Living Astrology

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editora: Podcast
  • Duração: 1082:15:00
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Practical guidance and wisdom for using Astrology, Human Design Astrology and planetary transits to your benefit in your own life. We explore topics astrological, metaphysical and spiritual for 60 mins each week.


  • The Week Ahead - New Moon in Taurus

    14/05/2018 Duração: 38min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report.  Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. Today we're taking a look ahead at the energy of the week through Astrology, Human Design and the Oracle, which includes the new Moon in Taurus, Uranus' move into Taurus and Mars squaring Uranus from Aquarius to Taurus!  Wow what a week it promises to be!! Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.   You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there!

  • How Do We KNOW? - Human Design Weekly Report 5-10 to 5-15-18

    10/05/2018 Duração: 52min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report This week in Human Design Astrology we enter into a time of "Knowingness."  We have three ways of getting information - Logic, Intuition and Knowingness.  Find out what that means for you and what the week ahead holds for us. We are headed into the most active, and possibly disruptive time of 2018.  I design these live broadcasts to keep you informed of what is happening and also to give you coping strategies when life turns upside down.  Thank you for joining me each weekday morning!   

  • Moon in Pisces - Connection, Kindness & Compassion

    09/05/2018 Duração: 40min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report Today the Moon is in Pisces emphasizing the interconnectedness of all things.  This could be a day of heightened sensitivity to both psychic input, the environment, and sensory input.  Tune in to find out more about the day! By the way, this show is broadcast LIVE on the Living Astrology Facebook page, weekday mornings at 8:00 am PT.  Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report.  Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.   You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET.

  • Moon in Aquarius - Get a New Perspective

    08/05/2018 Duração: 45min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report.  Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. The moon continues its transit today through the sign of Aquarius almost compelling us to get a new perspective.  Whether it be your relationships, what you do in the world, or any challenges you're experiencing, find out how to change your perspective in order to change your life. I came across this saying yesterday, which was so perfect, "I am viewing my world from the opposite direction."  Maybe when we can see things from that opposite direction our problems and challenges appear smaller, or new ideas or solutions appear?  We also delve into the Gene Keys a bit this morning to really look at the energies in the Sun at Gate 2 and the Earth-Jupiter at Gate 1. 

  • The Astrology and Human Design Energy of the Week Ahead

    07/05/2018 Duração: 43min

    Daily Astrology - Human Design- Oracle Energy Report Each Monday we take a look ahead at the astrological and human design energies of the week. This week leads us into the entering of Mars into its Rx Zone as well as the run up to Uranus'move into Taurus.  IT is going to be an interesting week! The Moon is in Aquarius on Monday, moving through Pisces and Aries later in the week.  As this is the last week in the New Moon cycle, we are preparing to complete something and move forward into the next new moon cycle next week.  Only Mars is slowing down, how is that going to affect our forward movement?  We'll be talking about that and MORE... Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.   You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET. See you there! My website: InstantGo: Facebook:  https

  • The Weekend Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Report

    04/05/2018 Duração: 34min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report It's the weekend again, and that means we are taking a look ahead at the next three days!  The Moon is in Capricorn today and all of Saturday, then moves into Aquarius on Sunday.  Get out and do something you'll feel good about and then have a great time on Sunday doing something different, unique or completely fun!    This is also the beginning of the Human Design Week, so we're also going to explore the themes brought to us by the Sun & Earth in Gates 2 & 1. The Human Design week is from 5/4/18 to 5/9/18.  The Sun and Moon both are sitting in positions on the Identity Center, giving us access to Creative Self-Expression as we align with our inner compass.      

  • Moon Trine Uranus - Expect Surprises Today

    03/05/2018 Duração: 59min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report You can see the Daily Report live on Facebook at 8:00 am PT on Living Astrology's Facebook page! Today in the MetaCafe we're talking about what happens when the Moon and Uranus contact one another - do we get surprises or upsets? Sometimes Luna and Uranus want us to be relived of some burden, and sometimes we get something unexpected, but yet delightful!  What will it be today?  There is no way to be sure, but set your intentions that something magical will happen for you! Today is also readings day and we're sharing Mars Retrograde in people's charts.  You may think that there is nothing for you to gain by listening to other people get readings, but I assure you that somewhere in your own life you will find resonance with what is being discussed. 

