Career Tools is a weekly podcast focused on specific actions you can take to grow and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Career Tools won the Podcast Awards Best Business podcast in 2010 and was nominated every other year it has been eligible. Whether you are interested in jump-starting a stalled career, or sharpening your edge, Career Tools is the podcast for you. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Career Tools has had on their careers and lives.
External Interviews and Careers - Chapter 1
04/12/2009This cast describes the importance of external interviewing in career management, and how to begin to handle the interview.
Presentations - The Right Chart, Part 2
27/11/2009This cast concludes our conversation on how to choose the right chart for your data and message in a presentation.
Presentations - The Right Chart, Part 1
19/11/2009This cast describes how to choose the right chart for your data and message in a presentation.
How To Be Successful At Career Fairs - Part 2
13/11/2009In this cast, we conclude our recommendations for being effective at a Career Fair.
Career Fairs - Part 1
06/11/2009This cast describes Career Tools' general recommendations for being effective at a Career Fair.
Disagreeing With Your Boss - Part 2
29/10/2009This cast concludes our conversation on when it's okay to disagree with your boss, and how to do it.
Disagreeing With Your Boss - Part 1
23/10/2009This cast describes when it's okay to disagree with your boss, and how to do it.
Confidentiality With Bosses
15/10/2009This cast describes what to expect of our bosses when it comes to confidentiality of our communications with them.
Presentation Attire - Part 2
09/10/2009This cast concludes our conversation on how to dress when giving presentations.
Presentation Attire - Part 1
01/10/2009This cast recommends how to dress when giving presentations.
What Is Your Salary Expectation?
24/09/2009This cast is another in the series of how to answer the big 4 questions that recruiters ask.
What Are You Looking For?
17/09/2009This cast continues the series of the four questions recruiters will ask you with the second question: "what are you looking for?"
Meetings Breaks - Part 2
07/09/2009The conclusion of our discussion on how to effectively conduct Meeting Breaks.
Meeting Breaks - Part 1
04/09/2009This cast describes how to schedule and how to action breaks in meetings.
The Delta File
28/08/2009This cast recommends keeping an ongoing Delta File of changes you will make in the future.
Generation Y Careers #1: Parents Unwelcome
20/08/2009This cast recommends that Generation Y professionals keep their parents out of their careers.
What Is Your Current Situation?
13/08/2009This cast describes how to effectively answer the "What's your current situation?" question from a recruiter.
Airline Travel Basics #1 – Part 2
07/08/2009Part 2 of our conversation on the basics of Airline Travel.
Airline Travel Basics #1 - Part 1
31/07/2009This cast makes some basic recommendations regarding airline travel for professionals.
Midyear Goals Review - Part 2
23/07/2009This cast concludes our conversation on the Midyear Goals Review.