Laura Longley

  • Autor: Podcast
  • Narrador: Podcast
  • Editora: Podcast
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The Laura Longley Show with Host Laura Longley Where authentic change takes flight.Tune in to The Laura Longley Show on Mondays at 11am PT2pm ET and discover how to make positive changes in your life, career and relationships.Your host Laura Longley gives you the tools you need to get unstuck. Lauras friendly, supporting and expert advice gives you the clarity and tools you need to deal with blockages and setbacks. Laura will inspire you to stay true to your unique gifts, your authenticity ...


  • A Conversation with Byron Katie about The Work - and Life


    Join Byron Katie as she talks with Laura Longley about The Work, a way to deeply investigate the stressful thoughts that cause all suffering. As Katie guides people through The Work, they find freedom from their painful beliefs about other people, about themselves, and about the world as they understand it to be. Katies four simple questions and your answers have the capacity to radically transform your life. Who would you be without your story?

  • "Jollytologist" Allen Klein, The Power of Words; The Power of Humor


    Both humor and words can either heal or hurt. They can lift us up or drag us down. They can encourage or discourage. Allen Klein, award-winning professional speaker and best-selling author whose books have sold over 600,000 copies, will share how humor helped him get through a personal major life event, and, how readers have told him how one single quotation changed their life. Listen in to find out how a sense of humor and positive words can change your life too.

  • A Healing Conversation with Candace Pert, PhD. Changing Neuroreceptor Mapping from Pain to Pleasure


    Did you know that every time we have an emotional reaction, a chemical reaction is taking place in our brains that creates that emotion? Tune in to my conversation with Dr. Candace Pert to learn about the body/mind/spirit connection and how science and spirituality are two sides of the same coin. We'll be discussing ways that you can move from pain emotional and physical to pleasure through changing your neuroreceptor mapping those chemical reactions in your brain.

  • Kim Baker, Animal Whisperer, The Important Role Animals Play in Changing the World, and How You Can Participate


    Have you ever wondered why your pet was behaving in an odd or disruptive way? Or maybe you have a pet or another animal that is ill or injured and you're unsure of how to best help them. Do you ever think about our relationship with animals - and our pets in particular - and marvel and the close and loving relationships we develop? Kim Baker is an animal communicator and she'll be sharing the answers to some of these questions, as well as her perspective on why animals are so important in our lives and in the evolution of our planet out of this mess we humans have created. Kim has been talking and healing animals since she was two years old. Her family told her you can't talk and heal animals, so she suppressed the gift. In 2006 after being laid off from her corporate IT job, she met teachers that told her oh yes you can talk and heal animals, and her journey of becoming named the Animal Whisperer began.

  • with Guest Stuart Young Shares How To Change Your Life, One Day at a Time


    Change your Life one Day at a Time by Following These Daily guides. Transform your mindset by applying these 365 guides and make your dream life a reality this year This book is for people struggling with making big decisions in their life. Invariably they would benefit from changing their mindset first. That require new ways of thinking and everyone's catalyst is different. With 365 such catalysts covered in the book there should be something for everyone. After experiencing his own catalyst for change 9 years ago Stuart Young's life changed rapidly and radically. Within just a few short months he had started his own business and set himself on the path to financial freedom.

  • The Dating Goddess Tells All From "Hands On" Dating Research


    If you're a midlife single considering or even already dating, hear the wisdom, insights, stories and advice from the Dating Goddess, gathered from having gone out with 113 men since her 20-year marriage dissolved. This lively and practical conversation will give you answers to questions you have -- and even questions you didn't know you had She'll share topics from her 13 books in the Adventures in Delicious Dating After 40 series, which covers topics every dating woman over the age of 40 needs to know, from getting started, qualifying a man before agreeing to meet, breaking up with grace, ironing out dating wrinkles, to sex.

