Dr. Susan Allison

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
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We Carry The Light with Host Dr. Susan Allison We Carry the Light, "Inspiration for Transformation," is the show that inspires you to find the light within, the highest of you are, and shine your brightest. Your host, Dr. Susan Allison, will help you to celebrate your unique self. We Carry the Light will help you to discover who you are right now and who you want to be. You will learn what makes you happy, helps you feel fulfilled and living your purpose. You carry the unique light that only you can shine. This light is energy, information, wisdom and love that you are meant to share. In doing so you can transform yourself, help others and our planet. If the entire world were a jigsaw puzzle and each person one piece, what is your piece, your offering that helps create a better world? On We Carry the Light you'll hear from guests who model how to be the highest, brightest, most evolved, fulfilled and conscious people we can be. Together we can illumine and transform ourselves and the planet. We can evolve into a new species of divine humans that some now call "homo luminous." We know from quantum physics that all matter is densely packed light, including us, and scientists tell us we are made from the stars. We do carry the light within us, the light of who we truly are as we fulfill what we are meant to do here on earth. About Dr. Susan Allison - Dr. Allison is a transpersonal psychologist, process therapist, shamanic practitioner, energy healer, ordained minister and the award-winning author of five books. Her first non-fiction text, Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity was published by Random House and has helped thousands heal their hearts and move on with greater awareness and peace. Her companion poetry book, Breathing Room, the Leaving of a Marriage, assists readers to feel the emotions during the grieving process of separation and divorce, and feel hope that they can begin a new life. Her next non-fiction book Empowered Healer, Gain the Confidence, Power and Ability to Heal Yourself, gives readers the four steps to miraculous self-healing, based on the author's twenty years of research and practice. A newly released poetry book, Our Spirits Dance, Poetry of Soul Mates, shares the love poems of the author and her husband, Thomas Hickenbottom, over their nineteen years together, until his transition in 2013. This book is Dr. Allison's most personal one yet, and offers readers the beauty of soul-mated love, with the poems speaking across the page like love letters being exchanged. A new non-fiction book You Don't Have To Die To Go to Heaven, Visit Spirit Realms, Gain Insight and Enrich Your Life, is due out in the fall of 2015 with Red Wheel/Weiser/Hampton Roads Publishing. Dr. Allison has also been honored as a "Woman of the Year" in California for her work with adolescents, has received several outstanding teaching awards, has been published dozens of times in journals and magazines and has won a prose award for her short story Mated Ones. Dr. Allison works with clients and groups in private practice as well as doing phone sessions with individuals all over the world. She has been a radio host of the popular show "Empowered Healer," with 14,000 listeners, and has been a guest on over fifty shows, sharing her empowered healer method, her poetry and most recently, her ability to spirit travel to other dimensions and help listeners overcome their fear of death and visit departed loved ones. When she is not seeing clients, writing or speaking, she enjoys a joyful life by the sea in Santa Cruz, California.


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  • Healing and Infinite Love with Sheryl Glick


    If you have ever suffered from an illness, felt grief when a loved one died or experienced other challenges, you will benefit from the wisdom of Sheryl Glick. She tells us that our lives, our experiences and all that surrounds us are part of a divine plan, and we are not alone. In her latest book, The Living Spirit, Answers for Healing and Infinite Love, Sheryl shares her belief that we are guided by our loved ones who have passed into spirit who send us messages from another dimension to help us achieve our highest potential. She believes that what comes from spirit returns to spirit in a form of consciousness that survives physical death. Sheryl Glick inspires us to know without a doubt that there is no death and we are all immortal.

  • Archangel Metatron with Channel Wendy Gayle


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  • Creating a Conscious Divorce with Dr. Susan Allison


    Dr. Susan Allison, author of the non-fiction work, Conscious Divorce, Ending a Marriage with Integrity, and the poetry book, Breathing Room, the Leaving of a Marriage, offers practical and spiritual guidance for anyone contemplating or going through a separation or divorce. From making the decision, how to communicate with your partner and deal with finances, to taking care of your health, caring for loved ones and moving on, Dr. Allison will help you navigate the often challenging process of divorce. With 51 percent of first marriages ending in divorce, and 65 percent of second marriages ending, it is crucial that we talk about divorce openly and offer coping tools for each stage.

  • One Mind with Dr. Larry Dossey


    Is our individual mind part of a greater consciousness, that some have called The Oversoul, The Mind of God, The Unified Field and by other names? Let author Larry Dossey share his ideas with you from his latest book, One Mind, How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters. During today's show Dr. Dossey will present his theories through engaging stories, fascinating research and brilliant insights from great thinkers to inspire us to raise our consciousness and reshape our destiny. Dossey will help us understand such phenomena as creative breakthroughs, premonitions of impending danger, near-death experiences, communication with other species and with the departed, reincarnation and remote healing as evidence that we can all access "one mind of greater consciousness."

  • Get Love with Author Kimberley Heart


    Do you have the love life you want? If you answered 'No' you aren't alone. According to author and love expert, Kimberley Heart, more than half of the US population is dissatisfied with their love life. During today's show, Ms. Heart will explain the difference between 'repackaging' the external self and 'rewiring' the internal self. She will share how to create the right mindset and heal the parts of us that are afraid to risk finding love. Kimberley will show you how to clear the blocks in your subconscious mind and rewire it to change old patterns keeping you from love and happiness. She will explain the importance of vulnerability, intimacy and humility in relationships and will present what a truly loving relationship looks like. Let Kimberley Heart help you change without fear, and get love

  • Happily Even After with Author Carole Brody Fleet


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  • We Carry the Light with Dr. Susan: Quantum Angel Healing with Eva-Maria Mora


    On today's show, the first for Dr. Susan Allison at Transformation Talk Radio, she will introduce herself and say a bit about the themes of "We Carry the Light." Dr. Susan wants to inspire you to find your gifts and share them in the world. She hopes to help you discover your soul's purpose this lifetime and then accomplish your mission To help inspire you, today's guest, Eva-Maria Mora, will share about her own journey, from a terminal diagnosis to a miraculous new life and career. She will speak about how everyone can heal and call on their angels to help them do so. Tune in and get ready to be inspired

  • How to Find and Keep Your Soul Mate with Dr. Susan Allison


    Dr. Susan will share her own poignant and inspiring story of soul-mated love, how she met her twin-flame, how they kept their love and passion alive for nineteen years until her partner's death, and how you can find your soul mate, and if you already have, how to nurture and preserve your union. During the show, Dr. Susan will read from her book, Our Spirits Dance, Poetry of Soul Mates, written over nearly two decades with her husband Tom. The poems will open your heart and convince you that such love is possible and continues beyond death.

  • Become Your Own Empowered Healer with Dr. Susan Allison


    Dr. Susan Allison will share how to become more empowered to heal yourself physically and emotionally. She will help you release past life issues, believe in yourself and take the action to self-heal by using four simple yet powerful techniques. You are your own empowered healer

  • Our Spirits Dance with Dr. Susan Allison PhD


    Dr. Jenn welcomes her guest Dr. Susan Allison PhD to share her poetry about how Our Spirits Dance. A poetry of Soul Mates illustrates poem by poem how it feels to find one's twin flame and create a loving and committed union. Her final poem "Immortal" also promises that such a love continues after death, and the intensity of feeling and depth of love are infinite and endless. Her poetry is the gate that ushers in her next book, You Don't Have To Die To Go to Heaven, due out in 2015. Allison's husband Thomas passed away in 2013, and she has honored his wish that she finish and publish their book of love poems. It is a tribute to him and to all readers who want to experience profound connection.

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