughlin & Kathy Williams

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What if your imperfections are actually your brilliance? Did you know that a diamond is more valuable with all its perfect imperfections? Betsy McLoughlin & Kathy Williams


  • Procrastination or Awareness?~Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    What a different question to ask! How many times have you made yourself wrong for procrastinating?  Have you ever considered that maybe you were aware of something? Was it just not time yet, or something else?  Join us for a fascinating dive into this area. Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance is the catalyst to creating a new reality? One of magic and joyous possibilities! Imperfect Brilliance is about shedding all the layers of the not-you, everywhere where you’re making yourself wrong… because underneath all that crap lies what’s beautiful and imperfectly right about you. When you stop judging you, what else can you create in the world? Certified Facilitators of Access Consciousness® Betsy McLoughlin, Sadie Lake and Kathy Williams invite you to come play and release the judgment so you can truly shine. Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website www.c

  • Resistance is Futile ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    You've likely heard that what you resist persists. What are you resisting doing or being? What else is possible when you let that go? How much more fun and freedom can we have when we release the resistance in our lives? Let's play, and explore the possibilities! Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance is the catalyst to creating a new reality? One of magic and joyous possibilities! Imperfect Brilliance is about shedding all the layers of the not-you, everywhere where you’re making yourself wrong… because underneath all that crap lies what’s beautiful and imperfectly right about you. When you stop judging you, what else can you create in the world? Certified Facilitators of Access Consciousness® Betsy McLoughlin, Sadie Lake and Kathy Williams invite you to come play and release the judgment so you can truly shine. Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website

  • Connecting: What’s the Value? Guest, Donna Salemink


    We live in a world where connecting with people around the globe is easier than it’s ever been. At least, that’s what it looks like on the surface. But how often do you see people sitting around a table, everyone on their phone totally disengaged from each other? What have you decided connecting is that keeps you from having total presence with your life and everything showing up in it? What if there are a few tools you can use to change that right away? What if you could apply these tools to your business to create more clients and successful classes? And if your relationships create juicier, more playful, pleasurable and joyous connections? Donna Salemink works with people around the world in several capacities. From facilitating classes designed for people who know more is possible for their lives and bodies to private coaching and body magic sessions, she finds her greatest joy in seeing people step into the changes they are truly asking to make. Beyond that, Donna works with businesses assisting with mar

  • Honoring Money ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Have you ever heard of an honor account for your money?  Do you pay all your bills and have more month left than money?  What if something else is possible? Join us for a different perspective on money, bills and honoring yourself and money. Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance is the catalyst to creating a new reality? One of magic and joyous possibilities! Imperfect Brilliance is about shedding all the layers of the not-you, everywhere where you’re making yourself wrong… because underneath all that crap lies what’s beautiful and imperfectly right about you. When you stop judging you, what else can you create in the world? Certified Facilitators of Access Consciousness® Betsy McLoughlin, Sadie Lake and Kathy Williams invite you to come play and release the judgment so you can truly shine. Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website www.creatingyumminess

  • Kindness with Bodies ~ Guest Juna Guetter


    Do you desire more connection with your body? Are you sick and tired of trying to live by this society’s standards of what it means to have a healthy, beautiful or desired body? Do you know there’s something greater for you and your body, but you just can’t seem to access it? Join Juna Guetter, Certified Facilitator and 3 Day Body Class Facilitator & RBFY Taster Facilitator, as she shares tools and tips to get out of judgment of bodies and into the pleasure, joy and kindness that actually creates a body you can enjoy. If you were happy & treated yourself and your body with kindness, how could your body show up differently? Juna is a Mover and Connector of Possibilities. Inspiring individuals and groups for 25 years in the field of dance, conscious embodiment, and personal empowerment.  She invites  people into greater joy, ease and communion with their bodies and their lives. Having studied various techniques including Reflexology, Psychotherapy, Social Work, NLP, Landmark Education, Nia™ (Black Belt), EFT, a

