Learn French By Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 51:32:18
  • Mais informações



Learn French by Podcast is an exciting series of French lessons for everybody. Work with high-quality audio podcasts in your own time and at your own pace. Want to clarify some details? Something you couldn't quite understand? Then download comprehensive with transcripts, details grammatical explanations, cultural points of interest, and more.


  • 194: France: la réforme de l'accès à l'université

    25/06/2018 Duração: 19min

    Traditionally, French high school graduates have been guaranteed public university places, regardless of the grades achieved in their baccalauréat. This, however, has resulted in very high drop-out rates. It is hoped that, from 2018, proposed reforms will result in a more efficient means of access to university. Let’s talk about all this. C’est parti!

  • 193: "Que penses-tu du Brexit?"

    04/04/2018 Duração: 14min

    Britain’s vote to withdraw from the European Union was widely controversial and continues to be so. Brexit – from a French perspective – is at the centre of our conversation this time. 

  • 192: Le transfer de Neymar : comment expliquer une telle outrance ?

    22/12/2017 Duração: 13min

    The transfer of Brazilian footballer, Neymar, smashed all records in terms of the colossal sums of money involved. Are such sporting investments really justified? Let’s talk about that.

  • 191: “Je vais m’offrir un téléphone basique”

    02/12/2017 Duração: 15min

    Our lesson this time was inspired by a recent article entitled “Have smartphones destroyed a generation?” A provocative title indeed, but one that got us thinking. C’est parti!

  • 190: Le phénomène Macron ... en marche!

    11/07/2017 Duração: 11min

    Our lesson this time - for Advanced learners – focuses on the stunning rise to the French presidency of the youthful Emmanuel Macron at just 39 years of age. How, exactly, did he manage to pull off such a victory? Let’s discuss.

  • 189: Comment parler d’un accident de la route?

    26/06/2017 Duração: 13min

    A listener wondered if we could do a lesson on the basis of a traffic accident. So that’s what we’ve done : we’ve simulated a discussion on the basis of a minor accident that did actually occur recently at our end. Let’s start with a conversation: then we’ll look closely at the vocabulary.

  • 188: Le retrait des États-Unis de l’Accord de Paris sur le changement climatique

    15/06/2017 Duração: 19min

    The withdrawal of the U.S. from the Paris Accord on climate change caused consternation worldwide, not least as almost all countries signed up to its terms in 2016. Let’s talk about the decision of the U.S. administration to withdraw. We’ll discover how to make use of a whole range of interesting vocabulary. C’est parti!

  • 187: Un diplôme universitaire, cela en vaut-il la peine?

    21/04/2017 Duração: 17min

    In some countries, particularly the U.S., a university education has become so expensive that some wonder if it is even worth going to college at all, any more. Let’s start with a conversation. Then we’ll come back and look more closely at some key vocabulary.

  • 186: "Est-ce que tu regardes quelque chose d'intéressant à la télé?"

    21/12/2016 Duração: 13min

    It’s holiday season, a time of year when we might discuss a film or TV series we’ve seen. That’s the subject of our conversation this time. First, let’s talk about a French production called ‘Spiral’.

  • 185: Les récifs coralliens menacés de disparition

    04/11/2016 Duração: 15min

    The coral reefs of the world’s oceans are in mortal danger but, as is often the case with environmental concerns, few people seem to appreciate that the dangers are imminent. That is the focus of our lesson this time.

  • 184: Les tablettes tactiles en classe: un 'canular' coûteux?

    25/10/2016 Duração: 13min

    Digital tablets in the classroom were recently described as a 60 billion dollar hoax. Despite these strong words, it seems we’re on an inexorable drive to place a screen in front of every child in the classroom. But to whose benefit ? That’s the subject of our conversation in this lesson.

  • 183: La Norvège : 'un pays de cocagne'

    06/10/2016 Duração: 13min

    This lesson is inspired by our having heard about Norway in Michael Moore’s latest satirical documentary. Now, no country is perfect but Norway certainly seems to have a lot going for it. Let’s start with a conversation.

  • 182: Les centres d’appel: ‘les ateliers de misère du 21e siècle’?

    29/07/2016 Duração: 08min

    The title of this Advanced lesson may be controversial. After all, it is a fact that tens of thousands of people – some of whom have been lifted out of abject poverty – work in call centres around the world. However, questions one might ask are: what kind of work do call centre workers actually do? What kind of career prospects can workers realistically expect from such work? Béatrix talks of her friend’s experience in one such call centre. Let’s listen.

  • 181: ‘Tu’ or ‘vous’?

    21/07/2016 Duração: 09min

    A listener asked about ‘tu’ and ‘vous’. In English, we simply use the pronoun ‘you’ but, in French, things are more complicated. In this conversation, we talk about when to use ‘tu’ and ‘vous’… and how to ‘make the switch’ between the two when our relationships have evolved over time. Let’s listen.

  • 180: ‘Tu as l’air stressé aujourd’hui!…’

    24/06/2016 Duração: 09min

    A listener asked said he had recently been in France and had heard a few slang words used frequently. In this lesson, our dialogue makes use of a variety of slang words, some of which are very common. Let’s listen.

  • 179: "La Loi travail: une réforme controversée"

    17/06/2016 Duração: 10min

    This time, our lesson centres on the social tensions in France, arising from the proposed introduction of new work laws. The main protagonists are, on the one hand, the CGT - a very powerful union - and, on the other, the government which insists that there is no alternative to the new measures it is proposing.

  • 178: "Mohammed Ali: une personnalité exceptionnelle"

    10/06/2016 Duração: 12min

    He was the world’s most famous boxer. But, to many, he represented much more than a particular sport. In this lesson, let’s talk about Mohammed Ali.

  • 177: "Que penses-tu d'AirBnB? Est-ce sérieux?"

    03/06/2016 Duração: 15min

    AirBnB has rocked the hospitality industry. For holiday-makers it has proved a boon but hoteliers are up in arms. On the other hand, hoteliers are up in arms, citing 'wild-west' practices and a lack of regulation, not to mention depleted rental accommodation, as property owners turn to this new rental model instead of committing to longer-term tenants. We discuss the service provided by AirBnB in this lesson.

  • 176: "Sur le chemin de l'école", un documentaire émouvant

    19/12/2015 Duração: 10min

    What exactly does the word ‘education’ mean to you ? Sur le chemin de l’école is a provocative and inspiring documentary from Pascal Plisson. It depicts vividly the insatiable thirst for learning of children in some of the world’s most remote corners. Let’s listen to a dialogue.

  • 175: "Have you heard about these 'superfoods'?"

    10/08/2015 Duração: 08min

    This Advanced lesson (all in French) arises from a recent documentary relating to so-called 'superfoods'. Do humble foods like broccoli and quinoa deserve such an impressive label? Let's hear a conversation about them. C'est parti!

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