  • Earth, Sun, Sunspots & Ceres - Where Astrology Meets Astronomy

    02/05/2018 Duração: 47min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report with Janet Hickox Yesterday I realized that the sunspot activity is low and that got me to thinking about global warming/global cooling and how we can see that by using Astrology.  Earth, Sun, Ceres and Sunspots and what does that mean for us? We tend to think of Earth as a victim of Humanity, and while I believe we have a responsiblity to live in balance and harmony with our Mother Earth, I give her more credit and power to self-adjust.  Today we're looking at Earth, the Sun and Sunspots and how the Solar Cycle may aid in the heating/cooling of our planet and what can we tell from some of the planetary energies coming up about how Earth will respond?  We're also talking about the upcoming Mars retrograde and how to be prepared.   

  • Starseeds, Astrology & Human Design - Interview with Angie Whitsel

    01/05/2018 Duração: 53min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Report The moon is void of course today giving me some time to interview a most fascinating woman - Angie Whitsel - who is talking to us about Starseeds!  Starseeds are people who have lived lives in other star systems!  Wow - fascinating! Angie and I discover how the Starseed chart she does and the Astrology & Human Design charts I do work so well together!  I think we've opened up a whole new level of Astrology!! Angies website:    

  • The Week Ahead and A Peek at May's Astrology

    30/04/2018 Duração: 33min

    Tune in to the Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report with Janet Hickox.  Today we're looking at the week ahead and looking at the month of May!  We start the week with the Moon in Scorpio after a beautiful full moon last night! It's almost as if the Full Moon broke the spell of chaos and crazy energy that had been influencing us over the last few weeks - especially last week!   The first two weeks of May look smooth and peaceful with just a couple of bumps ahead.  The biggest energy shift comes mid-May when Mercury and Uranus shift into Taurus just one day apart, and then the New Moon in Taurus unleashes the potential of Uranus in Taurus, followed by a Mars & Uranus square!  We definitely need these next couple of weeks to rest up, revitalize, and be ready for what comes mid-month! 

  • Scorpio Full Moon & the Weekend Energy Report

    27/04/2018 Duração: 33min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report. Today we're talking about the Scorpio Full Moon and what we can expect from the energies this weekend. Each month, the full moon gives us an opportunity for completions, revelations and ephiphanies.  Across the Taurus/Scorpio axis, what are we needing to let go of in order to move forward?  What have we been holding onto for far too long?  Here's your chance to free yourself from some of the burdens, beliefs, situations that have been holding you down for too long! 

  • Venus, Values & Manifesting

    26/04/2018 Duração: 35min

     Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report.  Today we're talking about Venus, Values and Manifesting and other transits happening today.  Venus is moving through the Gates of the Throat in Human Design, taking us into the energy of manifesting.  Today we talk about Gate 20 which is a gate that moves us from making decisions from our Head and into the body's wisdom.  When we try to manifest from our Head it causes confusion and we do not get the results we wanted.  We also talk a bit about the very powerful Mercury square Saturn from yesterday, and the Mars conjunct Pluto happening today.   

  • Moon in Virgo & Galactic Center of Light

    25/04/2018 Duração: 31min

    Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report This morning we talk about the Moon in Virgo and discover that the Galactic Center is at Gate 11 for everyone in Human Design Astrology. We also get into the Mercury - Saturn dance that is occuring now as well.     Daily Astrology-Human Design-Oracle Energy Report.  Live weekday mornings on the Living Astrology Facebook page. Grab a cuppa coffee or tea and join Living Astrology's, Janet Hickox in the Meta CaFe for the daily Astrology - Human Design - Oracle Energy Report.   You can find us on the Living Astrology Facebook page weekdays at 8:00 am PT /11:00 am ET See you there! My website: Facebook:

  • Preparing for Mars Conjunct Pluto

    24/04/2018 Duração: 36min

    Mars conjunct Pluto brings up passion, danger, power struggles and can be thought of as a drive to destruction or a drive to regeneration.  Which will it be for you? That's what we discuss today.  Mars and Pluto are both in Capricorn - a sign that rules Form, STructure, Government, the Military and othe large institutions - will we see some kind of aggressive action in the outer world?  The Black Moon Lilith is also involved here, triggering our shadows.   