  • Endings: The other side of beginnings ~ Guest Dr. Tom Kolso


    By popular request, Dr. Tom Kolso is back again to discuss ANYTHING around your mouth and what is truly possible.  Is it possible to have a Happy Mouth?  Can you really regrow teeth?  Can you change gum recession?  ? Is it possible to have plaque and calculus NOT buildup on your teeth?  What about regenerating your TMJ structures? How is this possible?  We are super enthused to have Dr. Tom Kolso on our show to discuss these possibilities and so much more. Dr. Tom Kolso has been practicing dentistry for more than 20 years. For more than 17 of those years he has been using the tools of Access Consciousness® to compliment his practice. Dr. Tom’s Generative Energetic Dentistry walks you through many of the infinite possibilities of being conscious with your dental health. Modern dentistry says these things are impossible—is that the truth or is it a big fat lie The “Happy Mouth” system is about more than just creating Happy Mouths.  It’s about creating a happy planet. The system includes activation and restorati

  • S/he Told You So! ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    What if your body always knows what's best for itself? And s/he tells you all the time. Are you listening? Or are you like the overly controlling parent who always thinks you know better? How's that working for you? Is your relationship strained? Like dealing with a petulant teenager who you don't understand? What if there was a kindness and intimacy available, if you would just be willing to hear your body out? Betsy, Sadie, and Kathy could probably be considered experts on what not to do! AND, also on how to change it! These three ladies have all come from such different yet similar backgrounds of struggle-to-grace with their bodies. Is their relationship perfect? Nope! But it's always on the up-and-up... because they're willing to explore what else is possible. What else is possible for you and your body that you haven't wanted to know that if you were willing to know it, would change everything? Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance i

  • Manifesting The Perfect Man or Woman: Guest, Bret Rushia


    Yes! Manifesting Your Prince or Princess! Have you been looking for that perfect man or woman to come into your life? If you've been running around screaming "When does my prince or princess come?" and all that's been showing up are a bunch of toads, there may be a couple important steps you've missed to have that special someone actually show up for you. All secrets will be divulged from a man who found his queen after using a few practical tools. Bret Rushia is a Certified Faciilitator with Access Consciousness and travels the world empowering people for more and greater for their lives. Could your imperfections actually be your brilliance? What if your willingness to acknowledge your brilliance is the catalyst to creating a new reality? One of magic and joyous possibilities! Imperfect Brilliance is about shedding all the layers of the not-you, everywhere where you’re making yourself wrong… because underneath all that crap lies what’s beautiful and imperfectly right about you. When you stop judging you, wha

  • Are You Trying To Be Supermom? ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Are you allowed to have a life outside of being a mother?  Or are you cutting off pieces and parcels of yourself to “fit the mold” of a good mother or father? Do you have a to-do list of a zillion things and feel like you’re always trying to catch up?  What if there’s a different way? Let’s explore what it would be like to have your children contribute to the joy of living instead of taking away from it. How much fun can you have being a super mom - in the way that works for you?! Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Where Is My Prince? ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Sing with us…. Someday my Prince will come… La la la la.  Are you still waiting for your Prince to show up on the white horse?  What are you doing in the meantime? Or have you sorted through the mazes of men, found a few good princes, and dated (or married) them, only to find they were frogs instead? Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Playing In The Possibilities of Magic ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Has anyone ever talked to you about playing in the magic of possibilities?  What does that even mean?  Is it something that existed for you as a child but you lost somewhere along the road of life? What would happen if it came back? Would life be more fun again? Join us as we explore the magic and possibilities that show up when you're willing to let go of the past, and open to the expansive joy that life truly Can be. Would you like to activate the magic of you? Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Do You Know You Are A Treasure? ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Do you realize how amazing you are?  Have you allowed yourself to see the gift you are to EVERYONE around you? Join us for this celebration of YOU as we clear away the cobwebs for you to TRULY see the fantastical and fabulousness of YOU! Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Femme Fatale ~ Guest Daria Hanson


    Femme Fatale: Unlock Your Ecstatic Power and Potency Ecstasy is an extreme level of joy and what if it comes from perceiving, knowing, being, and receiving everything?  Nobody talks about ecstasy. It's a banned and prohibited word just like sex!  Why is that? Why is everything that brings joy ... that creates orgasmic, joyful, creative, generative, nurturing and healing life…a forbidden fruit?  ...Just like a Femme Fatale ... A Femme Fatale is excited by choice and knows ecstasy.  She is a woman who knows what she is capable of, and she will have it and be it, even if it means she has to lose everything and everyone she has in her life. She knows she will always create more. She has no fears... No limitations ... No regrets. Are You beginning to wonder if you are more of a Femme Fatale than you have been willing to acknowledge? Daria Hanson is a rising International Speaker, Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator, and Mother to a beautiful little girl. She has started a worldwide conversation about being

