Career Tools is a weekly podcast focused on specific actions you can take to grow and enhance your career, whether you are a manager or not. Career Tools won the Podcast Awards Best Business podcast in 2010 and was nominated every other year it has been eligible. Whether you are interested in jump-starting a stalled career, or sharpening your edge, Career Tools is the podcast for you. Go to to read what others are saying about the impact Career Tools has had on their careers and lives.
How To Answer: What's The Lowest Salary You'll Take
20/01/2017Our guidance on answering the question: "What's the lowest salary you'll accept?"
Presentation Interviews
06/01/2017Our guidance on presentation interviews, when you have no advance warning of the topic, time, and so on.
Special Edition - The Wall Street Journal Features Manager Tools
08/12/2016In this bonus podcast, Mark comments on the recent Wall Street Journal article that featured Manager Tools.
Status On Demand
01/12/2016Our guidance on being able to give a Status on Demand (SoD) and the content of an SoD briefing.
Preparing for Your Review - HOF
24/11/2016Our Hall of Fame guidance on how to prepare for your review.
What To Say When Someone Crosses The Line
10/11/2016Our guidance on what to do when people don't 'get the hint', or don't change behaviors after repeated conversations.
How To Analyze Your Job Search - Quantity
03/11/2016Our guidance on how to analyze your job search.
Time (Priority) Management - Part 2 - HOF
27/10/2016Part 2 of our Hall of Fame guidance on time management.
Time (Priority) Management - Part 1 - HOF
20/10/2016Time management is a fallacy, we like to say. Time doesn't need you to "manage" it - it's been getting along just fine without you for billions of years. We can't manage time. But what we CAN manage is what we do with that time.
Creativity Basics
06/10/2016Our guidance on brainstorms and other situations which require creativity.
Relationship Errors - Giving Too Many Favors
29/09/2016Our guidance on balancing give and take in business relationships.
Task Management and the High D
22/09/2016Our guidance on how High Ds can manage tasks successfully.
Job Search Tracking
15/09/2016Our guidance on keeping track of information during your job search - and why it is important.