  • with guest Tamara Dorris on Using Humor to Accelerate Personal and Spiritual Growth


    Have you wondered about what holds most people back? What are some ideas to work on that? Why is humor so helpful to our spiritual growth? What do you think karma is? Does the law of attraction work, and if so how? These are all topics that today's guest, Tamara Dorris, will be discussing with Laura. You'll learn steps you can take right now to accelerate your own personal and spiritual growth. Join us for this exciting - and humorous - discussion

  • with Guest Robert Holden, Author of "Loveability" Shares The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Learn


    Are your relationships unfulfilling? Does your life feel empty at times? Join Laura as she talks with Robert Holden, author of several books on happiness, about his latest book, "Loveability." Loveability is a meditation on love. It addresses the most important thing you will ever learn. All the happiness, health, and abundance you experience in life comes from your ability to love and be loved. This ability is innate, not acquired. "Love is your destiny. It is the purpose of your life. It is the key to your happiness and to the evolution of the world." Robert Holden.

  • with Guest Kelly Walden, Author of "It's All in Your Dreams" Discover the DREAM Code and Awaken to the Truth of Who You Are. Callers will get FREE dream interpretation with Kelly


    Do you dream a lot and wonder what your dreams mean? Or maybe you hear others talk about their dreams, but think that you don't dream at all? Get ready to find out how to use your dreams for your personal and spiritual growth as Laura talks this week with Kelly Sullivan Walden, author of "It's All In Your Dreams." Kelly will take your calls and interpret YOUR dream for you live on the air Everything you need to know to mine the gold from your nighttime dreams. Pull back the covers on your nighttime dreams with her 5-step process to enhance dream recall, deepen dream fluency, and awaken to a more powerful version of yourself.

  • with Guest Lori Spagna - Activating Your Dormant DNA and Tapping into YOUR True Intuitive Gifts and Healing Potential - Plus LIVE Readings


    Have you ever wondered how some people seem to naturally be able to access their intuition? Join Laura as she talks with Lori Spagna about ways you can tap into your on intuitive gifts - naturally Listeners will learn all about:YOUR Dormant DNA and Why it Holds the Keys for You in 2013 and BeyondYOUR True Psychic, Intuitive Gifts, Telepathic Abilities with Humans and Animals and YOUR Healing PotentialThe Truth about Ascension - What it is and What it Really Means for YouChanging Realities and Creating New ParadigmsJumping Timelines and Navigating Through the 'Speeding Up' of TimeHow our bodies are changing and what these Dormant DNA Strands Actually do to Support You, Your Dreams and Your Life's Purpose and Mission on the PlanetLIVE Q A Readings too

  • with Guest Francis Weller, Author of "Entering the Healing Ground." Are you having trouble working through sadness around a loss in your life - a death, a failed relationship, the loss of a job?


    Are you having trouble working through sadness around a loss in your life - a death, a failed relationship, the loss of a job? Many times we avoid grieving because it feels scary and overwhelming. And yet, until we go through that process, we remain stuck in certain areas in our lives. Join Laura as she talks with Francis Weller, author of "Enterging the Healing Ground" about why healing grief is important and how you can begin that journey for yourself today.In Entering the Healing Ground, author and soul activist Francis Weller offers a new vision of grief and sorrow. He reveals the hidden vitality in grief, uncovered when the heart welcomes the sorrows of our life and those of the world. We are ripened in times of loss, made more human by the rites of grief. Through story, poetry and insightful reflections, Francis offers a meditation on the healing power of grief.

  • Guest Host Laura Longley - Choosing Vegetarianism for Ethical Reasons with Nutritional Consultant Michelle Bond


    Are you a meat eater? Laura Longley was for 54 years. On January 1, 2012 she got a clear message from the Universe that she was to stop eating animals. For her, this was an ethical choice, one about animal cruelty in the way food animals are raised and killed in the U.S. Being a vegetarian can be a lot more complicated than being an omnivore. It's sometimes difficult to get the right nutrition, and eating out can produce some pretty interesting meal combinations Michelle Bond is ready to answer your questions regarding nutrition and much more.

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