  • Getting S**t Done! ~ Betsy, Sadie & Kathy


    Do You have a lot of projects asking to be completed?  Are you beating yourself up for this?  Do you have to handle them all? Are they things you want to create, have to create, desire to create? What if your timeframe is not actually the projects timeframe?   How do we get it all done? Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Wave Your Wand, Create Magic ~ Guest Susan Shatzer


    What if the future is created moment by moment upon our willingness to step out of solidity and into an possibility beyond anything you can imagine?  What if you could wave your wand and create the magic through co-creating with the Universe? What if you could be a magician with your kids to create ease and fun for everyone? What if there are tools to change any hassles with parenting? Let's play in the space of magic and possibilities!! Join us as we turn the tables!  Our guest, Susan Shatzer will interview us about the upcoming Conscious Birthing and Beyond's 4th Season that we are all honored to be on as guest speakers. Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • What if Everything You Did Was Wrong?


    What if Everything You Did Was Wrong?  Would you be willing to be wrong with everything you did? What does the word “wrong” bring up for you? Loads of blame, shame, and guilt?  Do you fight against being wrong to defend being right? How would your life be if you didn't have a charge around being wrong? Would it bring you more freedom?  If you no longer were attached to proving you were right, or getting others to acknowledge you were right, how much more choice would you have? What if there is NO right or wrong? Join us as we take this different way of being on a spin! Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • The Art of Seduction ~ Guest Julie Tuton


    How many misconceptions do you have about the word seduction? What if true seduction is a totally different energy? What would it be like to become the magnet that attracts everything you desire to come to you?  Tune in to learn Julie's tips and energetic practices that allow you to tap into the true art of seduction. Best Selling Author, Energy Therapist & Certified Facilitator of Access Consciousness, Julie Tuton has been creating magic for and with her clients for over 12 years.  Hailing from Boston, she has an East Coast edge, softened by 25 years of living in the San Francisco Bay Area.  She has a razor sharp awareness that allows her to cut through to the core of your issues with the kindness and caring you have always wished for but never found. Perhaps its because she comes from a place of non-judgment, and because she experienced birthing two children, a 20 year marriage, chose to divorce, and now is consciously creating a new relationship, Julie is real with you.  Applying her awareness and practica

  • Energetic Dentistry ~ Guest Dr. Tom Kolso


    Is it possible to have a Happy Mouth?  Can you really regrow teeth?  Can you change gum recession?  How is this possible?  We are super enthused to have Dr. Tom Kolso on our show to discuss these possibilities and so much more. Dr. Tom Kolso has been practicing dentistry for more than 20 years. For more than 17 of those years he has been using the tools of Access Consciousness® to compliment his practice. Dr. Tom’s Generative Energetic Dentistry walks you through many of the infinite possibilities of being conscious with your dental health.  What would it be like to consciously regrow missing teeth, gum tissue, and bone structures? What about regenerating your TMJ structures?   Is it possible to have plaque and calculus NOT buildup on your teeth?  Modern dentistry says these things are impossible—is that the  truth or is it a big fat lie? Want to hear more and start generating?  The “Happy Mouth” system is about more than just creating Happy Mouths.  It’s about creating a happy planet.  The system includes ac

  • Do You Compare Your Life to Others?


    Do you look at other people's lives, and secretly wish you had accomplished the sort of things they have? Or that you had the kind of excitement, or peace, or connections, or happiness (or, or, or….) that they seem to enjoy in mass quantities? What is the value of doing that? Does it make you feel better about yourself? Does it minimize you, your life and your creations? Let's explore something different! What if you could allow other people and their wonderful lives to stimulate you to More, without minimizing anyone in the process?  How much more fun can life be? Play more with Betsy, Sadie and Kathy - ~ Visit Betsy's website Visit Kathy's website

  • Are You Hiding Your Awareness From You?


    Are you more aware than you give yourself credit for? Do you have “whispers” of awareness that you ignore, and then realize that following them could have saved you time and agony? Or, have you done so much growth and expansion of your awareness that you aren't recognizing the new space that you live in and from? Where have you decided that you’ve “gone backwards” when you really are just ready to look at another aspect of your being? Let's take a look at this amazing thing we call awareness! Where can it take us beyond what we've ever conceived of? And click here, to find more information on the Unlocking the Shackles of Perfectionism Call Series ~

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