  • Titillating Tarot With Jason Livanis

    11/01/2018 Duração: 01h01min

    Today on Titillating Tarot with Jason Livanis - The Fool Card:  Is it the 0 or is it the 20 Card? Each week Jason Livanis titillates and educates us on the tarot.  He is also available to do mini-readings on air during the show. To ask a question about Tarot or to get a mini reading, please call into the show by dialing 1-646-787-1519. To request a full reading with Jason Livanis, contact him at Jason will be demystifying the tarot as a metaphysical/ parapsychological tool by starting from the beginning of the Cosmic Tribe tarot deck and discussing each successive card each week, as well as, entertaining us with his own special brand of insightful, often humorous, fast paced energy with LIVE readings on the air. Jason comes to you by way of the New York / New Jersey metaphysical circles, where he, successfully, for the last 10 years, has traveled Internationally as an Intuitive Cosmic Tribe Tarot Card Teacher /Reader, as well as, Feng Shui L

  • Living Astrology Radio - Saturn conjunct Sun & Other Astrology News

    22/12/2017 Duração: 01h02min

    Today on Living Astrology Radio - Sun conjunct Saturn and Other Astrology News Learn more about Astrology - especially Saturn conjunct the Sun - today.  We also will be doing some end of the year reading with our listeners.  If you would like a reading, call into the show at 1-646-787-1519.  Be prepared to give me your birth information (date, time, place) in order to get an accurate birth chart for you.  Jason Livanis will also be joining me live and give us some titillations using the Cosmic Tribe Tarot !  The show airs at 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET.           

  • Titillating Tarot With Jason Livanis

    21/12/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Today on Titillating Tarot with Jason Livanis - Poet, Rachelle Parker & Jana Groscot of Manifesting Essentials Each week Jason Livanis titillates and educates us on the tarot.  He is also available to do mini-readings on air during the show. To ask a question about Tarot or to get a mini reading, please call into the show by dialing 1-646-787-1519. To request a full reading with Jason Livanis, contact him at Jason will be demystifying the tarot as a metaphysical/ parapsychological tool by starting from the beginning of the Cosmic Tribe tarot deck and discussing each successive card each week, as well as, entertaining us with his own special brand of insightful, often humorous, fast paced energy with LIVE readings on the air. Jason comes to you by way of the New York / New Jersey metaphysical circles, where he, successfully, for the last 10 years, has traveled Internationally as an Intuitive Cosmic Tribe Tarot Card Teacher /Reader, as well

  • A Look Back at 2017 Through the Stars: Are We Prepared for 2018 ??

    15/12/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Today onLiving AstrologyRadio - A Look Backwards at 2017 Through the Stars - Are We Ready for 2018 ??? Today we take a look backward at what 2017's astrological transits have taught us.  What did we learn that prepares us for 2018?  Retrospective gives us perspective on what is to come. This coming year starts out rather busy and sets the stage for more transformational work.  Of course the outer world will reflect this too.  Knowing what is coming helps you to better prepare for how you will be affected, and you can best use consciousness to move forward.     Join us today at 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET on BlogTalk Radio.  We will be doing some readings during the show today - dial 1-646-787-1519 for a look at your astrological chart.

  • Titillating Tarot With Jason Livanis

    14/12/2017 Duração: 01h01min

    Today on Titillating Tarot with Jason Livanis - The Sun Card. Each week Jason Livanis titillates and educates us on the tarot.  He is also available to do mini-readings on air during the show. To ask a question about Tarot or to get a mini reading, please call into the show by dialing 1-646-787-1519. To request a full reading with Jason Livanis, contact him at Jason will be demystifying the tarot as a metaphysical/ parapsychological tool by starting from the beginning of the Cosmic Tribe tarot deck and discussing each successive card each week, as well as, entertaining us with his own special brand of insightful, often humorous, fast paced energy with LIVE readings on the air. Jason comes to you by way of the New York / New Jersey metaphysical circles, where he, successfully, for the last 10 years, has traveled Internationally as an Intuitive Cosmic Tribe Tarot Card Teacher /Reader, as well as, Feng Shui Life Coach. He is the weekly internet

  • Winter Solstice Astrology - What's Up for the Next 3 Months

    08/12/2017 Duração: 50min

    Today onLiving AstrologyRadio - Winter Solstice Astrology:  What's Up for the Next 3 Months?? We can construct a chart for each season's ingress to see what the likely energies will be for the next three months.  This winter's solstice is a doozy with many changes going on and the potential to rock our worlds.  From Saturn changing signs, to Mercury's finishing retrograde, there is much to discuss about the energies that will carry us into 2018.  Tune in today to find out more. Join us Thursdays at 4:00 pm PT / 7:00 pm ET on BlogTalk Radio.  We will be doing some readings during the show today - dial 1-646-787-1519 for a look at your astrological chart.

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